Wedding Manicure: 66 Luxurious Ideas

The subtleties of a wedding manicure

Wedding chores always absorb the brides as a whole, and sometimes, the girls behind all this fuss forget about simple rules when preparing pens for a wedding manicure.

  1. To make your pens and wedding manicure look irresistible, do not forget to moisturize your skin and strengthen your nails. For this, there are special creams and serums.
  2. Never do household cleaning with chemicals without gloves. Even the dishes should be washed in the best place, so as not to damage the skin and your nails.
  3. A couple of days before the wedding ceremony, arrange your pens with spa treatments. Spend a paraffin wrap (at home or in the salon). This will help tighten the skin, moisturize and soften it. And your pens on the day of the celebration will shine.
  4. It is better to think over a wedding manicure in advance, so that on the day of the visit to the master, you won’t puzzle over the choice of design.
  5. It is better to do a wedding manicure 2-3 days before the celebration, so that in which case you can manage to fix it.

Wedding manicure can be done with your own hands at home. However, in this case, you must be sure that you have enough skills to skillfully process your nails and create a really beautiful design on them.

Following these simple rules, on the day of the celebration your pens will look well-groomed and beautiful.

The main trends of wedding manicure

Minimalist style is currently in fashion. This direction also affected the world of nail service. Even a wedding manicure is now becoming more and more minimalistic.

If you want to create a beautiful one-piece look - choose the design of the wedding manicure in accordance with the dress, bouquet and accessories. All the details of the wedding image should carefully complement each other.

Of the new wedding manicure, you can highlight the design with rubbed, with voluminous drawings and in the style of "pearl shell"

No need to litter the nails at once with all kinds of decor and design. An excessive amount of rhinestones, sparkles, sculpting on all nails looks terribly tasteless and ugly.

Classic wedding jacket and moon manicure

Ombre wedding manicure

Matte Wedding Manicure

Wedding manicure with monograms.

Wedding manicure with drawings

Wedding manicure with rhinestones


Glitter Wedding Manicure

Wedding Manicure Ideas


