All of us girls dream of a beautiful, thick and heavy hair. But not everyone can boast long and healthy hair. After all, our ecology, as well as the rhythm of life, does not always contribute to their growth and strengthening.
But there is an excellent hair extension technique that will help create beautiful, long hair that is no different from natural. Also you can choose any color and length. This procedure is quite expensive, but worth it. And if you decide to do it or have already done it, then you should know how to properly care for hair extensions at home.
How to wash hair extensions
The fact is that you will have to forget about the usual shampooing with throwing hair forward. Because in this case, the hair will gain moisture and under the weight of water there is a risk that they will be damaged.
The main rule before washing hair extensions, you should comb them well. In this case, use a natural wooden comb.
After, stand in the shower, and apply shampoo to the ends of the hair. What is the best shampoo to choose, let's talk in this article just below. Then you will need to carefully foam it, trying not to confuse the strands between each other, otherwise it will be very difficult to comb them later.
For hair extensions, no matter how long they are, a single application of shampoo is enough. You should not wash your hair several times, as we usually do with native hair. Once, a well-foamed shampoo will be enough to wash away all the dirt and sweat from them.
Also, in no case, you can not go to bed with a wet head. And how to dry your hair correctly, read below.
For hair extensions, the best option would be to choose a sulfate-free shampoo. It should not contain wax, silicone or oil. And in order not to make a mistake in your choice, then give preference to specialized shampoos. These are the brands Estel, Keune, Constant, Barex and others.
How to comb hair extensions
Most importantly, you must decide for yourself the choice of tool. Will your comb brush or comb. Of course, it is best to choose a comb - a trident. It should be made of real wood, with a comfortable handle and long teeth.
And if you still decide to choose a brush, then it should not have balls on the end. Otherwise, such balls can catch keratin capsules and tear them out. You can choose a massage with silicone bristles, as well as natural ones. This will help preserve the structure of the hair when combing without damaging them.
Combing method
- The most important thing to remember is that you should never comb wet hair.
- You should comb your hair at least 2 times a day. Otherwise, there is a risk that your curls will become very confused, and you will not be able to comb them without damaging the place of splicing.
- You need to start combing from the ends of the hair, gradually moving forward. At this time, you should hold the hair at the base to relieve pressure on the roots.
How to style and dry hair extensions
Hair drying
Drying hair extensions can only be done if it was a keratin extension using capsules. But if with the help of glue, then it is impossible. In this case, you can use a hairdryer with cold air.
It is advisable to wash your hair after washing it, it’s worth a little wet towel. And after that, start drying with a hairdryer.
Dry them in parts, starting from the tips and gradually rising higher. But in no case should you dry the capsules themselves, the place of gluing or rings.
Hair Styling
The most interesting thing is that you can safely use irons, curling irons, as well as thermal curlers. But with caution. You should avoid sticking together native hair with hair extensions or keratin capsules that hold them together.
To select styling products, choose a composition with a neutral pH balance. PH- This is an indicator of the acid-base environment in this product. And the most optimal would be its neutral amount, otherwise donor hair could be damaged.
Hair styling with the help of ironing and curling takes place in the usual mode, only it is worth starting to style the hair extensions with a slight indent from the place of their merging with relatives. But thermal curlers, it is better to use during the day when you are awake. Do not go to bed with them. The same goes for regular curlers, as well as papillots.