Summer haircuts for short hair
Undoubtedly, the leader among short summer haircuts is pixies. This haircut is suitable for any face shape and any type of hair, so choosing it is difficult to lose. It can be stacked in two ways:
- Cheeky styling. To do this, you just need to tear your hair so that they look as chaotic as possible and fix the result.
- Strict styling. It is not always possible to afford a defiant look. If you want a calm styling, just comb your hair and sprinkle it with varnish.
A pixie haircut is suitable for courageous, confident women, it will definitely draw attention to your person. You can complement this haircut with original dyeing in several colors or fashionable shaving. Do not forget to complete the image with the help of accessories, large jewelry will be very useful.
A short square has not gone out of fashion for many years. This is not surprising, because this haircut is constantly updated. In almost every season, stylists bring something new to the square, which becomes a kind of visiting card of the season. In the 2024 season, a torn square, asymmetrical and classic, will be in fashion, but a square on the leg is better to bypass, it remained in 2024. Bangs are still in fashion, so don't be afraid to experiment with her.
Oblique bangs will help to hide flaws, if any, and visually stretch your face.
A short square is not necessary to style in the classical style, to which everyone is so accustomed to, aligning hair. If you want to give your hairstyle a more casual and laid-back look, add some chaotic curls. So you will make your square more modern.
This haircut is a kind of hybrid quack and bean. However, due to its popularity, a bob-car can be considered as an independent haircut. It differs from a square in that the hair cut is not done evenly, but for lengthening from the top of the head to the temples. Thanks to this cut, the shape of the haircut is more like a bean. A classic bob may seem a little boring, modern fashionistas, as well as a square, so in the summer of 2024 it is worth choosing a bob-square. Such a haircut visually increases the volume, therefore it is suitable even for owners of rare and weakened hair.
Remember that short haircuts are not just a sign of a self-confident woman, they have many advantages, and perhaps the most important of them is the ability to rejuvenate its owner. Once you make a short haircut, you immediately become 10 years younger, think about it when you pick up a haircut.
Summer haircuts for medium hair
Kare has won the hearts of millions of fashionistas around the world and there is hardly any other, the same universal haircut that will suit so many women. A bob on medium hair is the perfect haircut for the summer. It fits easily and fits any type of appearance. In 2024, asymmetrical caret is in fashion. You can supplement the haircut with original coloring, do not be afraid of bright colors, 2024 is very loyal to them.
Cascade-based haircuts are a good option for medium length hair. At the heart of these haircuts are torn strands that advantageously frame the face. Cascade is a great solution for owners of both rare and thick hair. In the first case, a graduated haircut gives volume to the hair, and in the second, due to the same graduation you will get relief. Thick hair is not only beautiful, but also quite heavy, which is why cascading haircuts for medium hair length are the best solution to the problem.
This haircut is difficult to perform. Not every master can make it of high quality. Session haircut technology consists in the fact that the hair should be cut in layers, while each layer should ideally fit the previous one. However, it is precisely in complexity that the main advantage of this haircut lies. The fact is that, unlike most haircuts, which require, even minimal, but daily styling, a styling is useless. A correctly executed haircut sesson fits perfectly without styling, it is enough to simply dry your hair and you can go about your business.
Please note! Session haircut is suitable only for straight hair, owners of curly and curly curls will have to choose another option for themselves.
Modern stylists have added fashionable elements to the haircut, which will decorate it in 2024. Session's business card is a rounded shape and clear, geometric lines, now they can be diluted with several asymmetric strands or the original bangs. And of course, do not forget about fashionable coloring.
Summer haircuts for long hair
Elongated bob
Yes, yes, it’s bob, you heard right! If you can not choose between short and long haircuts, then this is your option. The front strands can be as long as you want. This haircut will undoubtedly attract attention with its originality, moreover, it is very practical for the summer. In the hot season, hair can be a kind of irritant, and with this haircut, the occipital part of the head will be constantly open. In this case, you can always collect long strands in a tail or braid, so that they will not bother you. If you are looking for a unique haircut and like to stand out from the crowd, then an elongated bob is your option.
Shaving haircuts
These haircuts are for bold and very modern women. Shaving can be done on one temple or both, as well as on the back of the head. The shaved area can be decorated with a pattern, there are several options:
- The drawing can be done with a trimer, using the same shaving method. Such patterns quickly overgrow and become invisible.
- You can make a drawing with hair dye.
- Or, for especially brave and extravagant girls, you can get a tattoo.
If you are not ready for such rapid changes, such as a tattoo on your head, it’s not a problem, you can make the most common shaving, which, if necessary, is easy to hide with your hair. This is the beauty of shaving on long hair.If the owner of the short haircut does this, she will not be able to hide it, except, perhaps, with the help of a headdress. But for lucky women with long hair, it’s much simpler, just throw the hair from one side to the other and from an unlucky party girl you turn into a business lady.
Fox's tail
This haircut is suitable for those women who do not want sharp contrasts and bold decisions, but still want to update their image. The name of this haircut speaks for itself, the shape of the hair really becomes like a fox’s tail. The hair is trimmed with a triangle, forming a kind of arrow. This haircut looks good both with straight hair and with romantic curls. At the same time, you can at any time collect hair in a ponytail, bun, braid or any other hairstyle, this haircut has no restrictions. To look stylish in the summer of 2024, you do not have to do crazy haircuts, you can do a fox tail haircut and you will not regret it.
Summer hairstyles 2024
Scythe always gave femininity to its owner. In the new season, there are so many options for weaving that even the most picky fashionistas will find an option for themselves. The most popular braid weaving techniques are spikelet, waterfall and fish tail. These techniques are not difficult to perform, and beginners can easily learn how to weave using many video lessons on the Internet.
Hollywood curls
It is worth noting that this hairstyle has long ceased to belong to Hollywood, although it took its roots there. Smooth, perfectly laid curls of cinema divas instantly conquered fashionistas all over the world. This hairstyle is incredibly simple in execution, but this does not prevent her from sparkling on all the fashion catwalks in the world. This is not the first season; Hollywood locks invariably lead in the ranking of the most popular hairstyles. This hairstyle can be done both for an evening out, and for everyday look.
A bunch
Although this hairstyle seems commonplace, but there are so many options for the bundle. In the classic version, it is unlikely to help you win the heart of the prince, but if you add an elegant accessory or weave to the bundle, you will have every chance. When making a bun, remember that if you are not going to dance “Swan Lake”, do not smooth your hair, the disheveled bun looks much more stylish and relaxed.
Haircuts and hairstyles for curly hair 2024
If you are the owner of curly hair, you probably know what a difficult task sometimes is to choose a haircut. Many haircuts are simply not designed for curly or even wavy hair, but are designed only for perfectly even hair. If you prefer long hair, then there will be no special difficulties with a haircut, but lovers of short hair will have to sweat. Such haircuts, such as a page or a session, where the emphasis is on geometrically even contours, should immediately be excluded from your list. But you should take a closer look cascading haircuts, caret and haircuts with graduation. On curly hair it will look good pixiesHowever, provided that the hair does not fluff, otherwise the haircut will not look neat.
There are some styling that simply can not be done on curly hair, for example Hollywood curls. Despite the fact that the hair, it would seem, is already curly, making them curl in the right direction is not an easy task. Even if you manage to make such a styling, it will not last long at all, since nature will take its toll.
Often, owners of curly hair try to straighten them all their lives, however, ironically, the easiest way is to leave them alone. Nature has already endowed you with a ready-made styling, you just have to give shape to your curls and fix them. Light chaos on the head is now in trend, take advantage of this.