New year — most fabulous and great holiday at year. AT such day, even adults people begin to believe at a fairy tale and miracle.
After all only at this wonderful, New Year's night may come true all our the most treasured desires and dreams. BUT for Togo, what your dreams come true as can faster, we have decided to tell you, as right is worth make up them at New Year's night.
We burn leaflet
Most acquaintances and popular option is considered burning pieces paper. Your papercan be any colors and in it you nishem his the most the important a wish. After they startbeat chimes set fire to leaflet.
When it will burn, sprinkle him ashes at wineglass and quickly have a drink content. You is worth hurry up, so that to be in time to do this uncomplicated one minute manipulation, but otherwise your a wish not will come true.
Drinking champagne
Light up a candle and pour at wineglass or wine glasschampagne, waiting for battlefield chimes by TV. Upon hearingthe first the battle, get started take a drink champagne of glasses small sips.
Everyone a sip champagne, this is one thing your a wish, which will be fulfilled at new year. how many have time, behind then time until beat chimes to do sips champagne, so many desires at you and will be fulfilled.
12 desires
Take 12 small leaflets paper. On each of them write a wish and twist leaflets at a straw or small square, as you more convenient.
Put leaflets under pillow, scattering leaflets. On morning, when you wake up, at first think about most the main thing and right desire, but then pull out one of leaflets.You necessarily pull out exactly that one, which the will be more needed and more important Total for you.
Letter Grandfather Frost
Write small letter from wishes 30 the numbers, but 31 at New Year's night seal him at New Year the envelope, but then put him under your christmas tree.
When will come time throw out christmas tree, the envelope hide at reliable a place, but across year, at New Year's night, open the envelope and read, what same all the same came true. how shows reusable practice, you will be amazed the result.
Screaming a wish at nights
If at you is available balcony, then you need to to wait midnight and when beat chimes, pop out on him and scream his a wish at nightly the silence.
If at you no balcony, not get upset. You always you can scream his a wish at open window. The most the main thing shout his a wish as can louder, and then it must for sure will be fulfilled. Also you you can scream your a wish from your second half, this is will strengthen magical act.
Buy eight oranges. Choose only the most beautiful, juicy fruit small sizes. AT New Year's night, after Togo as will strike chimes, sprinkle oranges by the room, Where is worth festive table.
You you can throw oranges by one little thing, so that It was more convenient. When throwing them, then you must mentally congratulate myself from execution your desires. Also same wish to myself strong health, of success at deeds and sure millionaire for of happiness.
After Togo, as last orange will be on the floor and you guess the last a wish, then collect them at a basket. Then on throughout seven days, give back by orange his to relatives, but eighth orange, eat yourself on eighth day. After why soon execution your desires not will force myself to wait.