Permanent makeup has a pretty wide field of action. With this technique you can make beautiful arrows, eyebrows, as well as shadows with the effect of blending and lipstick. The effect of such a make-up has a very long time, and its correction does not require much time and heavy expenses. In this article we will tell you what type of permanent makeup will be best chosen, how often to make corrections, provide proper care, as well as about the healing period.
- What is permanent makeup
- Permanent Lip Makeup
- Execution technique
- Healing
- Care
- Correction
- Before and after selection
- Eyebrows
- Powder coating technology
- Healing
- Care
- Correction
- Before and after selection
- Permanent make-up with shading
- Execution technique
- Healing
- Care
- Correction
- Before and after selection
- Permanent make-up shooter
- Application Technique
- Healing
- Care
- Correction
- Before and after selection
- Contraindications
What is permanent makeup
Permanent make-up - From the word penetration - introduction. With the help of a special needle, the permanent composition is introduced into the upper layers of the dermis, thereby forming a pattern. That is, in a different way - it imitates the look of ordinary makeup.
This type of makeup is also used for people with skin defects due to acne, burns, as well as other possible options.
Unfortunately, it is impossible to check the body's response to a permanent. Only after the introduction of this coloring matter under the skin, any negative reaction can be detected.
But in particular, most cases of allergies occur due to the use of low-quality products, as well as inexperience or negligence of the specialist himself.
Permanent makeup is performed in several ways.
- Hardware using a special needle.
- Powder technology
- Needle technique
Unfortunately technique using a needle not applicable in our country. Since it has rather bad consequences, after which a girl or woman has needle scars on her skin, and the pigment itself spreads over time.
Be sure to remember: that this procedure should only be performed in trusted salons by real specialists, otherwise there is a very big risk of poor-quality makeup. If you yourself want to become a specialist in the field of permanent makeup, then there are professional schools that teach this. An example of such a school: “Faculty of Beauty”
Permanent Lip Makeup
Execution technique
If you suffer from a fuzzy lip contour, or do you think that they are too thin? In your case, permanent makeup is simply necessary. Using this technique of introducing pigment under the skin, a specialist will be able to draw the contour along which he will work.
The specialist will see how and what to do correctly, so you don’t worry, you will definitely be consulted about this. Permanent makeup specialist is called Liner. The procedure for introducing a permanent occurs in the following steps:
- To begin with, you discuss with Lynearzhista the shape and contour of your lips, as well as the intensity of the fill color.
- After the line-up draws around your lips, according to the previously agreed contour, and fills the entire cavity of the lips with a pencil.
- When you are convinced that everything is exactly as it should, Linergist proceeds to treat the lips and mouth.
- He then applies pain medication to your lips to help reduce pain during the procedure.
- Then the Linergyst proceeds with the introduction of pigment under the skin, with a special apparatus using a needle.
- At the end of the procedure, the specialist treats the lips with anti-inflammatory drugs.
Permanent lip makeup is one and the same thing as a small operation. After all, the integrity of the skin is violated, and the process of its healing will require some time. In particular, it is 14 days from the moment the pigment is introduced under the skin, and the color itself will reach its concentration in a month.
Redness of the skin, as well as covering the lips with a crust, is normal. The most important thing in no case should you give up this educationso as not to interfere with the healing process. Within three days, the crust will come off by itself.
After the procedure, it is worth using anti-inflammatory drugs that your specialist will prescribe. Within 7 days antiviral drugs are usually prescribed after the procedure.
In this healing period (14 days) You should forget about lipstick, too bright sun, sauna and bath.
Correction of permanent lip makeup is made depending on how much pigment resistance you have. If you have oily skin, the pigment will stay less than dry. For lip correction you should go for 3-4 weeksafter the procedure.
Typically, the makeup lasts for 3-5 years, after which repeated correction will be needed.
Before and after selection
Permanent lip makeup is a convenient type of makeup, but a bold enough choice. Most importantly, you should remember that even with the use of an anesthetic, you will still be a little painful and not comfortable. Because the lips are a large accumulation of nerve endings and only complete anesthesia could completely relieve you of pain.
We have selected for you several photos that clearly show the result of applying permanent makeup
Powder coating technology
In the case of eyebrows, as shown by many years of practice, it is best to apply permanent makeup with powder technology. The fact is that another technique - shorting, does not always turn out to be neat and looks unnatural in use on eyebrows. In 90% of all cases, it turns out it is a bad, negative result. Therefore, if you want to make permanent eyebrow make-up successfully, it is best to choose a sanding technique.
Powder technology - This is a type of permanent makeup, which, with the help of a microneedle, lifts the upper layer of the dermis quite a bit. The magnitude of the raised layer is measured in microns, as well as the introduction of a dye into the skin itself. This technique is less painful, and the result is beautiful and natural.
- To begin, the master with your help creates the shape and color of the eyebrows. He draws a future eyebrow with a pencil and when the result satisfies the client, he starts processing the working area.
- Master apply lidocaine on the eyebrows and the area around them. Such a drug will help to anesthetize sensitivity, and the procedure will be painless.
- Then he applies a pigment under the skin using a hardware machine, shading the bald spots.
If the procedure is carried out correctly, then your eyebrows will peel off during the week. This is a normal and correct reaction to pigmentation. Slight redness and a slight swelling are also possible.
Healing of eyebrows after applying powdery makeup usually takes about a month or a half. And three weeks after the procedure, the coloring pigment is evenly distributed under the skin and the eyebrows will acquire a more natural color.
After the procedure, it is not recommended to visit the sauna, bathhouse, as well as a long time in the hot sun.
In the first three days you can not use cosmetics, facial scrubs, as well as cosmetics, as well as washing.
Eyebrows during the healing period (about a month) should be lubricated with olive, sunflower oil, as well as petroleum jelly.
For more accurate remedies that can be used for care, it is worth consulting with a master. But most importantly, they should not contain alcohol, as well as other aggressive compounds.
After the first procedure, makeup correction is carried out a month later.
This will strengthen the result and allow you to wear this type of makeup for1-2 yearsdepending on the quality of the pigment.
Before and after selection
Permanent makeup using powder spraying technology helps to create a beautiful and natural eyebrow makeup.
Permanent make-up with shading
Execution technique
The technique of performing permanent eyelid makeup with shading is similar to other options for performing permanent makeup (eyebrows, lips)
- The master also speaks with you the future filling with the shadows of the century, as well as the intensity of their color.
- Then anesthetizes the working area and proceeds to the introduction of pigment into the skin of the eyelids. Since this is a dangerous area, because it is located in close proximity to the eye, the needle of the device enters the skin by microns, not severely injuring it.
- After the master covers the eyelid area and the area around them with a disinfecting gel.
For the first time, redness is possible, as well as slight swelling. Then a crust appears that cannot be stripped off, since the healing process can be disrupted. Usually the crust lasts from 3 to 5 days, then disappears. And the healing process itself lasts about 3 weeks.
After the procedure, you can use green tea without additives, for washing the eyelids. Take a steep tea leaves and cool it to room temperature. Without diluting with water using a fleece or bandage (sterile), drop eyes abundantly with it.
You can also use Bepanten, throughout the healing process, three times a day.
But for a better choice of skin care for the eyelids after applying this makeup, it is recommended to consult with a specialist.
After the procedure, the master must write you down for a second correction in a month. Since the pigment is unpretentious thing and it may not work out the first time this or that color that you would like.
But of course, there are cases when the correction at such a fast time will not be needed.
Here, everything is purely individual and the master will tell you what will be right.
Before and after selection
This collection contains photographs before and after the procedure. They clearly show what an amazing result gives a permanent make-up of the century.
Permanent make-up shooter
Application Technique
In this type of permanent makeup, you can do arrows in different ways.
- In the first, the space between the eyelashes is painted over.
- In the second one arrow is drawn on the upper eyelid
- In the third, two arrows are drawn, on the lower and upper eyelids.
In any of the options, you and the master speak out all aspects of the future arrow. It can have a long, sharp tail or a blunt and short one. Here, the most important thing is to choose exactly the option that will most suit your type of face, as well as the section of your eyes.
- After that, the master starts drawing a drawing of the arrow on your eyelid and when the result is approved, begins to apply anesthetic cream.
- 10 minutes after application, the master begins to introduce pigment into the skin. With the help of the apparatus and a special game, which enters the skin of the eyelid by no more than 1 millimeter, a black dye (pigment) is introduced into the dermis layer
- When the pigment is fully introduced according to the drawing, the master disinfects the eye area with an antiseptic.
During the first days, you will experience swelling and redness of the eyelids, which is a normal reaction due to this procedure. For the first time, a frozen crust will also appear on the eyelids. you can not pluck. This can interfere with the healing process, which is not good.
After about 3 days, the crust will come off, and the complete healing of the arrows occurs within 1-2 weeks.
For eyelid skin care, for the first time you need days Chlohexidine 0.05%. Wet a cotton swab in such a solution and gently draw it along the line of the drawn arrows. It is also allowed to treat eyelids with hydrocortisone ointment.
For the first time days after the procedure, you can not wash your eyes, and also use cosmetics until complete healing.
You can’t go to the bathhouse, sauna, spend too much time in the scorching sun, or swim in the ponds and lakes.
Correction of shooters can be carried out as early as a month after the procedure. But this is only if you see that your arrows are not bright enough or just want to adjust the shape.
And so, according to statistics, the permanent makeup of the shooter lasts for from 5 to 10 years depending on the quality of the material.
Before and after selection
The result of permanent make-up of arrows is striking in its realism. After all, the result is a real make-up, as if you just had a pencil or eyeliner in your eye.
- HIV infection
- Hepatitis of any groups
- Chronic diseases of the internal organs
- Renal and liver failure
- Psoriasis
- Diabetes
- Epilepsy
- Skin cleides
- Hemophilia and thrombocytapia
- Poor blood coagulation
Also, you can not carry out this procedure in a state of alcohol or drug intoxication. Or under the influence of sedatives, sedatives.