In the world there is an opinion that a girl can look feminine only in high-heeled shoes. This is far from true! Many girls found other low-heeled shoes, a platform or just flat soles for themselves and skillfully combine images that turn out to be truly airy and luxurious.
At the moment, among comfortable and most practical shoes, sneakers are common. They are available in different styles, have a bright, pastel or floral print. Still among themselves they are distinguished by seasonality. If in the summer you are perfectly suited for textile, not dense sneakers, then for the winter it is worth choosing an already more insulated version.
We girls are already pretty well-read, and we ourselves know which sneakers are better to choose for a particular dress. But sometimes, we have a question, and what color sneakers are best to choose? And with what would be appropriate to combine them? Consider the most popular colors of sneakers and figure out what to wear them correctly.
Red sneakers
A fairly popular option is red sneakers. They are bright, attractive. With their help, you can create different images, spending a minimum of time.
Create a monochrome look with red trousers and red sneakers. It is better to choose your top for such trousers light or black so that you do not merge with colors.
Red sneakers are great for short, denim shorts. Red goes well with denim, so any things from this fabric will look harmonious with red sneakers.
In other variations, you can wear pants in black or a more interesting color, such as camouflage. Red sneakers can then be on the platform or regular. As a top, if you pick up a bright print top, the cloak can be chosen in black.
Pink sneakers
A gentle, cute look will help you create sneakers in pink. You can wear such sneakers with jeans or a skirt in any, but preferably delicate color scheme. And your top in this case you need to choose a jacket or jacket in the color of the sneakers themselves.
This will help to create a gentle and interesting image.
In other versions, pick up classic things with pink sneakers. That is, classic jeans, not flared, black or white trousers, not culottes, etc.
Gray sneakers
Gray sneakers are a great choice for everyday wear. Gray color is universal and fits everything. Therefore, no matter what outfit you choose, gray sneakers will match any color.
A gray skirt or gray pants in the color of sneakers will be considered a particularly stylish and interesting choice. This will be a real buzz in 2024.
Gray color perfectly states with white, black and blue, jeans. You can safely put on things in this color, and on top of your top you can wear a coat, cloak or jacket. In warm weather, you can wear a jacket.
Platform sneakers
What designers can’t come up with these days, releasing more and more new models of clothes and shoes. Also, the sneakers were not left without updates and new modifications. Namely, the sneakers appeared on the platform.
Such sneakers exist in different variations. In the first embodiment, the platform may be over the entire area of the foot. And in the second, the platform elevation goes only from the middle of the foot to the heel. In the first case, it will look rather rough and massive, in the second, gently and elegantly.