Women's hairstyles winter 2024 (features, execution technique, 201 photos)

Winter is a period of hats. Therefore, it is important that the hairstyle be strong and resistant to external influences, but at the same time it should adorn the woman and allow her to remain attractive and confident. The fashionable hairstyle for this season should be stylish and versatile, which is suitable for work and for a special occasion. So, in this article we will talk about the most popular and relevant ideas for the hairstyle of the winter season.

Winter hairstyles for medium and long hair

If you have a hair length at least slightly lower than the shoulders, then there is no limit to the variety of hairstyles that you can offer. With this length, the hairstyle always looks natural and stylish.













In order to keep the hairstyle under the hat for a long time, do not use a large amount of styling products.








One of the main trends of this season is volumetric braid. From time immemorial, for many centuries, the braid has been the most popular hairstyle, during which time it underwent incredible changes and transformations. This winter, in addition to the fact that the volume braid itself occupies a leading position, it is also the main element in creating many combined hairstyles. For example, a striking example are Spit in combination with the beam. Next, we will consider how to create a romantic and elegant image with the help of a volumetric braid.











French disheveled braid

  1. To start, make a substantial pile at the roots. Then, combing everything back, with a comb brush, smooth the top layer of hair.
  2. Begin weaving from the forehead, initially separating the three strands, braid the steps of two ordinary braids.
  3. Then start weaving the braid by twisting the strands from underneath and picking up loose curls on both sides. Weaving should not be made tight so that in the future the pigtail can easily be stretched.
  4. Stretch the braid during weaving, without waiting for the end, otherwise it is more difficult to do then and adds unnecessary fluffies. Stretch it should be holding the bottom of the sections.
  5. For more romance during the weaving, leave a few thin curls on both sides, then wind them on a curling iron and pass between braided strands.

In order to give the braid more volume and splendor before weaving, use the corrugation nozzle, paying special attention to the roots.


Side braid

Another of the most successful hairstyles returned from the past this season is a braid braided on its side. Besides the fact that it is convenient to wear it under a hat, this hairstyle is suitable both for a party and for going to the cinema. But this time, such a hairstyle has its own requirements. As in other seasons of this year, she strives for simplicity and naturalness. Do not make it tight. Give the braid extra volume by stretching the strands. Braiding her, use the golden rule the larger the number of strands, the more voluminous it will end up.





















Ponytail hairstyle

This time, the fashion decided to make life easier for fashionistas and free up some time due to hairstyles that do not require special efforts and one of them, which takes five minutes, is the tail. But this time to perform his worth voluminous. Since this is a winter version, it is recommended to create volume at the roots of the hair.The tail, complemented by curls, also looks especially impressive. The most winning option would be low side sloppy tail, which goes well with the hat and makes the look cute and flirty.













Sloppy tail technique

  1. Apply heat protection to dry hair
  2. In order to get the maximum volume, curl your hair with forceps as casually as possible.
  3. Apply a texture spray to your hair. Do not use a comb, separate the curls with your fingers.
  4. After the hair has completely dried, collect the tail.
  5. Randomly stretch thin curls at the base of the tail. But at the same time, do this with caution so as not to harm the hair.
  6. If desired, mask the gum with a small curl, twisting it around and fixing it with the help of invisibility.




Curls and curls remain at the peak of popularity for a very long time. For long hair and medium length hair, this is a real find. But speaking of such a hairstyle in the winter season, the question arises, how to keep beautiful and voluminous curls under a hat !? To ensure that your hairdo does not deteriorate and remains neat and wrinkled, do curls at the ends or from the middle of the length. In this case, they will look cute from under the hat, and having removed it, the shape of the hairstyle will remain fresh and attractive as before.

Since winter is a period of severe weather conditions, when creating this hairstyle, you should think about means of strong fixation, but at the same time, to keep your curls airy and light, you should choose styling tools that do not weigh down your hair.










Low beam

The bunch is ideal for all seasons, since there are a lot of variations of this hairstyle and for each season you can choose your own. In addition, due to its versatility, it can be used both in everyday life and for any event. If you complement the bundle with an oblique or several braids, it will look more romantic and elegant. Also, such a hairstyle can be performed in the most common way with elastic and hairpins. But at this time is a good helper, "donut", especially an indispensable accessory for girls who do not have thick or long hair.





















Low Beam Technique

Moving away from the uniformity, we will offer the following embodiment of the beam, which will remain in the desired shape after any header:

  1. Wash and dry hair dry.
  2. Divide the hair into three parts.
  3. Having fixed the middle one with an elastic band, form a bundle and fix it with hairpins.
  4. Then gradually, forming bundles from the rest of the hair, wrap them around the bundle, while fixing it with hairpins.
  5. Lightly fix the result with a medium fixation tool.

Beam technique using a donut

  1. To get started, you should choose a “bagel” that suits your hair color. This is not so difficult to do, because at this time in any accessories store their choice is very large both in size and color.
  2. Gather a regular tail. Then pass the tail through the “donut” hole in the same way as through the rubber band.
  3. To distribute the hair evenly over the bun, tilt your head. Fix the position of the hair with another rubber band.
  4. The ends of the hair are either masked under the bun or wrapped around the base of the bun.
  5. Use hairpins and stealth to complete the hairstyle.
  6. Use fixing means.





When finished with styling, never rush to wear a hat. Allow hair to cool and take shape. Otherwise, you will get a shapeless and licked mop of hair.

Loose hair

The simpler the hairstyle, the easier it is to keep it in its pristine appearance. This is what stylists are guided by this time. And so the classic is in fashion. Straight and smooth hair are always the standard of femininity and beauty. In addition, it is quick and easy to get the desired, enough heat-protective products and a hair straightener.In the event that you want to give your hair an extra shine, use various sprays, serums and other cosmetics.

Long straight hair will look more effective if they are well-groomed and healthy. Therefore, do not forget about proper care, especially in the winter, when they are especially susceptible to the negative effects of weather conditions.







Winter hairstyles for short hair


It would seem that voluminous hairstyles in winter is fantastic, but no. If you have short hair, this season it is this style that will be the perfect option. To create such a volume will help a thin comb and means of strong fixation:

  1. To begin with, you should comb the hair at the roots along the upper region of the head.
  2. Then fix with styling agent.
  3. Next, give the form a hairstyle.

Even having been under a hat, such a hairstyle will retain its shape.



When styling short hair, try do not overload them with cosmetics. The best option is to take them with you. Upon arrival, simply ruffle the styling with your fingers and then apply styling products.


If you are the owner of a bang, then you can solve the issue with a hairstyle exclusively with its help. It is enough to release it from under the caps and lay it beautifully. The remaining hair, as unnecessary, can be combed back. The bangs will always refresh your image and allow it to change significantly. This season at the peak of popularity elongated, classic straight and thick slanting bangs.











