Delicious ingredients!
The cream is truly magical, it contains shea butter, which, since 1940, is considered the best supplement to skin care cosmetics. This oil does not cause allergies, protects the skin from sun exposure, softens it. It has a pleasant nutty smell and is antiseptic.
In addition to shea butter, this cream also contains a little jojoba and macadamia nut oil. Jojoba oil, in the form of liquid wax, saturates the delicate skin of the hands with collagen, making it more elastic. It helps balance the production of sebum, which is a very good solution for women who suffer from excessive sweating.
But the macadamia nut oil, nicknamed by the people as “noble”, has truly wonderful power. Due to the high content of palmitoleic acid, the oil has the ability to rejuvenate the skin. The oil also tones, moisturizes the skin of the hands, which can be seen even after the first application. Well, the last nutrient, this is the familiar aloe vera to all of us. It effectively relieves irritation and redness of the skin, moisturizing and nourishing it.
Safety Brazilian manicure.
So, you must admit, the cream is really magical. In other words, we can say that Brazilian manicure is a spa manicure. Due to the nutritional properties of the cream, the skin of the hands is saturated with useful elements, and the cuticle softens, which makes it possible for the master to carefully gently remove it with an orange stick.
This type of manicure is truly safe. How many cases can you recall when you accidentally damaged a cuticle in a salon? Brazilian manicure eliminates this situation. He is safe, handsome, nutritious. In some salons, this procedure is several times more expensive than ordinary classic manicure, but it is worth it.
Brazilian manicure in stages.
At the beginning, the master treats the skin of the hands with a special antiseptic. Then, if necessary, carefully removes the varnish and adjusts the length of the nails giving them shape. After that, the master opens the disposable glove with cream and evenly distributes it over the skin and puts on the glove on top. After 6-8 minutes, the master carefully tears the glove at the places of the fingertips and processes the cuticle with an orange stick. All this time, fingers and a brush remain under a glove, absorbing a magic cream. After completing the cuticle processing, the master removes the glove and, if there is a lot of cream, removes excess with a damp cloth. Then the master conducts a light massage and irrigates the skin with milk cream.
As you can see, everything is very simple and safe. But the main thing is beautiful.
A few more photos of how the cuticle and nail plate look after a Brazilian manicure, with different coatings.