Summer manicure: trends, ideas, news (196 photos)

Summer manicure trends

The summer season is undoubtedly the season of fruits, ice cream and other summer snacks. Therefore, in the summer manicure, the ladies are happy to capture all this delicious summer variety on their nails.

It is also worth noting that summer manicure is distinguished by an abundance of bright, one can say “poisonous” shades. And indeed, why during the holidays not to decorate your nails with something more provocative than during the weekly workweeks. Indeed, many women working in offices simply can not afford to wear such a flashy bright manicure.

The most trendy summer manicure is a design with fruits and herbs!

And for romantic persons in the summer, manicure masters prepared delicate seascapes or romantic flowers.

Summer Manicure Ideas

The variety of options for summer nail design is simply amazing. It seems that it was in the summer manicure that the nail service masters embodied their most vivid dreams and fantasies.

In the summer manicure, you can afford almost everything: from nails decorated with a plentiful amount of rhinestones and sparkles to poisonous neon shades.

New summer manicure

If we talk about the latest in summer nail design, then first of all it is worth noting a trend such neon nails.

Neon varnish is a varnish of bright poisonous shades, luminescent in the ultraviolet rays. This is undoubtedly a very bold option for extraordinary persons. Neon lacquer can draw absolutely any drawings and patterns.

In addition to the neon coating, the summer gradient or ombre, made with additional decor as sparkles, became an undoubted hit.

Summer manicure on long nails

That's where you can definitely go for a walk, coming up with a summer design, so it's on long nails. Here you will find voluminous drawings of fruits and flowers, and classic options with a color jacket and bright geometric patterns, and much much more.

Summer manicure for long nails has practically no restrictions. Here everything depends only on the taste of the client and the professionalism of the master.

One of the hits of summer manicure on long nails is a manicure with butterflies!

For lovers of something more tender and calm, you can choose a design with light colors and arrange it with a coating in pastel bright colors.

If we talk about trends in the summer design of manicure for long nails, then most women prefer the following designs:

  • Summer service jacket;
  • Summer manicure with drawings of flowers and butterflies;
  • Design with fruits.

Next, we will consider each of them in more detail.

French summer design

Summer manicure in a French style can be of two types:

  1. A classic jacket with additional decor in the form of a picture, rhinestone and the like;
  2. Colored jacket is an option when the tips of the nails are painted in different colors.

Both options look very fresh and bright in summer.

Very popular designs of summer French manicure on long nails with decoration of only one nail.

As for the color scheme, it can vary from delicate shades for sensual romantic natures to poisonous tones for extraordinary persons.

Summer manicure with flowers and butterflies.

This manicure is definitely impossible to confuse with any other seasonal nail design. Summer flowers and fluttering butterflies - what can better personify a summer mood ?!

Of course, on long nails such magnificence looks much more beautiful and harmonious than on short. However, ladies with short nail lengths should not be upset; for them, nail service masters have come up with their summer splendor.

The more bright colors in a summer manicure with flowers, the better. And designs with butterflies look luxurious with an additional decor of rhinestones and beads.

Summer manicure with fruits

The undoubted hit of the summer is the design of nails with fruits. In the past summer seasons, the so-called 3D designs with three-dimensional images of fruits received special love.

Just look at this assorted fruit !!! Such a design will definitely not leave anyone indifferent! That is why among the whole variety of summer ideas for manicure, the design with fruits occupies a confident leading position.

Moreover, professional nail service masters prefer to draw such masterpieces by hand, and beginners prefer to simplify their lives and use sliders - special stickers with a ready-made picture.

Moreover, high-quality slider design is very difficult to distinguish from a professional drawing.

Very often, images of fruits are accompanied by additional decoration with drops of transparent varnish, as if creating the illusion of flowing juice.

Such a manicure looks simply amazing!

Summer manicure on medium nails

Design options for summer manicure on medium nails are as diverse as on long ones. However, there are already some of its subtleties and features, as well as its favorites among the female population.

Summer manicure on medium nails is already more restrained. It has a little less rhinestones, three-dimensional patterns and drawings. However, with all this, the brightness and juiciness of the summer nail design is in no way lost.

Among the favorites of summer design on medium nails, three favorites can be distinguished:

  1. Summer gradient manicure
  2. Summer manicure with rhinestones
  3. Summer manicure with neon varnish.

Gradient summer nail design.

The design of the gradient technique has become the favorite of many women in summer manicure on medium nails.

Gradient is a nail design technology consisting in a smooth transition of one color to another.

A close relative of the gradient design has become a beloved ombre.

Ombre is essentially the same gradient, but in the same color scheme. In ombre, the color changes from a darker shade to a lighter one.

Summer gradient design features bold color experimentation. In the summer, the gradient can be almost any color.

When performing gradient design, the manicurist must use varnishes with the same density, otherwise they simply will not connect.

Summer manicure with rhinestones

An ideal option for a summer holiday would be a nail design with rhinestones. The average length is perfect for this. We have already said that this is the most optimal option for the length of the nails, on which almost all the techniques and decor elements look luxurious. Rhinestones and beads are no exception.

In the summer performance, a manicure with rhinestones looks juicy and bold. However, do not forget about The main rule of decorating nails with rhinestones:

There must be a measure in everything!

Neon summer design

A definite hit in summer nail design is the neon coating.We mentioned it casually a little earlier. Now let's take a closer look at the most fashionable, stylish and vibrant designs using neon varnishes.

The essence of the neon coating is that under the influence of ultraviolet rays it begins to glow. Such a manicure looks simply luxurious. It stands out especially when visiting a nightclub or bar.

Summer manicure for short nails

Currently, manicure for a short length of nails is gaining popularity. Many women consider it more optimal and convenient in everyday life. Someone will say that on the short length of the nails you will not do anything beautiful. This is fundamentally false statement. Below is direct evidence of the opposite - the short length of the nails does not limit the design options at all. This is especially true of summer manicure.

Summer manicure for short nails - these are the same flowers, the same bright colors, lines, fruits and sparkles. It's just that all this is presented in a smaller volume, in a more restrained form.

Summer geometry

Still does not want to leave the pedestal of leadership manicure with a geometric pattern. It is presented in all kinds of seasonal nail designs. Summer manicure was no exception.

Geometric patterns can be performed completely on any length of nails. However, since the minimalist style is currently in vogue, it is precisely on a short length that the geometric design looks really stylish.

Summer manicure with negative space.

Another hit for the past several seasons manicure in the style of "negativ space" (negative space).

Negative means untouched, unused. In other words, these are sections of nails without any colored varnish.

A negative space manicure also symbolizes a minimalist style.



