Remember that pedicures are not just neat nails. Take care to get rid of corns and corns, legs should be soft and smooth. Be sure to remove dead skin in time, for this you can use a special file or pumice. Do not forget to pamper your legs with moisturizers and massages. All this is necessary not only for beauty, but also for the health of your legs.
Pedicure 2024
And now we will discuss what you need to know about pedicure in order to be trendy in the spring of 2024. If 2024 dictated naturalness to us, then 2024 expands the color gamut. Nobody canceled nuances, but besides them we will see such colors as turquoise, coral, violet, burgundy, black, red, caramel, green and brown.
Flower pedicure
The first association that occurs when thinking about spring is, of course, flowers. Therefore, it is not surprising that floral pedicure will take a leading position this spring.
Sweet bloom
These are voluminous drawings that won the hearts of many fashionistas. Flowers painted using this technology are bright, eye-catching and very original.
Air flowers
These flowers are almost the exact opposite of the previous technique. Flowers painted using air flovers technology, as the name implies. These are refined drawings, which, as if by magic, were transferred to the nails.
The name speaks for itself. This technique is perfect for women who have to follow a strict dress code. This is an elegant, delicate flower or just a twig that adorns one or two marigolds. Nothing more, just beauty and grace.
Pedicure made in the modeling technique is gaining momentum. The figures carefully created by the master seem to come to life on the nails of fashionistas. You can sculpt anything, but since we are talking about the spring version, it is better that the motifs are spring: flowers, butterflies, ladybugs and so on.
If we are talking about spring, we cannot but mention rhinestones. A pedicure decorated with rhinestones will certainly attract attention to its owner. Rhinestones can be used as an addition to any technology for decorating nails, or as a separate decoration. Of rhinestones, you can lay out a figure, a smile of a jacket, stripes or even completely dot one nail with them.
Using rhinestones to decorate, the main thing is not to overdo it. A pedicure with rhinestones should be carefully thought out.
These lovely little, colorful circles like confetti strew nails. Kamifubuki is a great spring pedicure option for busy women who want something bright, but no time for drawings. Kamifubuki is so simple to perform that you can create it even at home, with your own hands, unless of course you have all the necessary tools for a home pedicure.
The Omre technique, or as it is also called gradient pedicure, has been gaining momentum in the nail art industry for several years. For spring, it is best to use juicy, bright colors: from white to deep pink, blue or yellow, from red to black if you need an evening pedicure and from a gentle cream to sensual brown.
Spring 2024 offers a huge selection of ideas for nail design. Using the basic fashionable shades you can create your own, unique design or choose from existing ones.