What to wear with black sneakers? (55 photos)

Undoubtedly, sneakers are one of the most comfortable types of shoes. They are practical, you can go to sports, go for walks in them, and even if you choose the right one, even on romantic dates.

Sneakers are sewn from different materials. From natural or artificial leather, from textile, mesh and filon. They have a lot of different colors and a bright, original print. Also, sneakers differ in style. Some may be on the platform, others on a wedge and just classic models. Today we look at sneakers in one of the most popular colors - black.

Black sneakers and dresses

Black sneakers are the easiest to pick up under any color or pastel top. Because black is a universal color, it goes well with many other colors. If you decide to choose a dress for such sneakers, you can safely choose a bright color. Such as red, deep green or blue.

Black sneakers and a black dress will help you achieve monochrome in your image. By the way, your dress can be any length, from mini to maxi. The main rule is that your dress should not be very elegant, because sneakers under evening or cocktail dresses will not look appropriate.

Black sneakers and skirts

With the help of skirts and black sneakers, you can create different styles and images. Choose different styles of skirts for black sneakers. It can be a pure classic, a sun skirt or even a tutu skirt. Your top in this case should be matched to the skirt. If you decide to choose a tutu skirt, then choose a more fitted top.

If the skirt is sun, then you can wear light summer shirts in warm weather. And in cooler times, dark sweaters or sweaters are perfect for you. The image can always be supplemented with a jacket in the color of a skirt or in another color suitable for your things.

Black sneakers, jeans and shorts.

The most practical and convenient option for walking around the city is sneakers and jeans. In hot weather you can wear shorts. The black color of the sneakers harmonizes well with the blue color of the jeans, which allows you to choose a different upper.

To create an interesting image, choose black and red sneakers, and pick up the top in the same color.

Black sneakers and pants

Dress pants with black sneakers. Your pants in this case may be narrowed or shortened. Classic models are also allowed in this combination, but culottes or wide summer models should not be chosen for such sneakers. Because they may seem too cumbersome for them.

Sweatpants or tracksuits have the perfect combination with black sneakers.

Black sneakers and leggings

For youthful and stylish choices, wear black leggings and black sneakers. Leggings can be in a different color, if you prefer the contrast of colors. Combine leggings and black sweatshirts, to dilute the color, you can wear a yellow jacket or a white long vest.

Black color loves contrasts. In this case, you can choose a red bright top for your leggings. Also do not forget for accessories. Scarves, glasses, bracelets and small handbags, all this will be appropriate to look in a single image.



