Eyebrow Types
The shape of the eyebrows can be different and not suitable for every type of face. To choose exactly suitable form you need to know what type of person you have. How to do it right, read more in our article.
When you are confident in the shape of future eyebrows, then you should think about its thickness. Indeed, many girls prefer thin eyebrows, while others in a more natural form. But what kind is right for you is another question.
You should see all further information in our article, and you will definitely understand for yourself what will be best suited to your type.
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Kink eyebrows
One of the most popular forms of eyebrows is the kink shape. This form is perfect for almost all girls and women of any age. After all, this form has a slightly daring appearance.
It visually seems to raise the corner of your eye, giving you a playful mood.
Straight eyebrows
This shape of eyebrows is not suitable for everyone, but it has an amazing ability to rejuvenate the face. The fashion for straight eyebrows came to us relatively recently from oriental women. And she firmly entrenched in the hearts of our fashionistas.
Straight eyebrows even correct your face if you have some angularities that you would like to hide. But also remember that straight eyebrows will add some severity to your face.
Rising eyebrows
Ascending form An eyebrow suggests an ascending line with a noticeable kink at the end. Such a kink turns into a sharp, short tail.
With her, your eyes will gain unprecedented expressiveness, creating the impression that you are looking at a person directly into the soul.
Arched eyebrows
Arched eyebrows suitable for those girls who want to visually enlarge their eyes. After all, this form has a wide oval, which opens a good view of the ascending eyelid, which thereby helps to make the eyes larger.
Arched eyebrows have a wide beginning, and the tip always ends with a long, sharp edge. Sometimes the tip may have a shorter tail, which does not spoil the image at all.
Fashionable width
The most fashionable width this year is the wide, natural eyebrows.. As they say, natural beauty has always been valued more and finally this statement appeared in the main fashionable accents 2019 makeup.
Your eyebrows should have a wide strip and it does not matter what shape you choose. Most importantly, they should have a natural color or perhaps a slight tinting with a pencil a tone higher than the color of your eyebrows. Also an absolute hit, it is considered to specially rash razmoglitvat eyebrows with a special brush.