How to straighten hair at home (40 photos)

Hair dryer

Hair dryer and comb

For those girls who have large curls, unfortunately this option is not suitable. Since this will simply not be enough to straighten such curly locks.

You will need a hair dryer, good power, as well as a brush comb large or small diameter. First you need to wash your hair and dry your hair with a towel.

Then turn on the hair dryer in hot air and, using a comb brush, grab one strand of hair, and blow the hair dryer through it until it dries completely. This method will help you straighten your hair quickly and accurately.

To keep the effect lasting, sprinkle the finished result with hairspray.


Hair dryer and cold air

To make your hair straight, you can use a hairdryer in the cold air supply. Clean, damp hair should be dried a little with a hairdryer in a cold air supply.

When the hair is almost dried, you should wrap it around your head and stab the hair with hairpins. So you need to leave it overnight, and in the morning it’s worth combing them well with a scallop. It is advisable to sprinkle hair with liquid silk for easy combing.


Hair dryer

Another tool that is very convenient to straighten hair at home. In fact, a hair dryer is the same hair dryer, but with a convenient nozzle in the form of a round comb on it.

Such a hair dryer passes air through special holes in the nozzle, which allows you to dry your hair much faster than a regular hair dryer.

In order to straighten your hair, you need to scroll the curls with a hairdryer. You should start from the back of the head with the lower strands, gradually moving up.



Perhaps everyone is familiar with this method of straightening hair with an iron. Just remember that your hair should always be dry and the temperature of the iron should not exceed 150 degrees. Since high temperatures can damage your hair.

Straightening strands with an iron always starts from the bottom of the head. For convenience, upper hair can be attached to the crown with forceps hair clips. Ironing should go along the strand from the root to the ends of the hair. Squeeze the strand with forceps and confidently run them over the entire surface of the hair.

Do not forget to apply the iron before applying, each lock is well combed with a comb comb.

Move from bottom to top, gradually processing all the hair. When you reach the end, then spray the finished result with hairspray.


Few people know that milk can be used to straighten hair. You need to hold all the hair in milk for 10 minutes.

After wrapping your head and hair with polyethylene and wrap it in a warm, terry towel. In the morning it is worth combing the hair with a comb-comb with rare teeth.


