All about the holiday: April 1!

History of occurrence

“April Fool's Day” or “April Fool's Day” arose according to two possible versions, unfortunately, it is still unknown which of them is actually true.

In the first versionOn April 1, people celebrated Easter and the spring solstice, which was always accompanied by exuberant fun, songs, dances, as well as a playful mood.

According to the second version April 1 holiday arose with the transition to the Gregorian calendar. Earlier, back in the distant 1563-1564, people celebrated the New Year at the end of March, and when the calendar changed, many residents of that time did not accept the new rules, continuing to celebrate the New Year from January 25 to April 1. But other residents, who liked the new calendar, made fun of the first, calling them "April fools."

Traditions for April 1

An obligatory tradition, going from year to year, is to draw your loved ones, friends, acquaintances, as well as colleagues.

And of course a smile. Indeed, in such a holiday, smiling will be not only pleasant, but also useful, because a smile contributes to the disappearance of wrinkles in the lips.

Jokes on "fool's day"

Well, what could be more fun than not pin up a friend, work colleague, sister or brother. After all, April 1 was created for such jokes when you can make fun of a person, without offense and consequences. Of course, remember that jokes should have their limits so as not to scare a person or insult him with anything.. Read further our selection of harmless jokes on April 1.

Fun with strangers

Shock the public

In order for the joke to succeed, you should get into transport not at rush hour. Prepare in advance a pack of washing powder, in which you need to pour baby formula, or powdered sugar.

In any case, it should be something edible, but white in color to have maximum resemblance to real powder. For greater effectiveness, pour an empty jar of shampoo, and when you get into the transport, it is advisable to sit down at the place where many passengers will see you. With a serious and intelligent face, remove a packet of powder from a bag, openly open the packet and begin to eat the contents, alternately washing down with water from the bottle. Believe me, this will have an amazing effect on others)

Local celebrity

Choose a stop where there are a lot of people and decide on the future victim of a joke. Be sure to stock up on a notebook, pen and sharply run up to a stranger and start loudly saying that you are my idol, give an autograph. Most importantly, do not be shy, speak loudly, confidently and express sincere joy. At this time, your friends can shoot everything that happens on the phone.

Deer hunting

Dress one friend with a deer. You can make him a false nose, horns, as well as a ponytail. A friend should run past shops or supermarkets, or in other places where there is a large crowd of people and make characteristic animal sounds. And other friends, armed with home-made rifles (you can use cardboard), run after him to hunt, simultaneously clarifying with others: “Did the deer not run through here?”

Jokes over colleagues

Broken mouse

A harmless, but at the same time very funny joke can be arranged in the office without spending a lot of time. Take the sticker and stick the laser pointer on the computer mouse. The mouse will stop working, and colleagues will be at a loss what happened.

Surprise box

Take a small box without a bottom and place it on a high but prominent place. This could be an office closet or other suitable place. Pour candy, cut serpentine, pieces of paper into the box and sign the box with an attractive word, for example: “Surprise”. Few would endure so as not to look into the box and immediately pay for their curiosity.

Funny with tape

We glue on a colleague all the objects on the table: pens, pencils, erasers, etc., using double-sided tape and enjoy the picture.

Jokes over homework

Funny with computer

Perhaps the most popular and familiar joke with the replacement of the desktop image. Nevertheless, the victim of the rally does not always immediately understand what is happening, trying to deal with a frozen computer. And at this time you will be able to observe the sincere bewilderment of the acted out, chuckling quietly in a secluded place.

Under any pretext, pull the person from the computer and quickly make a desktop screen. To make a screen, you need to press the Print Screen button and paste the resulting image into the word program by holding down the Crl + V keys. When the photo appeared in the document, save it through a file, remember where, and then go to the image and select "set the background image to the desktop"

Funny with alarm

April 1 does not always fall on a day off, and especially for such cases, you can reconfigure the alarm. Get him an hour earlier than necessary, but if a person wakes up and does not notice the cheating, have time to tell him about the joke before leaving the house. After all, otherwise the poor man will come to work an hour earlier and will stand in front of the closed office doors, mentally hating you)

Funny soap

Solid hand soap is pre-coated with clear nail polish. And on the morning of April 1, you can watch a picture of how no one at home can use such an important hygienic item.

Jokes on the baby

Heavy briefcase

Be sure to ensure that your child collects the briefcase in the evening, and in the morning, quietly put a brick or soccer ball in his briefcase. Just imagine what the child’s eyes will be when he comes to school and opens the briefcase.

Inconvenient clothes

Take the child's blouse, which he is going to wear in the morning at school and sew on her sleeves. The same thing can be done with trousers, having sewn cutouts in trouser-legs.

Sticky slippers

Get up earlier than the child and stick double-sided tape to his slippers. Enjoy the funny picture after.

Jokes on a guy or husband

Delete contacts

Most importantly, you need a new number, or just ask a colleague for her phone number. Call the guy (husband) and in the most altered, but strict voice, call his name and patronymic and say that he owes money for a monthly fee. And within half an hour his SIM card will be blocked and all data from it will be erased.

Broken socks

Take all the socks that the husband has at home and sew them with thread in tone so that they are not visible. Leave one pair normal to give to the exhausted man who tried unsuccessfully to find normal socks.

Spilled milk

Pretty impressive joke over a man. Take the polyethylene, drip it abundantly with PVA glue and let the glue dry. When the glue has dried, transfer it to the keyboard, and pour milk into a glass and stand next to it. When your husband or boyfriend enters the room, cry out loud that you spilled milk ...

Jokes over girlfriend

Delicious sweets

Buy a box of chocolates in white chocolate and sprinkle them with salt mixed with powdered sugar. Go visit a friend ostensibly just to drink a tea with sweets and wait for a girlfriend to take the first candy.

Fake cockroach

In the joke shop you can buy a cockroach toy, which has a very great resemblance to a real mustachioed monster. Take a cockroach and not noticeably throw a friend on the sofa, but in no case not on it itself, so as not to frighten it much. And then shout: “Oh, do you have cockroaches?” When a friend pays attention to a toy, you can start to panic, shouting to her: “kill him, kill him!”

Real money

Go out with a friend to the street and go to the nearest store and as if by the way tell that your boyfriend (mother, aunt, brother) gave you a souvenir note. And she is so similar to the real one that no one will distinguish. But of course, they will notice the change at the bank or at the checkout. And put the bill in your wallet. And when you are already standing at the checkout, you abruptly take a bill and give it to the cashier, ambiguously winking at your friend and pushing her to the side. At the same time, speak loudly so that both the cashier and girlfriend hear: “Thank you for giving me money in loans, I’ll just buy products. You are a true friend! ”

Cool SMS on April 1

  • "Good afternoon, I am a virus that has brains, eror, eror no brains were found, eror, eror"
  • “Dear, give me money! Oh, I'm sorry dear, I'm not for you .... "
  • “I love you very much Volodya” (when your boyfriend or husband’s name is Maxim) The same joke, by the way, can also be used for women.

Congratulations on April 1 in pictures

As noted on April 1 in other countries

France and Italy

The French and Italians are very creative in their draws on such a fun day. They quietly attach fish to the backs or other part of the clothes of the person being played. And the victim can pass this way all day without noticing a “gift”. Such people in France and Italy are called "April Fools"


In this country, they treat well by April 1, but only in the strictly allotted time. From midnight to noon. But if you play a joke on a person after the appointed time, then conservative Englishmen can take a joke as an insult.


Finns in particular are joking with their children. They send them to their neighbors for a glass or plastic plow. Many neighbors, shrugging their shoulders, answer to the children that they gave the plow. But others may explain to them that this is an April Fool’s joke.


In Scotland, April 1 is called Cuckoo's Day and is traditionally celebrated on April 1 and 2. On the first day, everything goes according to a plan familiar to us, and on the second, the Scots begin to fool around. They glue or tie to the clothes played out, false tails. On such a day, all jokes come down to the fifth point, and often in offices you can notice a pillow pillow and other items of a similar nature.


This is where they really love the April 1st holiday, so it's in Bulgaria. Bulgarians gladly tease each other, doing little dirty tricks and arranging pranks. And especially interesting is the fact that local newspapers make fun of their residents, publishing fantastic news.


Adult Americans are mostly limited to jokes over the phone. But American kids and teens can have some fun. They can paint other people's houses, as well as throwing lawn with toilet paper. At school, each student can walk with a white back after a friendly hug using chalk.


