Makeup for 30-year-olds (50 photos)

Women in 30 years are still young and beautiful, but more intelligent and wise. And often they have a question, and which makeup is best to choose. After all, today we are at work, tomorrow on vacation, and soon a grandiose party is planned. And what will be better? Just tint your eyes or focus on the lips, and leave your eyes unattended?

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In this article we will tell you what features of makeup exist for 30 year old women and how to choose the right makeup for all occasions.

Makeup Features

By the age of 30, the skin begins to lose its former elasticity, but it still looks beautiful and quite elastic in appearance. But still, it's time for you to start thinking about its saturation with the help of special creams with nutrients.

In order not to cause skin irritation, every time before applying makeup, girls are recommended to clean it. You can use a tonic with cucumber extract, as well as special micellar water.

Such actions will lead to the fact that any foundation in the form of a foundation or powder will lie on your skin better. And of course, the skin under the influence of cosmetics will not be so much affected by its negative influence.

Office makeup

We spend most of our lives at work and of course we are interested in what makeup is best for working hours. Makeup for the office should not be too bright and appealing. Because you are in the workplace, where representativeness and restraint are always welcomed, not only in terms of clothing, but also in makeup.

Do not paint your eyes and lips too brightly, such a make-up is clearly not suitable for working hours. It is best to focus on one aspect of your face. If these are eyes, then you can pick up shades a tone brighter than your skin, or apply a brighter version in the form of colored shades or dark matte.

Romantic makeup

Romantic makeup must necessarily be complemented by a beautiful styling or hairstyle with large or small curls. In this type of makeup, it is very important to focus on your lips, making them more sensual with the help of berry lipsticks.

It will be a very good move to tint the cheekbones with blush, which will help to create a look of beautiful and healthy skin. Mandatory is the light toning of bruises under the eyes, various skin defects with mineral powder, as well as the use of concealer.

Club makeup

Makeup in the club involves brightly highlighted eyes and lips. A sort of style, "vamp", which very well fit into a noisy night party. Another very interesting choice would be to purchase neon lipstick, which is quite fashionable lately.

Makeup for relaxation

Perhaps the most delicate question is what kind of makeup to choose for summer holidays. And we will answer you - waterproof, unless of course the matter concerns rest on the sea. Initially, you need to prepare the eyebrows, tinting them in the cabin with paint or henna. But as a make-up for the eyes, use waterproof mascara, which does not leak when in contact with water.

If you want to just walk along the promenade without heavily burdening your face with makeup, then choose a light pastel tone lipstick and the same shadows. If you wish, apply mascara, and it is also worth using protective face creams so that the skin does not get sunburned during long walks.

But for a photo shoot on vacation, it is advisable to tint in a more vibrant and romantic theme. Use red lipstick and eye shadow in a light beige shade. This will help to create a beautiful contrast of colors, and the photos will turn out as successful as possible.


