Hardware manicure: features, advantages and disadvantages, step by step instructions

Features of hardware manicure

So, first, let's figure out what a hardware manicure is.

Hardware manicure is a gentle treatment of nails using a specialized device - a milling cutter with several interchangeable nozzles.

Currently, there are a huge number of various milling cutters for every taste and budget. Therefore, hardware manicure can be carried out even at home.

As a rule, the following nozzles are included in the package of any standard router:

  • large diameter discs - designed to remove rough skin and remove calluses;
  • smaller diameter discs - used to give the nails the appropriate shape;
  • Cylindrical nozzle with a rounded end (trapezoidal cutter) - is used to process lateral notches of the nail;
  • Cone-shaped nozzle - used to process the cuticle, its lifting from the nail plate;
  • Spherical nozzle - used to remove the cuticle itself;
  • Nozzle with a grinding roller - used to polish the skin around the nails.

Of course, it is worth noting that the number and variety of nozzles may vary depending on the manufacturer.

Advantages and disadvantages of hardware manicure

Disputes about the pros and cons of hardware manicure have been going on for a very long time. Let's see what is true and what is stupid fiction.

So, the following are the advantages of hardware manicure:

  1. Gentle treatment of skin and nails;
  2. Relative safety (in comparison with a cut manicure, where the risk of injury is much higher);
  3. Ability to process problem areas of nails;
  4. Almost complete absence of pain (in the case when a professional is working);
  5. Long-lasting effect from manicure (cuticle grows much slower compared to the same trimmed manicure).

However, do not forget about some of the problems that may arise with hardware manicure:

  1. Thin and weak nails - a taboo for hardware manicure;
  2. A complex procedure for processing nails (an untrained person can immediately perform the correct hardware manicure);
  3. The risk of pain (only possible when the device is in the hands of an inexperienced master or novice.

Instructions for performing hardware manicure

Hardware manicure is performed ONLY on dry skin !!!

  • Using a cone-shaped or small disk nozzle, clean the nails of old varnish (if any).

  • Apply a softener to the cuticle, leave for a couple of minutes, then remove with a cotton pad.

  • Gently lift the softened cuticle with an orange wooden stick. Allow to dry.

  • The main manipulations begin with giving the nails an appropriate shape with the help of a small disk nozzle.

  • Next, we proceed to the processing of the side sections. Treat them with a cylindrical (trapezoidal) nozzle, grind.

  • Using a cone-shaped nozzle, slightly raise a thin cuticle.

  • Using a spherical nozzle at an angle of 45 degrees, remove the raised cuticle.

  • Using an abrasive disc, treat coarsened areas of the skin of the hands.
  • Using a pile brush, polish the nail plate.

For acquaintance a small video lesson on hardware manicure.



