Makeup in brown shades (50 photos)

Makeup in brown shades occupies a leading place in makeup fashion. This makeup option is suitable for all girls, whether it is a brunette or a blonde. Makeup in brown shades is the most versatile. Such makeup can be made both bright and catchy, and light, which is often called "makeup without makeup."

Daily makeup

Brown shadows are the most ideal for daily makeup. In this make-up, beige or light brown shades are applied to the entire eyelid and mascara is applied. On this eye makeup for every day can be completed. But in order to make our eyes more expressive, we apply a rich shade of brown into the fold of the eyelid, for example, walnut-brown coffee, grayish-brown, etc.
This makeup is perfect for work, study or walk.


In order to somehow diversify the usual daytime makeup described above, we add an element such as arrows. The arrows can be either black or brown.
The arrows are suitable for open eyes and even the impending century. It is better to use waterproof eyeliner for make-up of the impending eyelid, so that there are no prints on the upper eyelid.
An unusual option would be to make a double arrow, for example, white and brown.

Do not forget, if you draw arrows in everyday makeup, do not make it too long. It is enough to draw over the eyelashes and bring out a small tail for a couple of millimeters.

Smoky makeup

Smoky brown makeup is considered evening makeup. Such makeup is often done by stars at various events. Performing smoky makeup is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. At the first stage, we apply a light shade of brown, beige or another light shade. Next, we proceed to darken the outer corner and not in one color, but in three or four. Shades should differ by only a few tones and blend well together.

Matte makeup

In the past few years, matte textures in makeup have prevailed. Matte brown makeup looks luxurious. Matte shadows are used in both day and evening makeup.

Holiday makeup

Brown shades are often used in holiday makeup. With the help of brown eyeshadows, you can make a spectacular and delicate wedding makeup. Festive makeup is most often distinguished by the addition of shiny pigments and carefully stained or glued eyelashes.


