How to color eyebrows: paint, henna, eye shadow and pencil (50 photos)

There are many ways to tint eyebrows and each of them is good in its own way. Paint, eye shadow, pencil, as well as henna help girls save time to make our eyebrows beautiful and perfect. But which of the methods requires constant updating, and the other lasts much longer than the previous one?

In this article we will talk about different types of eyebrow tinting, and also tell you how to make perfect eyebrows at home using henna.

We paint eyebrows with a pencil

A fairly traditional version of tinting eyebrows is a pencil. With a pencil, you can make a beautiful shape of the eyebrows, as well as tint them.

The pencil should have a bold texture, which will be more convenient when applying it on the eyebrows. In order for the pencil not to float during work, it should be put in the refrigerator for a while.

To beautifully tint the eyebrow, it is worth starting with drawing the shape of the future eyebrow.

When the form is ready, you gradually shade its middle, leaving the inner tail at the very last moment.

Shade eyebrows

By tinting techniques, shadows are considered comfortable themselves. Shadows have a matte, smooth structure that allows them to be applied evenly on eyebrows. Shadows paint over all hairs without exception, which helps to create the effect of the density of eyebrows.

There are dry and liquid shadows, as well as wax pencils. See here for more details. Tinting eyebrows with shadows is from the middle of the central part, gradually moving to the end of the tail. You need to apply a little shadow on the center and a little on the tail, and then use the applicator to blend the shadows along the entire length of the eyebrow.

Such tricky manipulations will help create the effect of beautifully tinted eyebrows.

Paint eyebrows

Eyebrow dye can be purchased at any specialized store. Just choose a good brand of paint to reduce the likelihood of an allergic reaction.

Each box of paint contains instructions on how to properly breed it. First you need to apply cream on the skin around the eyebrows (without touching the eyebrows themselves). The cream should be oily enough so that the paint cannot break through it and stain your skin.

Then apply the paint on the eyebrows with a brush and leave on 10-15 minutes. After removing the paint with a sponge dipped in warm water. The paint will stay on your eyebrows for 2-3 weeks.

We color eyebrows with henna

Henna eyebrow dyeing is also known in the world as biotattoo. This type of painting is considered the safest, since henna is an organic product, and it does not cause allergies. Read more about henna painting here.

When you do henna painting in the salon, the master puts the eyebrows in order, making the desired shape. Then apply a mixture of henna and additives on the eyebrows themselves and leave the composition for 20 minutes.

The effect of dyeing eyebrows with henna lasts for 2-3 weeks, depending on your skin.

We color eyebrows with henna at home

If you are sure that you do not have an allergy, then you do not need to do a test for it. And if not, it’s better to do it. Dilute some henna in a small amount of water and apply on the inside of the hand. The test should be done a day before staining. If you see redness or irritation, then you should not use henna.

When we pass the allergy test, we proceed to the preparation of henna. Pour about 1 teaspoon of henna into a bowl and add a little water, stir well until smooth. After that, apply oily cream to the skin around the eyebrows so that henna does not stain the skin itself.

Then you need to make the desired shape with a pencil. Draw it and begin to gradually apply henna to the eyebrow. Start from the central part, gradually moving towards the outer tail, and then tint a part of the inner corner.

It is recommended to leave henna for 40 minutes, after which henna is washed off with the help of a sponge dipped in sea buckthorn or olive oil.

After the procedure, you should forget about cosmetics for several days, and also do not touch and wet your eyebrows. The effect of henna painting at home lasts about 2 weeks.


