When we hear the word lipstick, we immediately imagine the lips. After all, lipstick exists for applying cosmetics on the lips, which explains our thoughts. But not all lipsticks are only suitable for lips. Beauty industry does not stand still, developing every day. So the light and eyebrow lipstick appeared.
Eyebrow lipstick is a very convenient, versatile tool that is easy to apply and has a long lasting effect. Lipstick for eyebrows is available in convenient cases, which adds popularity to this type of makeup.
What is lipstick for eyebrows
Eyebrow lipstick has a creamy and very resistant texture. It has high plasticity, which makes it easy to apply on your eyebrows.
Lipstick for eyebrows exists in different color categories, ranging from light tones to dark brown. It is very easy for her to use at home, and also this product rarely causes allergy attacks.
But still worth remembering! Individual intolerance to the components can be in any person, so before using it is worth doing a test for an allergic reaction.
Types of Lipsticks for Eyebrows
Lipstick for eyebrows is available in several variations:
The first - the most popular type of lipstick in a jar, which weighs no more than 3 grams. It has a round shape with an easily unscrewed but very tight lid. A collection of flowers in 8 different tones.
Second - Liquid lipstick gel. Such lipsticks are available in plastic cases with a thin nose, which is very convenient when applying lipstick on eyebrows. Liquid lipstick gel is considered the most persistent type of all lipsticks.
Third - Lipstick comes in the form of a pencil with a thick, greasy stylus. Such a pencil is more convenient than the previous options, because you do not need a special brush to apply it.
Fourth - This option is not very popular in our country, but nevertheless it exists. Lipstick for eyebrows is available in the usual case, like lipstick, only has a distinctively distinctive color and has a different purpose.
Eyebrow Lipstick Technique
Often, along with lipstick, they sell in a set a special double-sided brush. At one end, it has a beveled, ragged edge, and at the other is a simple brush.
Lipstick is applied to the eyebrows in several approaches. First, take some funds and apply it on the lower edge of the eyebrow, as shown in the figure. Then fill the entire space with lipstick and blend with a brush.
To properly tint eyebrows lipstick, first you need to comb them a little. When the hairs are in the right position, you can start applying lipstick. With a pencil, they begin to dye from the inner edge of the eyebrow, gradually moving forward to the outer tail. Do not press hard on the pencil, because you can get too bright, unnatural color.