Black pedicure is the most impudent and brutal color of a pedicure. Black color is a sign of severity, luxury and unwaveringness. It is precisely chosen by confident and self-respecting girls.
If you want to do a black pedicure, then it is not necessary to dwell on a monophonic option. There are so many options for black pedicure. And now we will consider some of them.
Solid black
Of course, this option is a classic pedicure. It will suit any look and any shoes. With it you can put on both black and silver, red, beige sandals.
The main thing is not to forget that with a black pedicure you should do a neat and perfect treatment of the feet and nails.
Black and white
Such a classic and standard combination of black and white can be interestingly used in pedicure. Black color is used as the basis, and white color depicts benzyl, stars, stripes, dots. Everything that only pleases.
Black jacket
Why not experiment and make an unusual black out of a classic white jacket? It will be very stylish and beautiful.
The big plus of the black jacket is that it does not get so dirty.
Black with rhinestones
Black pedicure with rhinestones will shimmer in all shades. From a rhinestone, you can lay out a hole or a triangle at the base of the nail, or depict some stripes.
Black with design
Any design will look gorgeous on a black pedicure. Black will emphasize all design elements even more. It can be various patterns, dots, stickers, cubes, cage.
But do not use too many colors. This can reduce the cost of your pedicure.
Black with kamifubiki
A rather unusual version of a black pedicure with kamifubikami. On a black background, they will look very interesting and contrasting.
This option is perfect for those who are disturbed by voluminous rhinestones, and with kamifubiks it will be no worse.
Black with foil
A beautiful and simple design on a black pedicure can be done with foil. In this case, the foil can be any shade.
Black with sparkles
The combination of black and sparkles will always look advantageous. There may be gold, silver, black sparkles. They can cover both the entire nail, and perform some simple design. All this will look very noble and always in fashion.