Every woman at any age wants to look much younger than her years. And in this regard, some, not already young, persons begin to experiment with the image, but these experiments are not always successful and, on the contrary, youth things add several years. Another part of mature women, thinking that the time of bright and eye-catching outfits has passed, make their choice in favor of plain and hoodie clothes, which can also age you even for a couple of decades.
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Hoodie things
Even if you are most comfortable with such clothes, you should exclude them from your wardrobe, as they can turn the most beautiful figure into something shapeless.
Swamp clothes
This color makes your skin paler and makes the dark circles under the eyes even more expressive, which gives you a painful look. Thus, you add yourself a few years.
Plain formal suits
Such an outfit was at the peak of popularity many years ago. So, is a thing from the past. It doesn’t matter what the bottom of the pants or the skirt, they add a couple of three years equally. Replace the top with a more fashionable thing and your image will become more fashionable and original.
Frill Blouses
Such an element of decor originates from ancient times. And it’s more familiar to meet him in pictures in the clothes of the nobility. Their pomp creates an image of an elegant grandmother and adds to the hostess both volume and age. Choose clothes easier and you will look fresher and "easier."
Each woman is individual, so do not follow strictly the rules, make a choice in favor of what, in your opinion, you look impeccable and comfortable.
Velvet and satin clothing
If you are not a stylist, then you should not experiment with this texture. Ladies putting on such things immediately add themselves 5-10 years. In addition, these tissues not only age a woman, but also emphasize all her shortcomings.
Jewelry with large stones
Whatever ideal image you create, complementing it with huge stones, you can easily turn into an old woman and look absurd and funny.
Tweed jacket
Tweed is the fabric preferred by women of mature age. A jacket made of such material, roughly distinguishing all the borders of your figure, can turn even a very young lady into a lady of not young years.
Not always the enemy of your age is clothing. A voluminous hairstyle, poor bright makeup and an unnatural hair color can age you. Properly take care of yourself and it will be impossible to spoil your image.
Skirt year
Although the variety of skirts is associated with femininity and attractiveness, this style, relating to the retro style, is not suitable for every beauty, as it violates all proportions and instead of the desired elegance, you harm your age.
This element of the wardrobe is often associated with a lady of Balzac age and putting it on you automatically add to your age.
Flashy prints
Most often, clothes with a bright and eye-catching print have the effect of a bazaar style, and, as you know, it noticeably adds several years.