Ways to remove makeup (50 photos)

Have you ever wondered what happens to your skin if you do not remove makeup? The fact is that different cosmetics contain silicone, which clogs your pores and thereby pollutes the skin. If you do not remove makeup for the night, then you risk earning allergies and rashes on the face.

Often, girls do not understand why, even with proper nutrition, their skin looks tired and has acne. And all because many girls very poorly remove makeup from the face. After all, washing with plain water and soap will not be enough to clean all the dirt from the pores. And the longer we do the washing off of cosmetics incorrectly, the more pores get clogged in our skin and the skin begins to inflame. In this article we will talk about the correct methods for removing makeup, both natural and special cosmetics.

Natural remedies

Eggs and cream

You will need a glass of cream or thick, oily sour cream. Mix it with egg yolk and mix. Such a tool is enough for a short time, only for a week. Using a cotton sponge, draw a little mixture and apply it to your eyes for a few seconds. Then you can erase makeup without any problems.

Baby remedy

Take about 5 teaspoons of any baby shampoo and a third of a teaspoon of baby oil. Add water and mix with each other in a disinfected baby bottle. And the perfect makeup remover is done.

Honey and Soda

With plain water, slightly moisten a napkin or cotton pad to remove makeup. Then drip honey on it and add a little bit of soda. Then you can start removing makeup, but your face should be slightly moistened with water.

Unfortunately, this type of makeup removal is not suitable for the eyes. Because soda is aggressive enough and can cause irritation of the mucosa. But to cleanse the face, like a scrub, such a mixture is best suited.


It turns out that milk can not only be eaten, it is also great for removing makeup.

You just need to choose milk of high fat content and after wetting a napkin or sponge in it, proceed to remove makeup. Milk will perfectly cope even with moisture-resistant mascara, and if it gets into your eyes on the mucous membrane, it will not cause irritation.

Mixture with oil

You will need 50 milligrams of almond oil and the same amount of castor oil. You will also need 10 milligrams of chamomile and cornflower solution. Mix everything in one glass and before starting to remove makeup, stir the composition.

Petroleum jelly

Vaseline, a controversial makeup remover. It will help you to remove even waterproof mascara, but you should always be careful not to get into their eyes. Otherwise, petroleum jelly can greatly burn the mucous membrane.

Oil composition

Dampen a cotton pad with water or green tea. Then drip a little oil mixture from oils such as apricot, almond and coconut. You can also add Agrana oil. After attach the disc to the eye and leave for a couple of tens of seconds. After remove makeup.


Micellar water

We all girls know what micellar water is, because we are used to removing makeup quickly and painlessly. Micellar water exists for different skin types. There are types for dry, combination, normal and oily skin.


You can choose your own version, which will be most suitable for you. Good popular brands of micellar water are Nivea, GARNIER, Black Pearl and others.

Makeup Remover Milk

Another popular cosmetic is makeup remover milk. Milk perfectly copes with different types of makeup. It also effectively removes dirt and sebum from the skin.

Soap and wet make-up remover wipes

There are special soaps and makeup remover wipes that suit all skin types. Such a soap does not irritate the mucous membranes and helps to remove existing rashes and rashes on the face. And wipes very effectively remove even moisture-resistant makeup, both from the eyes and from the lips themselves.



