Manicure on medium nails: features, ideas (182 photos)

Features manicure nails on average

As we said above, the average length is the most universal. This is one of the best options for your daily manicure. With the help of the average length of the nails, with the correct selection of the form, you can visually lengthen the short fingers, while not losing functionality.

Medium length is also very suitable for thin and brittle nails. Even without varnish, with the most ordinary manicure, nails will break much less often.

IMPORTANT! When choosing the average length of the nails, it is important to choose the right shape to correctly emphasize the advantages and hide the flaws of your pens.

There are four most popular forms of nails:

  1. Oval;
  2. Rectangular
  3. Almond-shaped;
  4. Soft square.

Each form is suitable for a certain type and length of the fingers. For example, for long fingers, a rectangular shape would be an ideal option, but for ladies with thin fingers and protruding phalanges, an oval or almond-shaped shape is better.

ATTENTION! If you have puffy and short fingers, a wide nail plate, then it is better to refuse a shortened length in favor of a long manicure.

Owners of short brushes should look at such shapes as a soft square or oval. And women whose hands are softer and more feminine need to look at the round shape.

New manicure on medium nails

Nail art art does not stand still. Like the entire fashion beauty industry, it also introduces new ideas for designs, textures and color schemes. Sophisticated fashionistas are becoming increasingly difficult to surprise. But the nail service masters and everyone working in this area will still come up with something interesting and new.

The latest manicure on medium nails include:

  1. Creative design;
  2. Manicure in flock technique;
  3. Stamping design;
  4. Cat Eye Manicure.

Next, we will talk about each of them in more detail.

Creative manicure nails on average

The name of this type of manicure speaks for itself. Creative Writing - in all its glory.

Here, and incredible color combinations and all kinds of mixing of various techniques. In general, all of the incredible idea to conceive that manicurist with his client.

Currently, there are more and more creative designs related to any events. For example, a wedding creative manicure or a manicure dedicated to the World Cup or the Olympics and similar ideas.

Some are creative even with the shape of nails. Well, it turns out well, very original ...

Fluffy fluffy manicure

A completely new trend in the world of nail fashion has become a manicure in technology flock or cashmere manicure.

To create such a manicure, special fibers or cotton or viscose fibers, called flock, are used.It is sold in jars and has a different color, length of villi and structure.

With the help of the flock, you can both decorate individual elements in the design of nails and cover the nails as a whole.

Using finely dispersed flock, suede nails are obtained, but if you use a larger-nap flock, you can even create furry nails.

The design of manicure in flock style is very peculiar. Basically, it is done by young girls who crave experiments. Mature and serious ladies prefer calmer design options.

Stamping the design on the average nails

Another novelty in the nail art industry is design with stamping.

Stamping is ready-made pictures or patterns for nails that are transferred to the nail plate using a special stamp.

Stamping design has gained particular popularity among women who prefer to do manicure on their own at home.

This is due to the fact that this type of design is quite simple to perform, and the effect of it exceeds all expectations.

Many people confuse stamping with slider design. However, these are completely different things.

The slider is a special sticker based on water.

Stamping design can be absolutely anything: from whole pictures to individual fragments and patterns.

Awesome cat eye on medium nails

Another option for fashionable design on medium nails can be considered a manicure in the style of"Cat's eye."

Such a manicure is performed using special varnish and small magnets. Due to the fact that metallic particles were added to the varnish, acting on the wet coating with a magnet, they are attracted to it and form a kind of pattern resembling a cat's eye. Hence the name.

This design is most popular in the winter season, so it can be attributed to seasonal designs.

However, there are spring ideas in this technique.

manicure ideas in the Middle nails

As we said earlier, the average length of the nails allows you to create any kind of designs on the nails. Since the average length is somewhere between short and long nails, it can be implemented on it and designs for long nails and options for shorts.

We have chosen some of the most fashionable and stylish ideas for manicure on medium nails. These include:

  • Marble design;
  • Design with rubbing;
  • Manicure with negative space;
  • Design in the style of Sweet bloom.

Let us dwell on each of them in more detail.

Marble manicure on medium nails

Marble nail design - an undoubted hit in manicure for several seasons.

It appeared precisely at that period when the naturalness and naturalness of textures and patterns came into fashion. All-natural marble stains look completely luxurious on nails.

This design is carried out on a wet surface using a thin brush using the blending technique.

Marble nail design looks especially beautiful in combination with soft pink and gray tones.

Additionally, you can decorate such a manicure with sparkles or several rhinestones.

Rubbing on medium nails

Another popular design for medium nails is rubbing. It can be colored or mirrored, with or without sparkles.

In addition to the above options, there are also species such as a metallic rubbed with the effect of mother of pearl, prism or colored overflow.

In the summer, with the help of rubbing, the nail service masters create a real semblance of pearl shells on the nails. Such a manicure looks simply luxurious.

The design with a rub on the middle nails is also very often used in wedding manicure. With it, you can create both gentle and sensual images, as well as bold and extravagant options.

Most often, rubbing is used on light, pastel shades. However, its color options are not inferior in beauty.

For several seasons, the mirrored rub remains popular. This design is usually used by girls with an unusual appearance who want to stand out.

Negative space middle nails manicure

Another fashionable novelty in the world of nail fashion - manicure in style negative space. 

Negative space, or negative space - this is a type of nail design in which there are unpainted areas on the nails.

This type of design refers to the minimalist look of manicure, as it is based on a minimum of decor and color schemes.

Unpainted areas can be either individual parts on the nails (for example, the middle or vice versa edge), or certain patterns (for example, geometric shapes or hearts).

When performing such a manicure, unpainted areas can be either simply covered with a transparent base and top, or painted with so-called camouflage varnish.

Volume Sweet bloom in the middle nails

An undoubted hit for all the girls who want to stand out from the crowd was a manicure in the style of sweet bloom.

Sweet bloom (sweet bloom) is a trendy nail design in pastel colors with a volumetric image made using color gel polish.

Manicure in this technique is only gaining popularity, but one thing is certain for sure - in the summer, this is a real hit among all nail designs.

Many women love the manicure in the style of Sweet Bloom due to the fact that it looks great on absolutely any length of nails.

This design looks very gentle and romantic. Moreover, with the development of this technique, nail service masters have come up with its embodiment not only in brightly-tender summer designs, but also in a beautiful winter manicure.

A few more breathtaking mid-length nail design options.


