Stylist tips for full short women (62 photos)

Currently, fashion gives us a lot of amazing images. But often it is not intended for women with non-standard forms. Thus, it is very difficult for short beauties with mouth-watering shapes to find their own style. In this article we will give some valuable tips to help you choose your perfect wardrobe.

The size

Choose clothes that fit your size!

Often, girls who have several extra pounds try to hide them under shapeless clothes many times larger than their size. This is a gross mistake, especially for short girls. Putting on such clothes you become like a shapeless spherical figure, losing your femininity. Also, do not choose clothes smaller than yours, as this way you emphasize your excess weight.

What clothes should you choose

  1. Be wary of lush layered clothing. It will give you extra bulk.

  2. Try not to upset the proportionality between the top and bottom. Wearing extra long clothes, complete it with a strap. So you achieve balance and emphasize the waist, which is advantageous if you are overweight.

  3. Even with small stature, do not wear shoes with too high heels, especially wide ones. It looks very ridiculous and tasteless. An exception will be if you hide such shoes under a long dress.













Trousers and jeans

Having the discussed characteristics of the figure, you should not choose wide trousers or jeans. You should also pay attention to the material from which they are made. If there are problem areas, it should keep in shape and give elasticity.






Jackets & Jackets

Jackets and cardigans are an ideal way to add elegance to women with any type of figure. But ladies with curvaceous should not make a choice in favor of options with shoulder pads. The priority should be a simple cut and a calm color.





Due to being overweight, miniskirts should never be your choice. Skirts on the floor will also make your figure shapeless.










Dress is the main element of women's wardrobe. The most flawless option for full girls are high-waisted models. In addition, reducing the top and vice versa increasing the bottom, with the help of such a dress you visually add yourself a few centimeters. Also pay attention to the pattern. Strictly exclude the horizontal strip that will make your look “flattened”.




If you want to become taller and slimmer, then a monophonic overalls with a high waist will be an ideal option for you.



Another enemy for you will be a large knit sweater. It will visually make you bigger. Prefer soft knitwear that does not fit the figure. If you want a model with a collar, then it should not fit your neck, but be in the shape of a collar. A sweater just below the waist, which will hide this problem area, is also a good option.


