Horoscope for 2024 by zodiac signs and year of birth

We all sometimes want to open the veil of the future and plunge into the mysterious world of the unknown. This is exactly what the horoscope gives us. It is no secret that a lot in the life of a person determines his date of birth. Our astrologers have tried to bring you closer to discovering the secrets of the future. Let's find out what awaits your sign in 2024.

Zodiac sign horoscope

It is interesting! The system of signs of the zodiac, so familiar to us, is rooted in the 1st millennium BC.


(21.03 — 20.04)

The year of the yellow earthen Pig promises Aries success in financial and love affairs. The pig respects and rewards hard work and perseverance, and Aries does not occupy these qualities. The beginning of the year may not seem very promising, but with the first rays of the spring sun, success and profit will not be long in coming. There are great chances for lonely Aries, it is in 2024 to meet your soulmate. As for health, then here Aries is better to beware, frequent loads, processing and excitement can make themselves felt. It's time to reconsider your diet and lifestyle.


(20.04 — 20.05)

As you know, the element of Taurus is Earth, and since 2024 is the year of the earthen Pig, the stars will be favorable to Taurus. This is the very year when the time comes to collect the fruits of their labors. In 2024, Taurus is recommended to pay more attention to family and leisure, it is possible that you will be replenished this year. As for health, this year you may be susceptible to aspiratory diseases.


(21.05 — 20.06)

In 2024, Gemini should catch luck by the tail. This year promises you a rapid breakthrough in your career, the main thing is to seize on your chance in time. Listen to your loved ones, they will help you make the right choice. However, you should not expect that the whole year will be filled only with apron, obstacles await you on the path to success, however, nothing that you can not do, just do not hang your nose and go ahead. In your personal life, do not lose vigilance, a random temptation can confuse you, but do not give in to minute weaknesses, carefully weigh your decisions.


(21.06 — 22.07)

In the year of the Pig Cancer, you should not avoid additional loads, they will certainly bear fruit. Crayfish may not feel at ease due to the influence of the Sun, but this should not be afraid, do not let yourself be unbalanced. Year of the yellow earthen Pig for Cancer, it's time to take care of yourself. If you have been putting off going to a fitness club or yoga for a long time, then 2024 requires action. All your efforts will be rewarded, this is a great time to change something in yourself, these changes will come easy to you.

a lion

(23.07 — 22.08)

The year of the yellow earthen Pig will be held under the auspices of the sun and despite the fact that this year's element of Water, the Lions will feel on their territory. Good luck this year is on your side, both in business and in love. In 2024, stick to family ties, they will direct you in the right direction. Do not disdain the advice of loved ones, their opinion will only benefit you. Although the Pig loves hard work, do not forget to relax. otherwise it will negatively affect your health. 2024 will provide you with a lot of chances, do not grab it all at once, if there are difficulties with a choice, listen to the opinion of the family council.


(23.08 — 22.09)

2019 will not be the easiest for those born under the sign of the Virgin, however, this does not mean that it will be unsuccessful.In the Year of the Pig, Virgos are encouraged to become team players. Learn to rely on friends and it will pay off in full. The year will not start very well, but by the spring there will be an improvement in all areas. In the love sphere, luck will smile at you, but not the fact that you will be able to discern it the first time, be careful and pay more attention to the inner world of your partner, and not just to the outer shell.


(23.09 — 22.10)

2019 will be very fruitful for Libra, but you should not expect that luck will fall on your head. On the contrary, you will have to sweat to achieve your goals. Remember that the Pig is favorable only to hardworking people. The Year of the Pig will prepare a lot of pleasant and useful acquaintances and meetings, at first glance this may seem like a good combination of circumstances. but in fact, the stars have already taken care of this. But on the love front, Libra is not so smooth. Libra is advised to restrain her emotions this year, otherwise you run the risk of pushing your soulmate away.


(23.10 — 21.11)

For Scorpio, the year of the yellow earthen Pig will not be the easiest. There will be victories and many, but they will not be easy to give, so save your health, exhaustion will not benefit your career. But in the love sphere, everything will be opposite easily and fleetingly. Single Scorpions may not count on a serious relationship this year. Take a break and take from life everything that it gives, you will certainly meet your soulmate, but not this year. As for married Scorpions, you should be as gentle as possible this year. Stress and fatigue at work should not carry over to your family.


(22.11 — 21.12)

Hardworking Pig simply cannot but show favor to this sign. At whom else you will see so much energy and zeal to achieve goals, than not at Sagittarius. Of course, 2024 will reward Sagittarius for such an active life position. Having stumbled upon difficulties, do not worry, you can easily overcome them. In affairs of love you will also find success. It is likely that for single Sagittarius to meet their fate in 2024, so take a closer look at your surroundings, maybe your happiness is already very close.


(22.12 — 19.01)

If you try to describe the next year for Capricorn in one word, then this word will be “stability”. Capricorns expect calm and stability in the financial sector. In business, it is recommended that you listen to your inner voice and believe in yourself. Do not shift your responsibilities to someone, no one will cope with them better than you. Love will go hand in hand with you all year. Let this wonderful feeling completely take hold of you, the Year of the Pig will not bring you disappointment in this field, so feel free to rush into the pool with your head. Perhaps you will even meet your fate.


(20.01 — 18.02)

The beginning of the year does not promise Aquarius financial growth, because it may seem that this year is not successful for them, but it is not. By the middle of the year, the efforts of Aquarius will begin to pay off in full. 2024 has prepared many opportunities for Aquarius, but you should not spray on everything at once. Remember that you are only a person and your physical abilities are limited. Concentrate on the most important tasks and rest assured that the stars are on your side. In pursuit of success, do not forget about your loved ones, do not move away from your beloved people.


(19.02 — 20.03)

2019 gives Pisces an unprecedented opportunity in self-realization. Do not limit yourself to anything, let your imagination run wild and start creating. Take care of what you have long wanted, but always put off. The Year of the Pig will give you everything you need to realize all your fantasies. Do not be afraid to change your job or lifestyle if this is the basis of your dreams. In love, everything is not as smooth as we would like. Passionate Pisces can sometimes transfer their work stress to their soul mate, which is not worth doing. Try to ignore work when you are with your family.

East horoscope by year of birth

According to the Eastern calendar, with the onset of 2024, a yellow earthen Pig will take over. Let's see what it brings to other signs.


For the Bull, the year of the yellow earthen Pig will be quite successful. Nevertheless, the Bull expects quite a few tests on its way. Natural perseverance will help him withstand even the most difficult situations and emerge victorious from them. The bull should not react too violently to criticism from relatives and close friends, on the contrary, it may turn out to be quite constructive and justified. There will be some tension on the part of the nervous system. A bull should save his nerves, this will help him to maintain not only health, but also good relations with his family.


The year of the yellow earthen Pig will not be the best for those born in the Year of the Dog. Dogs prefer to live at a calm, measured pace, which will be disrupted with the advent of 2024. However, change is not always bad and the Dog should think about it before falling into depression or hysteria. In general, if you overcome a number of certain difficulties, the Dog will still be able to reach its usual rhythm. It is important that in all this confusion not to offend loved ones, because it is they who will provide you invaluable support in difficult moments. In the second half of the year, the Dog’s affairs will go smoothly, do not expect that you are lucky to win the lottery or get an inheritance, but you will not need anything. It is possible that starting a new business in the Year of the Pig, it will bring you good income in the future, so you can consider 2024 as a transit point on the road to success.

The Dragon

The year of the yellow earthen Pig favors creative personalities, and the Dragon is one of those. But do not rush to buy lottery tickets - it will not be easy. The beginning of the year will be the most difficult, but when the Pig fully enters its domain and deals with affairs, it will certainly pay attention to the charismatic Dragon. Take care of your health in advance, you will have a lot of work, and fatigue can affect your condition. Do not forget about relaxation, treat yourself to a massage or spa. In addition, you certainly need to be fully equipped, in the year of the Pig, you have every chance to meet your other half. As for those Dragons who already have life partners - your feelings will bloom with renewed vigor, be prepared to accept them.


Goats, like everyone else, are divided into 2 types: hardworking and lazy. Year of the Pig promises career success and a financial gain for the first type, since the Pig loves working people, the second ones will get exactly what they deserve. The pig is very fair, because it will certainly reward the efforts of the Goat. This year can be considered successful for the Goats. All your undertakings will certainly be successful, so you can safely open your business in 2024. On the love front you will find a real carnival. Fans will curl around you all year, regardless of whether you have a soul mate or not. Be careful, such an amount of attention can turn your head.


For representatives of the Horse sign, the Year of the Pig will be successful, but not simple. Horses are waiting for changes in almost all areas of life. But you should not be afraid of changes, they will benefit the Horses. The long-awaited increase is not far off, be prepared that it will entail a whole chain of changes, up to a change of residence. If the Horse has already found its other half, then no change is expected on the love front, unless you intend to have children, the Year of the Pig is ideal for this. As for non-married Horses, it is time to put the dots. Hint to your chosen one that it is time to take the next step or leave this relationship behind. 2024 year promises new acquaintances, many of them will become crucial in your life.

A monkey

The Year of the Yellow Earthen Pig is preparing a lot of change for the Monkeys. Moreover, if most of the signs will receive the favor of the Pig in the second half of the year, then the Monkey will have such an honor at the beginning of the year.If you unexpectedly receive an offer of a new job, you should not hesitate to agree, it is in this work that you are destined to succeed, the stars will take care of this. But you should not expect a big financial gain this year, your earnings will be stable and if you handle the money correctly, you can even postpone a little, but you should not waste money, the Pig does not like wastefulness. It is possible that it is at a new job that you will meet your destiny, unless of course you have already met her. The relationship started in 2024 will be calm and will quickly grow into something serious.


But the restless Rats Pig prepared measured stability. But do not take it as a punishment, rather, it is a timeout, time to prepare the way for future achievements. In 2024, everything will go according to plan. Try not to make important decisions this year, postpone them until next year, otherwise you may regret them in the future. This applies to both the business sphere and the love one. Use this year to establish useful contacts, accumulate knowledge and experience and do not forget about relaxation. Acquaintances made this year may turn out to be not only long-term, but also life-changing, so do not lose a single chance for making new friends. Take up a hobby that always lacked time; you won’t regret it.


As for the Rooster, it is difficult to say for sure how much the yellow earthen Pig is favorable to him. On the one hand, as we have already said more than once, the Pig always rewards hard work, and you can’t take his Rooster away, so there are no problems with the Rooster’s career. There is a high probability of career advancement and, accordingly, wage increases. A good time to start a new business and even a complete change of occupation, if "the soul lies in the other direction." But in the personal life of the Roosters, everything is not so smooth. Rooster's weakness for fleeting hobbies can play a cruel joke with him. The fact is that the Pig appreciates devotion, and therefore betrayal will be revealed and punished. Not free Roosters should carefully consider their actions, they can lead to serious consequences. As for the free representatives of the sign, the stars are more favorable to them, they have every chance to meet the second half, the main thing is to look at both and not make a mistake in choosing, remember: "not all that glitters is gold."


Pig has a lot to do this year, because she is the mistress of the ball. It would be nice to not forget your beloved for all the fuss. It is not surprising that 2024 will be very successful for those born under the sign of the Pig. The stars are completely on your side, which means it's time to change something. If you have long been hatching the idea of ​​your own business or want to hint to the boss about an increase, then 2024 is ideal for this. Of course, even at such an opportune time, you need to approach everything wisely, but the Pigs do not need to be reminded of this, they are very reasonable in nature. You should not invest in projects in which you are not sure, it is better to start your own project. In love, everything will turn out perfectly. Do not forget to tell your soulmate about love, and if you do not already have one, then it is likely that you will meet her right now.


Those born under the sign of the Rabbit will feel great in the domain of the Pig. A sharp jump in your career is possible, you should not be surprised at this, but you can not relax, the envious ones breathe in your back. The financial situation will improve, but be careful with big expenses, try to save some money. It is highly recommended that Rabbits resort to loans in 2024. Passions are raging on the love front. Family rabbits are not in danger, their marriage will proceed calmly, there is a high probability of replenishment. But the Rabbits are not burdened by family ties, can hit all the grave. You definitely will not suffer from a lack of attention to your person, be careful in relationships, your heart is easy to break.


The mistress of the year will be favorable to the Snake as a whole, but will not miss the opportunity to test her for strength and endurance. In 2024, the Snake will have to demonstrate all its ingenuity and resourcefulness to stay on horseback, but fortunately, such trials will fall only in the first half of the year, and in the second half the Snake will be able to fully enjoy the gifts of the Pig. In the Year of the Pig, the Snake will not be deprived of the attention of others and we are talking not only about fans, from whom, by the way, there will be no end, but also about relatives and friends. This is a great year to get acquainted with your other half, take this issue very seriously, you will have someone to choose from. In matters of finance, the Pig is not stingy, so do not forget to treat yourself, dear Snakes. Amidst all this whim, it’s easy to forget about work, it’s not worth it, the Pig rewards hard work, so try your best and career growth in your pocket. Do not be afraid to do what you like, perhaps it will bring you not only moral satisfaction, but also provide finances.


This year will not be the easiest for the Tiger. Strength tests, and will be strewed on him. Around the Tiger there will be many people seeking to cash in at his expense and simply envious. You need to carefully monitor your social circle and not succumb to provocations. There are no problems with money in the year of the Pig, but you should be careful in your work, you may receive unexpected offers that require careful study. As for amorous affairs, caution must also be exercised here. If you have not entered into legal relations, then this year you better refrain from them. Getting married is only possible if your relationship has been going on for a long time, but you don’t need to rush into the pool, in this case, there is a high probability of a divorce. Take time and make sure that this is exactly the person you need.




