Makeup at home (61 photos)

Makeup at home is very easy to perform. To do this, you just need to choose the right tools for applying cosmetics. And also you need to know the basic rules of how to apply it correctly so as not to spoil the makeup as a whole, but only to emphasize facial features.

Tool selection

For each element of cosmetics there is a tool that helps to apply it evenly and correctly. Let’s take a closer look at what we will need to do makeup at home as simply and efficiently as possible.

To apply foundation, you will need a special sponge called a beauty blender. It has a soft, but elastic structure, which helps not to absorb the cream very much. Which is a very good option for applying it. But for powder, a kabuki brush with a short, densely packed pile will be an excellent choice. Such a brush is very convenient to apply matting powder, without risking to be completely in it. But the fan-brush is a good choice for applying highlighter.

When choosing brushes, it is recommended to pay attention to the composition of the fleecy itself. Of course, it is desirable that it be natural, but there are also decorative, equally high-quality models.

To apply blush, you will need a brush with a beveled edge, which will be convenient when applying blush to the cheekbones. Or an ordinary brush with a long handle and a short but thick pile.



The whole foundation of our makeup begins with the face. You must prepare your skin tone well, even it out and tone up what is needed.

We choose a foundation depending on the type of your skin and the color that suits you. Then apply it to the important parts of your face, as indicated in the figure.

Try to choose the most suitable color of the foundation to your skin, otherwise a too dark or light toner will greatly set you off, and your makeup will be damaged.


For those girls who do not like foundation, there is an option to use only powder.

The powder needs to be applied depending on the shape of your face. Look at the figure where the types of faces are indicated and how to apply powder in order not to spoil the image.

Also do not forget that for applying powder you will need a special brush with a wide pile.


Blush is applied to the cheekbones, which due to them stand out well making your face thinner.

The blush brush is similar to a powder brush, but still differs from it in the type of pile.



The most important thing in eye area is eyebrows. For beginner girls who have never done eyebrow correction, it is still recommended for the first time to go to a specialist.

It is right to evaluate which is best to shape your eyebrows, and after that you will be able to correct them yourself at home.


Perhaps the most difficult thing about eye makeup is drawing arrows. But do not be discouraged, because with step-by-step instructions it will be easy to draw them. The most important thing is to choose a pencil or eyeliner, than you will draw arrows. Of course, for starters, it’s worth choosing a pencil after all, it will be easier for them to draw a line.

Instead of a pencil, you can also use shadow pencils and, as indicated in the figure in the outer corner of the eye, simply blend them with a brush.


Choose carcasses responsibly. You need to choose a good, high-quality carcass that will not crumble from your eyelashes. You can also pay attention to its water resistance.

There are different brushes that have the ability to either lengthen your eyelashes or give them volume.Then choose the option that you like the most. You need to paint the cilia in the correct direction from the bottom up, as indicated in the figure.


Shadows match the color of your eyes. Apply them in different techniques, such as wet asphalt, when one color flows smoothly into another. In this option, you should blend the place of the merger of the two colors with a brush.

Also feel free to choose bright, shiny shadows. Such a choice will become especially relevant if you are going for a holiday.


In order for your lips to look sensual and beautiful, you definitely need to use a pencil. Using a pencil, your lipstick or gloss will last much longer and will look neater.

Choose the color of lipstick depending on the makeup of your eyes. If it is bright, then the color of the lipstick should be neutral or pastel. If the eye makeup is done in a softer, more natural form, then you can highlight the lips with bright lipstick.


