These are the days when you cannot decide in which color it is best to choose a skirt. Of course, not only color is important, but also the style itself. Therefore, we approach our choice seriously and thoroughly. If you can’t decide which is better, then choose the option that will be suitable for everything at once. And this option is a checked skirt.
Skirt the cage was passed on to us from Scottish men who wore traditional kilts in a checkered pattern. But, and the print cage itself, appeared a very long time ago, since the days of Ancient Rome. And at the moment is in great demand among girls around the world. A cell is perfect for different types of shapes, you just need to choose the right pattern. A skirt in a cage can have a different color, like the cage itself. It can be made in one tone, and in other versions in two or more.
Check Pencil Skirt
A pencil skirt in itself is a pretty popular option for a skirt. Its purpose is mainly for socks in the office. But over time, fashionistas began to combine a less formal top with such a skirt, which resulted in an excellent, everyday look.
A checkered pencil skirt opens up new fashion trends. You just need to pick up a white or black blouse for it and the office bow is ready. If you want to be noticed, then choose a skirt in a large black and white cage. Such a print attracts a lot of attention, and you certainly will not go unnoticed.
It is not necessary to choose a pencil skirt in a standard dark color. Experiment by combining a top in versatile colors with a skirt in bright colors or a cage. Choose shoes according to your taste. Basically, the best option for such a skirt would be pumps, and in cool weather, ankle boots or ankle boots.
Plaid Skirt
Such a skirt in short variations suits young girls. It has a narrow beginning with an extension towards the end that resembles the sun or a smile.
Checkered sun skirt can be pleated or straight. If your choice fell on a colored, bright skirt, then choose the top of a more solid color. In some cases, you can choose a colored top to match the skirt itself, but make sure that you do not merge together in one color.
Long check skirt
A good option is to choose a long, checkered skirt. It can have a different style and is sewn from different fabrics. Warmer skirts can be worn even in winter, choosing a warm top for it.
To create a monochrome look, put on the top in the color of the skirt itself. In this option, it is allowed to use the belt a tone higher or lower than the color you selected.
If you get lost and do not know what is better to choose as your top, then boldly put on things in black, white or another not catchy color. It can be summer T-shirts, blouses, plain blouses, sweaters or a turtleneck.
Plaid skirt in a suit
For business women who are accustomed to stylish and business clothes, a suit with a plaid skirt will be an excellent choice.
In such a suit, along with a skirt, a jacket can go, and maybe a vest. Choose exactly the style that best suits the type of your figure.