Manicure for beginners (50 photos)

We girls always want to be beautiful and well-groomed. But not always time allows you to visit a beauty salon for such purposes. And we have to look for other options how to make ourselves beautiful. But of course it is possible in simple, home conditions.

Our nails are what people immediately turn their attention to. And if on the nails there is an uncircumcised cuticle, not even a filed edge of the nail, all this will lead to the impression that you are not a well-groomed girl.

But do not despair, because there is a way out. In this article we will try to tell you how to create a beautiful, well-groomed manicure at home.

Normal edged manicure

To create a manicure you will need:

  • Nail polish remover, cotton wool or cotton pads.
  • Cuticle nippers and nail scissors.
  • Orange stick
  • A file with little rigidity.
  • Base coat for nails and any varnish of your choice.
  • Moisturizing hand cream.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Moisten a cotton pad in a nail polish remover and if there is any remnants of the old varnish, rinse it off the nail plate. If there is no varnish, then you still need to wipe the nail plate to degrease it. Then you need to trim the extra length of the nail and proceed to file them.
  2. The abrasiveness of the nail file should not exceed 180-200 grit, otherwise the nail may be damaged. Saw a nail in one direction, in smooth movements. Create your own shape of nails and proceed to the next option.
  3. Move the cuticle off with an orange stick and cut it with cuticle nippers. If you have burrs, then you need to remove them with the help of cutters.
  4. Next, apply a cream to soften the skin.
  5. We apply the base coat, wait until it dries within 20-30 seconds and we can apply any varnish.

As you can see, nothing complicated. The main thing is to follow the instructions and you will succeed.

French manicure

French manicure can be done without problems at home. Only the only problem can be the drawing of the smile zone. But do not be alarmed. Because now there are a lot of stickers or stencils to create an even smile zone.


  1. To begin with, remove the old varnish or just degrease the nail plate.
  2. Then apply the base coat.
  3. We glue a special stencil on the edge of the nail and fix it in the corners. After we apply white polish to the free edge using a thin brush.
  4. When the varnish dries, carefully remove the stencil and apply the finish coating.

We make drawings and decors on the nails

To create drawings, we need varnish, multi-colored acrylic paints, thin brushes and sparkles. At home, drawings are best to draw not intricate, as it will be difficult to bring out something complex to herself in different hands. But for such cases there is a way out. These are stickers and stencils.

Examples of applying more complex drawings.

We use stickers for an interesting design.

To create an ombre, you need three types of varnish and a piece of sponge. On the sponge, apply even strips of varnish, and then apply to the nail. After we add the sparkles and cover with the finish.

We use decor and foil.


