How to name a boy born in October

Distinctive features of the character of boys born in October

If your boy was born in the month of October, then you are very lucky, as raising these children is a pleasure. October children have strong craving for knowledge, travel, very sociable and friendlyas well as always cheerful and optimistic. Moreover, their optimism is contagious, it attracts others and allows these children to almost always remain in the spotlight, which brings them great pleasure. These boys prefer to live in the real world, never make plans for the future and are not at all inclined to dreams. It’s more common for them to act on occasion - here and now, they never believe in promises. Perhaps this feature is the reason that they themselves tend to easily break the persuasion or forget about them at all. Moreover, their own benefit, which they try to extract even in minor details, is above all for them. Well, in any case, they will never profit from friends or relatives, and even vice versa they are very attentive and reverent to their environment and if any of them need help, they will certainly make every effort to provide support. Having become more adult, these boys nevertheless cease to be as complaisant as at an early age, the opinions of loved ones cease to be as authoritative as before, but nevertheless, despite this, they remain very led and persuade them to their point of view, picking up a couple of compelling reasons, is not difficult. Unfortunately, they practically fail to achieve any significant successes on their own, and if it succeeds, it is very rare and with great difficulty. In order to achieve high results, they will definitely need outside help, even if in the form of ordinary advice.

Giving a name to such a child, one should dwell on an option that sounds authoritative and conspicuous, which will bring consistency and clarity to the character traits of this boy.

Names for boys born in October by numbers

October 1:

  • Vladimir is from the Slavic "ruler of the world."
  • Benjamin - from Hebrew, “son from beloved wife”.
  • Alexey - from the ancient Greek "the one who protects, protects."
  • Constantine - from the Greek "solid."
  • Michael - from the Hebrew "who is like God."
  • Ivan - from the Hebrew "God bestowed."
  • Arkady - from the ancient Greek "arcados" means "resident of Arcadia (happy country)."

2 October:

  • David - from Hebrew means "beloved."
  • Nicholas is Greek. "Victory of the people."
  • Alexey - from the ancient Greek "the one who protects, protects."
  • Trofim - from the Greek "breadwinner".
  • Constantine - from the Greek "solid."
  • Makar - from the ancient Greek "blessed".
  • David - from Hebrew means "beloved."

October 3:

  • Alexander - from the Greek "guardian husband."
  • Michael - from the Hebrew "who is like God."
  • Ivan - from the Hebrew "God bestowed."
  • Oleg - from the Scandinavian "saint".

The 4th of October:

  • Alexander - from the Greek "guardian husband."
  • Andrey - from the Greek “andros” - “husband”, “man”, “courageous”.
  • Alexey - from the ancient Greek "the one who protects, protects."
  • Ivan - from the Hebrew "God bestowed."
  • Dmitry - from the ancient Greek "Demetris" - the one who belongs to Demeter (the goddess of agriculture).
  • Vladimir is from the Slavic "ruler of the world."
  • Mark - from Latin means "hammer".

October 5th:

  • Makar - from the ancient Greek "blessed".
  • Benjamin - from Hebrew, “son from beloved wife”.
  • Alexander - from the Greek "guardian husband."
  • Andrey - from the Greek “andros” - “husband”, “man”, “courageous”.
  • Nicholas is Greek. "Victory of the people."

October 6th:

  • Andrey - from the Greek “andros” - “husband”, “man”, “courageous”.
  • Anton - from the Greek "opponent".
  • Ivan - from the Hebrew "God bestowed."
  • Nicholas is Greek. "Victory of the people."
  • Oleg - from the Scandinavian "saint".

October 7th:

  • Stepan - from the ancient Greek "stefanos" - "wreath", "crown".
  • Nicander - from the Greek "winner of husbands."
  • Vladislav - of Slavic origin: "Vlad" (possess) and "glory" (glory) - "owning glory."
  • Andrey - from the Greek “andros” - “husband”, “man”, “courageous”.
  • David - from Hebrew means "beloved."
  • Nicander - from the Greek "winner of husbands."

October 8th:

  • Nicholas is Greek. "Victory of the people."
  • Roman - from the Greek "strong".
  • Maxim - from the Latin "maximus" - "the largest."
  • Prokhor - from the Greek means "sang".

October 9th:

  • Ivan - from the Hebrew "God bestowed."
  • Vladimir is from the Slavic "ruler of the world."
  • Dmitry - from the ancient Greek "Demetris" - the one who belongs to Demeter (the goddess of agriculture).
  • Nicholas is Greek. "Victory of the people."
  • Alexander - from the Greek "guardian husband."

October 10th:

  • Alexander - from the Greek "guardian husband."
  • Michael - from the Hebrew "who is like God."
  • Ignat - from the Latin "Ignatius" - "fire."
  • Dmitry - from the ancient Greek "Demetris" - the one who belongs to Demeter (the goddess of agriculture).
  • Mark - from Latin means "hammer".

October 11:

  • Alexander - from the Greek "guardian husband."
  • Michael - from the Hebrew "who is like God."
  • Mark - from Latin means "hammer".
  • Alexey - from the ancient Greek "the one who protects, protects."
  • Ivan - from the Hebrew "God bestowed."
  • Ilya - from the Hebrew "fortress of the Lord."
  • Makar - from the ancient Greek "blessed".
  • Nicholas is Greek. "Victory of the people."
  • Prokhor - from the Greek means "sang".

October 12th:

  • Ivan - from the Hebrew "God bestowed."

October 13th:

  • Alexey - from the ancient Greek "the one who protects, protects."
  • Michael - from the Hebrew "who is like God."

October 14:

  • Nicholas is Greek. "Victory of the people."
  • Ivan - from the Hebrew "God bestowed."
  • Alexander - from the Greek "guardian husband."
  • Michael - from the Hebrew "who is like God."
  • Roman - from the Greek "strong".
  • George
  • Peter,
  • Donut
  • Egor

October 15th:

  • Kasyan
  • Andrey - from the Greek “andros” - “husband”, “man”, “courageous”.
  • Constantine - from the Greek "solid."
  • Alexander - from the Greek "guardian husband."
  • David - from Hebrew means "beloved."
  • Ivan - from the Hebrew "God bestowed."
  • Michael - from the Hebrew "who is like God."
  • Stepan - from the ancient Greek "stefanos" - "wreath", "crown".

October 16th:

  • Ivan - from the Hebrew "God bestowed."
  • Anton - from the Greek "opponent".
  • Oleg - from the Scandinavian "saint".

17 October:

  • Stepan - from the ancient Greek "stefanos" - "wreath", "crown".
  • Nicholas is Greek. "Victory of the people."
  • Dmitry - from the ancient Greek "Demetris" - the one who belongs to Demeter (the goddess of agriculture).
  • Michael - from the Hebrew "who is like God."
  • Vladimir is from the Slavic "ruler of the world."
  • Ignat - from the Latin "Ignatius" - "fire."

October 18th:

  • Alexey - from the ancient Greek "the one who protects, protects."
  • Makar - from the ancient Greek "blessed".

October 19th:

  • Ivan - from the Hebrew "God bestowed."
  • Makar - from the ancient Greek "blessed".

The 20th of October:

  • Nicholas is Greek. "Victory of the people."
  • Mark - from Latin means "hammer".
  • Maxim - from the Latin "maximus" - "the largest."

October 21:

  • Nicholas is Greek. "Victory of the people."
  • Dmitry - from the ancient Greek "Demetris" - the one who belongs to Demeter (the goddess of agriculture).
  • Ivan - from the Hebrew "God bestowed."
  • Vladimir is from the Slavic "ruler of the world."

22 of October:

  • Maxim - from the Latin "maximus" - "the largest."
  • Constantine - from the Greek "solid."
  • Mark - from Latin means "hammer".
  • Stepan - from the ancient Greek "stefanos" - "wreath", "crown".

October 23:

  • Andrey - from the Greek “andros” - “husband”, “man”, “courageous”.
  • Ignat - from the Latin "Ignatius" - "fire."
  • Anton - from the Greek "opponent".
  • Stepan - from the ancient Greek "stefanos" - "wreath", "crown".
  • Ilya - from the Hebrew "fortress of the Lord."

October 24th:

  • Alexander - from the Greek "guardian husband."
  • Makar - from the ancient Greek "blessed".
  • Anton - from the Greek "opponent".

the 25th of October:

  • Alexander - from the Greek "guardian husband."
  • Nicholas is Greek. "Victory of the people."
  • Ivan - from the Hebrew "God bestowed."
  • Makar - from the ancient Greek "blessed".
  • Maxim - from the Latin "maximus" - "the largest."

October 26th:

  • Benjamin - from Hebrew, “son from beloved wife”.
  • Nicholas is Greek. "Victory of the people."
  • Trofim - from the Greek "breadwinner".

27th October:

  • Maxim - from the Latin "maximus" - "the largest."
  • Michael - from the Hebrew "who is like God."
  • Nicholas is Greek. "Victory of the people."
  • Ignat - from the Latin "Ignatius" - "fire."

28 of October:

  • Ivan - from the Hebrew "God bestowed."
  • Dmitry - from the ancient Greek "Demetris" - the one who belongs to Demeter (the goddess of agriculture).
  • Roman - from the Greek "strong".

29th of October:

  • Alexey - from the ancient Greek "the one who protects, protects."
  • Ivan - from the Hebrew "God bestowed."

October 30:

  • Alexander - from the Greek "guardian husband."
  • Anton - from the Greek "opponent".
  • Andrey - from the Greek “andros” - “husband”, “man”, “courageous”.
  • Maxim - from the Latin "maximus" - "the largest."

October 31:

  • Nicholas is Greek. "Victory of the people."
  • Andrey - from the Greek “andros” - “husband”, “man”, “courageous”.
  • David - from Hebrew means "beloved."
  • Ivan - from the Hebrew "God bestowed."


