What could be more pleasant than a sweet presentation for a particular holiday, especially if it is presented in the original packaging? After all, we all women love sweets and flowers, and if you combine these two options, you will get a truly chic and unusual gift.
Sweet bouquets more and more often became popular among gifts. After all, giving your mother an original bouquet with her favorite flowers mixed with her favorite chocolate for her birthday will be not only beautiful, but also delicious. In this article we will talk about how to make a beautiful, original, unusual, as well as a very, very tasty, sweet bouquet.
Sweet Bouquets for Beginners
Made of caramel
If you are making a sweet bouquet for the first time, it is best to take a bouquet with minimal elements to begin with. So it will be easier for you to start, and then you can move on to more complex elements and decorations.
You'll need:
- Lilac Corrugated Paper
- White or purple threads
- Scissors
- Thin tape
- Serpentine or color ribbon
- Caramels of any shape and color
- Wooden skewers
Manufacturing process:
Using a wooden skewer, pierce the caramel package and use tape to fasten it like a leg.
To make flower leaves, take a corrugated sheet of paper and cut it into longitudinal, long strips. Then fold it and start cutting flowers, as shown in the figure. As a result, you should get a garland.
After each leaf stands, spread it with your fingers, stretching the paper. Be sure to give each petal a slightly curved shape using the usual paper roll.
Then on a wooden skewer, begin to fasten your leaves with adhesive tape. By the way, to make it more convenient, you can use double-sided tape. When the flower is formed, fix its base on the skewer with the help of threads and start wrapping the free part of the skewer with a green ribbon or serpentine.
Do the same with the rest of the flowers, depending on the amount you want to see in your bouquet. The most important number of flowers should be odd. After you form a bouquet that you can tie with a transparent ribbon for flowers, make a romantic bow or just put a bouquet in a decorative vase.
Original cupcake bunch
You'll need:
- Ready cupcakes can be of any color, as well as fillings.
- Cream for flowers (edible)
- A small plastic pot.
- Foam ball
- Double-sided tape
- Wooden toothpicks
Manufacturing process:
Insert a foam ball into a plastic pot, preferably in bright colors. By the way, you can use a different container for this manipulation, if there is no way to purchase a pot. The same thing applies to the foam ball. You can form it yourself out of paper using tape. Take the paper, make a big lump out of it, and then glue it completely with tape. You can take colored tape so that paper is not visible, however, this is not essential. On the ball itself, you need to mark the line connecting the pot and its center.
In the pot itself, it is worth pouring something to make it heavier. It can be caramels, but so that a ball can come in from above and the caramels do not interfere with it, or whatever groats are in the bag. Glue a strip of tape on the ball.
After that, remove the adhesive tape and set the ball in the pot, trying to make it sit tight.
From the central part of the ball to the pot you need to glue it with adhesive tape. This is to ensure that in the future your ball can withstand cupcakes.
Then starting from the center of the ball, stick two toothpicks into it, at an equal distance from each other (about 1 cm). The toothpick itself is worth sticking into the ball to such a depth that its peering part is less than the height of the cupcake itself.
After that, stick cupcakes on each toothpick, trying to do it as close to each other as possible.
Then, using a pastry bag, draw cream roses on each cupcake. It is advisable to pick up the cream in a delicate color resembling pink buds.
Jelly bouquet
The simplest bouquet for children can be made from wooden skewers and jelly candies. By the way, such sweets can have different figures: bears, worms, beads and others
Take a beautiful, small vase and decorate it with a napkin, or decorative flowers. After, each candy should be strung on a wooden skewer. Collect all the skewers and put them in a vase.
Workshop on creating a sweet bouquet
You'll need:
- 7 round candies (preferably chocolate)
- Corrugated paper in three colors (colors should match each other in tone), for example, lilac, purple and green.
- Tape tape
- Wire
- Ordinary threads
- Scotch
- Glue or glue gun
Manufacturing process:
From green paper you need to cut 7 strips of 2 cm by 52 cm. Lilac rectangles 2 cm by 50 cm, purple 5 rectangles 5 by 4.
Attach a wire to the tip of the candy wrapper with glue, and then wrap the edges of the candy wrapper with green paper so that it covers the rest of the wire. The buds themselves will be made of lilac and purple paper. Take the rectangles and swipe them to make something like a wave. Insert the candy into the wire inside and fasten the paper at the base with the tape.
Strawberry bouquet
You'll need:
- Strawberry, about 300 grams
- Any flowers
- Green twigs (artificial can be)
- Colored wrapping paper (or plain)
- Silk ribbon of any color
- Long wooden skewers
Manufacturing process:
Strawberries for a bouquet, it is desirable to select the same in size, and of course beautiful in appearance. Strawberries must be firm so that they do not flow in our bouquet. Be sure to wash the strawberries before making the bouquet, while leaving the ponytails.
The stalks and skewers should be the same size, but flower buds can be slightly larger than the strawberries themselves, but no less.
After, on wooden skewers in turn it is worth stringing strawberries. One skewer, one berry. It is not necessary to string the berries very deeply on a skewer, because the strawberry did not sleep with it. When all the berries are strung, collect them in a bunch, wrap them in flowers and pack them in wrapping paper. Greens should be distributed between the flowers on the very edge of the bouquet. The tail of the bouquet to fix with colored silk ribbon.
By the way, in this bouquet you can add chocolates, which will be in candy wrappers (such candy wrappers should be washed before use in a bouquet). Another interesting solution is to sprinkle strawberries with grated chocolate.
Bouquet with edible buds
You'll need:
- A beautiful piece of fabric measuring 10 * 10 cm.
- 2 green felt leaves
- Small, round sweets or sweets (based on the calculation of 1 bud, 2 pcs. Sweets)
- Wooden, thin sticks (as many as you have flowers)
- Green electrical tape.
Manufacturing process:
Put the sweets together as shown.
Put them in a piece of colored fabric.
Fold the fabric so that it looks like a flower bud.
Take it by the base and insert a wooden stick in the tail of the fabric.
We twist the place of confluence of fabric and sticks with the help of green electrical tape.
Wrap the stick in electrical tape to the very end, as shown in the picture.
After we add the leaves.
Place them at the base of the bud and wrap them with green tape.
After doing the same manipulations with other flowers and form a bouquet. Then wrap it in a beautiful, wrapping paper or tie a silk bow.
Sunflower bouquet
A very realistic bouquet, which is very simple to make, and the result is beautiful and original.
You'll need:
- Sweets visually similar to small seeds (they should have a round shape, as well as a dark, black candy wrapper)
- Double-sided tape
- Glue gun
- Scissors
- Yellow and Dark Green Corrugated Paper
- Foam base
- Organza
- Wooden toothpicks
Manufacturing process:
From yellow paper, cut a wide strip of at least 5 cm wide. Cut a circle of at least 5 cm thick from the foam and glue its front side with dark green paper.
Then glue the plastic base in a circle with yellow paper.
Then glue dark green paper just below the level of the yellow paper and make small cuts to get the sunflower petals.
Glue the candies with double-sided tape in the center of your flower. Fill the whole inner part with sweets so that in the end you get an imitation of black seeds.
Then make green petals from organza. Cut small squares from the material and glue them by folding the widow to the tip of the toothpick. Insert the toothpicks with the free edge along the outer edge of the inside.
The flower can be decorated with a silk ribbon or any other elegant and colored flap. Colored serpentine or twine is also suitable.