Two-color hair coloring in the new season 2024 (71 photos)

A very important element in the image of a woman is her hairstyle. But it is not enough just to make a successful fashionable haircut, it must be ennobled with the help of coloring. The new season offers us new staining techniques. Many taboos that have restrained the daring fashionistas before have been removed. This season will bring us original solutions, vibrant colors and bold changes.

Two color dyeing

In this article we will talk about dyeing in two colors.

Now there are many different techniques that allow you to dye your hair in two colors and even more. Often, when talking about such dyeing, we mean hair highlighting. But highlighting is too general a concept and one cannot simply combine all fashionable techniques with that one word. Let's take a closer look at what techniques exist and which ones will be popular in the new season.


With this technology, you can achieve the effect of natural hair burning. The strands are painted randomly, from the roots, the master can stain both small and large strands.


The basis is a smooth transition from the main color to the strands. This technique is very popular, because often it uses natural tones, chocolate and beige, and the new season calls us to naturalness.


This technology uses a variety of colors and the transition is more contrast. The strands are painted from the roots and gradually turn into a different color.


This technology is distinguished by its care. For coloring harmless paints are used. Minutes of this method is that the paint is quickly washed out of the hair and the hairstyle requires constant updating.

Ombre and Sombre

These techniques are used on long hair, as the coloring is not from the roots of the hair. Their main difference is that the sombre technique uses a more inconspicuous color transition.

Volumetric coloring

This is a 3D hair coloring. When painting, several shades of the same color are used, thus achieving maximum volume and gloss.

Partial staining

If you do not intend to radically change the color of your hair, but just want to update your hair style, then this technology is suitable for you. You can color only bangs, or one or more separate strands. Bright poisonous colors are usually used in this technique to achieve maximum contrast.

Two-color staining works best on long hair. Long curls give the master a huge springboard for the manifestation of fantasy. Any dyeing technology is available to long-haired fashionistas, which means their choice is almost limitless.

Natural or poisonous colors to choose, depends only on the personal preferences of the fashionista. A good master is able to create a real work of art on such hair. And the new season opens you all the gates for experimentation.

Owners medium long hair, also have a huge selection. Unlike long hair, short hair requires less attention to yourself. Not all women are ready to grow long hair or, on the contrary, cut their hair radically, and therefore choose a middle ground.

On medium hair, all highlighting techniques will look equally good. You can afford bold solutions like trendy dyeing or contrasting color mixing solutions (red with black, black and white).

If you want a more natural solution, then pay attention to shatush and sombre.

As for short hair, although some highlighting techniques are not available to them, this does not in any way prevent the daring fashionistas from striking with their originality.

Pixie-style short haircuts are simply created for radical coloring. Simply paint a few strands in bright colors and you get a fashionable and unique hairstyle. Too bright for you? Not a problem, use layering of flowers, this will not only refresh your onion, but also increase the volume of hair.

As you can see, the new season is completely open for experimentation. Go ahead and look for fashion trends that are right for you.

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