Lunar manicure in the sky of nail art (60 photos)

Good to be a woman! Whatever the season, whatever the weather, we always have a bunch of ways and reasons to please ourselves. Buying a new dress, hat or lipstick, and in a very bad mood, we hurry to the beloved manicurist! Here is our guru and magician, with him any misfortune is not a misfortune. And today we have prepared for you, our beloved readers, a new review on the moon manicure that we have so long loved.

A bit of history

It is generally accepted that lunar manicure is just a subspecies of the service jacket. Indeed, it resembles an inverted service jacket, but in fact this type of coating arose as early as 20-30. In those distant times, society had its own ideas about morality and a completely painted over nail plate was considered a sign of debauchery. But over time, fashion defeated prejudice, and the moon manicure was unreasonably forgotten. And the French came to replace him.

Classic inverted jacket

But in 2007, at one of his shows, Christian Dior suddenly turned on an inverted jacket, and his fan Dita von Teese became interested in this technique and revived this direction in nail design. But truly the star of the moon manicure rose with the advent of Lady Gaga.

Lunar manicure is so popular among Hollywood stars, it also has an alternative consonant name. And the names are enough: a manicure from Dior or Dita von Teese, an inverted jacket or a Hollywood manicure.

Features of the moon manicure

This nail design has many advantages. It is universal and suitable for women of different ages and classes. The openness of the nail hole emphasizes the beauty of the nail plate, smooths the angularity and sets off the beauty of the hands.
The classic of the moon manicure is the painting of the nail, without affecting the area of ​​the hole. It creates the effect of a crescent or as they say "smiles". I believe that it was due to the peculiar form that he received the name "lunar". Since nothing stands still, this design is improved from year to year, bringing us more and more interesting ideas and creative solutions. If in the classics the hole remained open, then now it is painted depending on the season and mood or wishes of the client.

It is worth noting that Hollywood manicure has the ability to visually shorten the nail. Therefore, it is worthwhile to responsibly approach the choice of color so as not to get short nails.

Color combinations

As already mentioned above, this design is universal. There are no color or age restrictions. The main thing is your taste and competent combination of colors. For true ladies and young ladies, the red color scheme in tandem with soft shades of lilac, pink and beige is perfect. It is also worth considering turquoise, mint, gray, brown and black options. For women not bound by any obligations in clothing and society can allow any color scheme. Unfortunately, in a business style it is better to limit with soft nude shades and modest designer materials.

Fashionable design options in manicure from Dior

The modern nail industry provides so many interesting materials for nail design, and the imagination of the masters of manicure is so limitless that there is not a single coating option that would not have undergone changes. The most wonderful thing about this is that it only improves the look of our nails and it can not please.
As for the moon manicure, there is where to take a walk! It is more unlimited using one technique and therefore absorbs all the new items and combines new trends. Let's take a look at the news, and let's not forget about the possibilities of our imagination!




