Japanese manicure: features, types, technique and ideas (51 photos)

There are several main types of manicure:

  • combined;
  • French;
  • edged;
  • hardware.

As a rule, these types of manicures are offered in all beauty salons. Recently, however, a new phrase has appeared on the lips of nail service masters. "Japanese manicure."

Many beauty salons offer women a unique Japanese manicure procedure. But what is it? How does it differ from other types of manicure and what is the sequence of its implementation? You will learn about all this and many other subtleties of Japanese manicure from this article.

Features of Japanese manicure

So, what is a Japanese manicure?

Japanese manicure is a manicure that combines a deep healing, restoration and strengthening of nails, cuticles and skin of the hands using natural ingredients.

Japan is a unique country with advanced technologies. And even in manicure, the Japanese again found themselves ahead of the whole planet, presenting to the world their unique Japanese manicure technology.

The essence of the procedure depends on the selected type of Japanese manicure, but the result from both procedures is almost the same.

Advantages of Japanese manicure:

  1. Long-term therapeutic effect. In view of the fact that in Japanese manicure natural components are harmoniously combined with innovative technologies, the procedure for healing nails and hands continues for a long time after the manicure itself. In addition, the components for Japanese manicure include a huge amount of natural oils, various extracts and the like natural components.
  2. Lack of cuticle cutting procedure. Before you settle for a Japanese manicure, you should know that it is not edged. In Japanese manicure, there are no sharp objects or similar rough tools. Thus, Japanese manicure is completely safe.
  3. The visual effect of recovery after the first procedure. Even after the first Japanese manicure procedure, you will notice a good healing effect on the nail plate, cuticle and hands in general.
  4. Individual approach to each client. The main distinguishing feature of Japanese manicure is the individual consultation and diagnosis of each client. Before choosing the necessary components for manicure, the master carefully assesses the general condition of the nails, cuticles and skin. Based on this diagnosis, all the necessary cosmetics are selected.

Types of Japanese manicure

There are two main types of Japanese manicure:

  1. Japanese manicure using the Masura technique;
  2. Japanese manicure in technology P. Shine.

Each of these techniques has its own specific characteristics. Next, consider what their essence is.

Japanese manicure using Masura technique

The technique of performing Japanese manicure Masura implies a certain SPA procedure for hands. Such a manicure consists of several main stages.

  • softening baths with pebbles of Yumiya;
  • natural scrub peeling;
  • degreasing;
  • applying nutritional serums containing natural ingredients;
  • hydration with plant extracts;
  • rubbing mineral strengthening pastes into the nail plate;
  • grinding with polishing powder to give shine;
  • hand massage using aromatic herbal fabric bags.

The technology itself is not very complicated, even a beginner at home can master and execute it. The most important difficulty is the diagnosis, as a result of which all the necessary components are selected.

Japanese manicure in technology P. Shine

P. Shine manicure is a manicure whose main purpose is to give the nails a delicious shine and a healthy look. This is achieved with the help of innovative drugs and with the use of certain tools. SPA-care is definitely included here. As a result of the use of innovative drugs, the nails, cuticles and skin of the hands are restored at the cellular level.

Japanese manicure technique

Most often, in Japanese beauty salons there is a Japanese manicure using the Masura technique. This is due to the fact that it is more complex and not as expensive as P. Shine's manicure. Although the prices of Japanese manicures still bite, in view of the presence of a huge number of natural ingredients, you can still learn how to make it at home.

Japanese manicure tools

First you need to purchase necessary tools.There are ready-made sets for Japanese manicure. They are quite expensive. However, having bought such a set, you will no longer need to search for any additional items.

So, the composition of the classic set for Japanese manicure includes:

  • mineral paste. The composition of such a paste includes beeswax, marine minerals and other useful components.
  • polishing block. Such a block is made of calfskin.
  • nail file. It is made only on the basis of suede.
  • grinding powder. The composition of the powder also includes beneficial minerals and other components.
  • orange sticks. Designed to remove cuticles.
  • Gel for softening and removing cuticles.

Separately, it is worth highlighting cosmeticsincluded in the kit:

  1. Several basecoats: keratin, mineral and with ceramides. Each coating of course contains its own specific components and is intended for one or another restoration of nails.
  2. Strengthener of the nail plate.
  3. Antiseptic fluid. Serves to remove fat, cleanse and disinfect the nail plate.
  4. Cuticle massage gel.
  5. Cuticle oil.

Step-by-step instructions for performing Japanese manicure

  1. First you need to remove the old coating from the nails and degrease them.
  2. The next step is to give the free edge of the nail a certain shape. You need to do this with a suede-based nail file.
  3. The next step, the master makes a thorough diagnosis of nails and cuticles in order to select the necessary serum for nail care. A detailed description of all the properties of base coatings can be found in the set for manicure.
  4. Next, you need to apply moisturizing serum to the nails and proceed to the treatment of the cuticle. A softener is applied to the cuticles. After some time, it is necessary to move and remove the softened cuticle with orange sticks.
  5. The next step is a hand massage. The handles are lowered into a specially prepared bath with capsules and pebbles of Yumiya. This bath softens and gives tenderness to your hands.
  6. Next is the strengthening of the nail plate with mineral paste. Rubbing mineral paste into the nail plate is done using grinding blocks.
  7. The next step is to protect the nails from harmful effects. This is done using mineral powder.
  8. At the final stage, the previously selected sera are applied to the nail plate.
  9. And at the very end of the Japanese manicure procedure, a hand massage with the help of herbal bags and a special mask with rose petals take place.

As you can see, the Japanese manicure procedure is extremely soft.It does not imply any gross interference with the structure of the nail and cuticle. That is why Japanese manicure is most often chosen in cases where the nails need emergency assistance.

Ideas for Awesome Japanese Manicure

When making a Japanese restorative manicure, many girls think that any design is contraindicated in this case. This is far from the case. In order to continue the Japanese theme, you can choose the appropriate design with Japanese motifs. Below are some interesting options.



