Stylish pink manicure: fashionable shades, new designs (52 photos)

Well, what kind of girl in childhood did not like pink? In general, most people associate girls with this color. It is understandable, because pink is so multifaceted: from bright, almost poisonous pink to pale and delicate pinkish. Each girl can find her perfect shade in this color palette. As for manicure, a special place is also given to pink color. Using gentle pinkish shades, classic manicure designs are created, such as a jacket for example. Bright pink tones are present in many summer manicure designs. In general, pink is the color without which it is impossible to imagine the further development of nail fashion. In this article we will talk about the most fashionable shades of pink manicure and show the best and stylish options for nail design in pink.

The most fashionable shades of pink manicure

The pink color in the manicure is truly girly, but many girls fell in love with it not for this reason.

A huge variety of shades of pink determines its versatility.

This means that for any situation, you can choose the appropriate shade of pink. For everyday style, these are gentle pastel shades, for summer holidays - bright "poisonous" tones.

However, at present, girls increasingly prefer pastel shades of pink. If the monophonic coating does not suit you, then you can easily add several design elements to choose from. It can be neat strasses, sparkles or a design with a slider.

But if you prefer bright pink, then you need to be very careful when choosing a design.

Hot pink in itself is a self-sufficient color and excessive "bells and whistles" will only harm your manicure, give it vulgarity.

In addition, the gentle tones of pink are suitable for women of absolutely any age. A woman in years with a pale pink manicure will never be called vulgar.

Pale pink manicure

The most fashionable shades of pale pink manicure include the following:

  • light pink;
  • powdery;
  • light peach;
  • beige nude.

All these shades visually rejuvenate the skin of your hands, and with the correct shape of the nails, they also lengthen the fingers.

Hot pink manicure

For bright girls, always living on the positive, the ideal option is bright pink, even a little flashy color. This shade creates a summer mood at any time of the year. Skillfully decorating it with various elements or playing with various techniques, you can create a real masterpiece of manicure art.

Pink and white manicure

Separately, among all the designs of pink manicure, it is necessary to highlight the pink-white type. This is exactly the classic combination that has not gone out of fashion for many years.

The classic French manicure is made in pink and white.

White and pink - the perfect combination in manicure for a wedding or a romantic evening.

Beautiful ideas for pink manicure


