Distinctive features of the character of boys born in November
Boys who were born in November are fully characterized by this month. They are the same harsh and unpredictable, like the weather conditions prevailing during this period. Their complex nature begins to manifest itself at a very young age. And having entered adulthood with them it is almost completely impossible to get along. Moreover, in order to defend their point of view, they will not spare anyone, including even the closest ones. Their most obvious feature is mistrustwhich sometimes comes to madness. Before you make a deal, which is so difficult to persuade, they will weigh all the pros and cons for a very long time, independently double-check all the nuances and calculate the consequences. But their claims will not be unfounded and they will prove it. If you try to deceive them, they will immediately break off all possible connections and even if this deception was an insignificant trifle, it will be impossible to regain their trust. For their part, they do not mind going to some kind of trick for their own benefit. They agree with the opinions of those around them only if it does not negatively affect their point of view, otherwise, they are able to go against the crowd alone. Finding a common language with the boys of this month is almost completely impossible, but if you prove that you are worthy of their attention, it can develop into a very true strong friendship for the rest of your life. Having achieved this, one can find solid protection and a good ally in all matters. It should also be noted that these children strive for infinite perfection, so they try to do everything at the highest level.
Choosing a name for the November child, in no case should you give hard and loud names, since they emphasize an already difficult character, well, you should not dwell on too soft and gentle names, since if there are such features that prevail in character of these children, this is a very stupid combination. The main task of the name is to slightly soften the harsh nature of these children.
Names for boys born in November by numbers
Nov. 1:
- Artem - from the ancient Greek "having excellent health."
- Arthur - in the Celtic Mighty Bear.
- Dmitry - from the Greek "earthly fruit."
- Ivan - Nar. from John - "God's gift."
- Felix - from the Latin word "happiness", "happy."
- Sergey - from Latin “bright”, “bright”.
November 2:
- Artyom - from the ancient Greek "having excellent health."
- Alexander - from the Greek "guardian".
- Ivan - Nar. from John - "God's gift."
- Nicholas - from ancient Greek "the winner of the peoples."
- Peter - from the ancient Greek "Peter" - "stone block".
- Sergey - from Latin “bright”, “bright”.
- Fedor - from the ancient Greek "donated by God."
the 3rd of November:
- Alexander - from the Greek "guardian".
- Aleksey - from the ancient Greek "protector", "assistant".
- Dmitry - from the Greek "earthly fruit."
- Zahar - from the Hebrew "God's memory"
- Constantine - from the Latin "constant", which means "persistent", "solid."
- Nicholas - from ancient Greek "the winner of the peoples."
- Fedor - from the ancient Greek "donated by God."
- Sergey - from Latin “bright”, “bright”.
- Ivan - Nar. from John - "God's gift."
November 4th:
- Alexander - from the Greek "guardian".
- Gregory - the ancient Greek "cautious", "vigilant."
- Zahar - from the Hebrew "God's memory"
- Constantine - from the Latin "constant", which means "persistent", "solid."
- Maxim - from Latin “great”.
- Nicholas - from ancient Greek "the winner of the peoples."
- Anton - from the ancient Greek "competing in power."
November 5:
- Alexander - from the Greek "guardian".
- Zahar - from the Hebrew "God's memory"
- Maxim - from Latin “great”.
- Nicholas - from ancient Greek "the winner of the peoples."
November 6th:
- Aleksey - from the ancient Greek "protector", "assistant".
- Nicholas - from ancient Greek "the winner of the peoples."
- Peter - from the ancient Greek "Peter" - "stone block".
- Felix - from the Latin word "happiness", "happy."
November 7th:
- Valery - from the ancient Greek “strong”.
- Mark - from the Latin "Marcus" - "hammer".
November 8th:
- Dmitry - from the Greek "earthly fruit."
- Anton - from the ancient Greek "competing in power."
November 9:
- Mark - from the Latin "Marcus" - "hammer".
- Maxim - from Latin “great”.
- Sergey - from Latin “bright”, “bright”.
10th of November:
- Arseny - from the Greek "sublime".
- Dmitry - from the Greek "earthly fruit."
- Maxim - from Latin “great”.
- Nicholas - from ancient Greek "the winner of the peoples."
11th of November:
- Aleksey - from the ancient Greek "protector", "assistant".
- Eugene - from the Greek "noble".
- Cyril - from the Persian "sun."
- Nicholas - from ancient Greek "the winner of the peoples."
- Ivan - Nar. from John - "God's gift."
November 12th:
- Artyom - from the ancient Greek "having excellent health."
- Alexander - from the Greek "guardian".
- Mark - from the Latin "Marcus" - "hammer".
- Maxim - from Latin “great”.
- Peter - from the ancient Greek "Peter" - "stone block".
- Matvey is Jewish. "Bestowed by the Lord."
the 13th of November:
- Artyom - from the ancient Greek "having excellent health."
- Alexander - from the Greek "guardian".
- Aleksey - from the ancient Greek "protector", "assistant".
- Nicholas - from ancient Greek "the winner of the peoples."
- Peter - from the ancient Greek "Peter" - "stone block".
- Sergey - from Latin “bright”, “bright”.
- Fedor - from the ancient Greek "donated by God."
November 14th:
- Alexander - from the Greek "guardian".
- Dmitry - from the Greek "earthly fruit."
- Ivan - Nar. from John - "God's gift."
- Peter - from the ancient Greek "Peter" - "stone block".
- Sergey - from Latin “bright”, “bright”.
- Fedor - from the ancient Greek "donated by God."
15th of November:
- Zahar - from the Hebrew "God's memory"
- Felix - from the Latin word "happiness", "happy."
- Albert - from the ancient German "brilliant."
- Constantine - from the Latin "constant", which means "persistent", "solid."
- Mark - from the Latin "Marcus" - "hammer".
November 16th:
- Alexander - from the Greek "guardian".
- Nicholas - from ancient Greek "the winner of the peoples."
- Peter - from the ancient Greek "Peter" - "stone block".
- Sergey - from Latin “bright”, “bright”.
- Fedor - from the ancient Greek "donated by God."
November 17th:
- Alexander - from the Greek "guardian".
- Ivan - Nar. from John - "God's gift."
- Nicholas - from ancient Greek "the winner of the peoples."
- Gregory - the ancient Greek "cautious", "vigilant."
November 18th:
- Maxim - from Latin “great”.
- Nazar - from Hebrew "dedicated himself to God."
- Gregory - the ancient Greek "cautious", "vigilant."
November 19th:
- Arseny - from the Greek "sublime".
- Maxim - from Latin “great”.
- Nicholas - from ancient Greek "the winner of the peoples."
- Nikita - from Greek “triumphant”.
20 November:
- Alexander - from the Greek "guardian".
- Aleksey - from the ancient Greek "protector", "assistant".
- Valery - from the ancient Greek “strong”.
- Gregory - the ancient Greek "cautious", "vigilant."
- Eugene - from the Greek "noble".
- Cyril - from the Persian "sun."
- Nicholas - from ancient Greek "the winner of the peoples."
- Felix - from the Latin word "happiness", "happy."
- Fedor - from the ancient Greek "donated by God."
- Sergey - from Latin “bright”, “bright”.
- Maxim - from Latin “great”.
- Anton - from the ancient Greek "competing in power."
November 21:
- Albert - from the ancient German "brilliant."
- Eldar - from the Old Norse "fire warrior".
- Aleksey - from the ancient Greek "protector", "assistant".
November 22:
- Alexander - from the Greek "guardian".
- Aleksey - from the ancient Greek "protector", "assistant".
- Anton - from the ancient Greek "competing in power."
- Dmitry - from the Greek "earthly fruit."
- Constantine - from the Latin "constant", which means "persistent", "solid."
- Mark - from the Latin "Marcus" - "hammer".
- Fedor - from the ancient Greek "donated by God."
November 23:
- Alexander - from the Greek "guardian".
- Aleksey - from the ancient Greek "protector", "assistant".
- Ivan - Nar. from John - "God's gift."
- Constantine - from the Latin "constant", which means "persistent", "solid."
- Nicholas - from ancient Greek "the winner of the peoples."
- Peter - from the ancient Greek "Peter" - "stone block".
November 24th:
- Eugene - from the Greek "noble".
- Maxim - from Latin “great”.
- Fedor - from the ancient Greek "donated by God."
- Anton - from the ancient Greek "competing in power."
November 25:
- Alexander - from the Greek "guardian".
- Dmitry - from the Greek "earthly fruit."
- Constantine - from the Latin "constant", which means "persistent", "solid."
- Nicholas - from ancient Greek "the winner of the peoples."
- Matvey is Jewish. "Bestowed by the Lord."
November 26th:
- Ivan - Nar. from John - "God's gift."
- Anton - from the ancient Greek "competing in power."
November 27th:
- Alexander - from the Greek "guardian".
- Aleksey - from the ancient Greek "protector", "assistant".
- Basil,
- Gregory - the ancient Greek "cautious", "vigilant."
- Dmitry - from the Greek "earthly fruit."
- Constantine - from the Latin "constant", which means "persistent", "solid."
- Maxim - from Latin “great”.
- Michael,
- Nicholas - from ancient Greek "the winner of the peoples."
- Peter - from the ancient Greek "Peter" - "stone block".
- Sergey - from Latin “bright”, “bright”.
- Philip,
- Fedor - from the ancient Greek "donated by God."
November 28:
- Gregory - the ancient Greek "cautious", "vigilant."
- Dmitry - from the Greek "earthly fruit."
- Nicholas - from ancient Greek "the winner of the peoples."
- Peter - from the ancient Greek "Peter" - "stone block".
- Felix - from the Latin word "happiness", "happy."
- Nikita - from Greek “triumphant”.
- Mark - from the Latin "Marcus" - "hammer".
29th of November:
- Nicholas - from ancient Greek "the winner of the peoples."
- Sergey - from Latin “bright”, “bright”.
- Fedor - from the ancient Greek "donated by God."
- Matvey is Jewish. "Bestowed by the Lord."
- Dmitry - from the Greek "earthly fruit."
November 30th:
- Gennady - from the ancient Greek "noble origin."
- Gregory - the ancient Greek "cautious", "vigilant."
- Zahar - from the Hebrew "God's memory".
- Sergey - from Latin “bright”, “bright”.