How to make white eyebrows at home (35 photos)

Many blondes have a natural light, almost white eyebrow color. And not long ago, the girls tried to darken such eyebrows in every possible way, without leaving a hint of a light tone. But over the years, fashion has changed and now light almost white eyebrows have become a real hit.

But what about those girls who do not have such eyebrows by nature. To do this, we wrote this article to tell you how to make white eyebrows at home.

Using hydrogen peroxide

For eyebrows with a red, light brown and other not very dark shade.

In order to lighten the eyebrow hairs in several tones, you need to 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Such a solution is a fairly inexpensive tool, but very effective in terms of clarification. Due to its property, peroxide affects the hair follicle, thereby stopping the production of melanin.

Of course, it will be difficult for you to achieve an instant effect, because peroxide will lighten hairs gradually. To do this, wipe with a cotton swab dipped in peroxide your eyebrows once a day, within 3 weeks. If you notice redness or dryness of the skin, stop the procedure or limit the application of peroxide to 1 time in two days.

With whitening creams

For dark and black eyebrows

Here the situation is more complicated than with the previous option. To make black eyebrows white, you need to purchase special whitening creams. With the help of such creams, you can achieve the desired effect in the shortest possible time.

Such a cream is applied to the eyebrows after a mandatory check for an allergic reaction.. You should apply the cream on the cheekbones and wait a few minutes. If, in addition to light burning, you have no other reactions, then you can use this cream.

Apply a little cream to pre-clean and dried eyebrows, leave the mixture on 3 minutes and rinse with a sponge dipped in water. Then repeat the procedure. The procedure can be done once a day, until the desired result is achieved.


With a white pencil, flesh-colored powder, and concealerYou can easily do white eyebrow makeup. To start, comb the eyebrows to put the hair in order, then apply on themconcealer.


After a couple of seconds, start drawing with a white pencil along the contour of the eyebrows themselves. When the outline is ready, gently shade the inside of the eyebrows and use the applicator to blend the hatching areas.

The applicator is better to choose with a fluffy beveled brush on the end, as it will be more convenient to use.

And after using the applicator, you apply powder on your eyebrows. Try to apply powder on the eyebrow itself and go a little on the skin.

Place the confluence of the powder with the skin, blend with the applicator, this will help to hide the transition.


