How to name a boy born in September

Distinctive features of the character of boys born in September

September is characterized by bright colors and the beginning of hard work on the procurement of supplies for the winter. Boys born this month are fully consistent with this time. They are characterized by generosity, hot temper and emotionality, as well as hard work and determination. These children relate to any work very responsibly and with special diligence. Although they have the obvious makings of a leader, they will never command others. These boys are from the category of those people whom you should turn to for valuable advice, in addition, they will always help not only in words, well, they will definitely take some action, even if they are not asked about it, besides they have incredible resourcefulness and will come up with a way out of any situation. Therefore, they always make great friends that you can rely on anyway. Even at a very young age, they will never give their friends an insult, despite the fact that they can end up in an unpleasant situation because of this, although they themselves are not conflicting children. These boys are able to find their recognition in any direction, thanks to their determination, and achieve great success, but because of their calm nature, they mainly hold positions where they do not need to take all the responsibility of making some serious decisions for themselves, but rather prefer to stay in submission. But this is only a positive quality, since most often they prove themselves to be good specialists in any field and will bring more benefit when they are subordinate. Since in this situation they will have more time to solve some problems that require diligence and careful calculations.

You can not think about the name for the boys of this month for a long time, since absolutely any names will suit them, but you can give a little firmness and determination to their character with the help of some truly masculine, loud-sounding name.

Names for boys born in September by numbers

September 1:

  • Andrew - from the ancient Greek "brave".
  • Timothy - from the ancient Greek "worshiper of God."
  • Felix - from the Latin "fertile."

September 2:

  • Victor - from the Latin Victor, which means - "winner".
  • Ivan - from the ancient Jewish "gifted with the grace of God."
  • Timothy - from the ancient Greek "worshiper of God."
  • Vladimir is of Slavic origin "possess" - power, "peace", which means "owns the world."

September 3:

  • Alexander - from the ancient Greek “alex” - “protect” and “andros” - “husband”, which means “courageous defense”.
  • German - from the Latin "begotten".
  • Paul - from Latin is translated as "small".

4 September:

  • Alexander - from the ancient Greek “alex” - “protect” and “andros” - “husband”, which means “courageous defense”.
  • Aleksey - from the ancient Greek “reflecting”, “preventing”.
  • Ivan - from the ancient Jewish "gifted with the grace of God."
  • Makar - from the ancient Greek "blessed."
  • Michael - from the Hebrew "God-like."
  • Felix - from the Latin "fertile."

September 5th:

  • Ivan - from the ancient Jewish "gifted with the grace of God."
  • Makar - from the ancient Greek "blessed."
  • Nicholas - from the Greek "conqueror of peoples."
  • Paul - from Latin is translated as "small".

6 September:

  • Arseny - from the Greek "sublime".
  • Makar - from the ancient Greek "blessed."
  • Felix - from the Latin "fertile."
  • Ivan - from the ancient Jewish "gifted with the grace of God."
  • Egor - from the Greek "patron of agriculture."

September 7th:

  • Vladimir is of Slavic origin "possess" - power, "peace", which means "owns the world."
  • Renat - from the Latin "newly born."
  • Ivan - from the ancient Jewish "gifted with the grace of God."

8 September:

  • Victor - from the Latin Victor, which means - "winner".
  • Roman - from the Greek "strong".
  • Egor - from the Greek "patron of agriculture."

9th of September:

  • Ivan - from the ancient Jewish "gifted with the grace of God."
  • Michael - from the Hebrew "God-like."
  • Felix - from the Latin "fertile."
  • Vladimir is of Slavic origin "possess" - power, "peace", which means "owns the world."
  • Alexander - from the ancient Greek “alex” - “protect” and “andros” - “husband”, which means “courageous defense”.

10 September:

  • Arseny - from the Greek "sublime".
  • Anatoly - from the ancient Greek "dawn".
  • Ivan - from the ancient Jewish "gifted with the grace of God."
  • Makar - from the ancient Greek "blessed."
  • Nicholas - from the Greek "conqueror of peoples."
  • Paul - from Latin is translated as "small".

11 September:

  • Ivan - from the ancient Jewish "gifted with the grace of God."
  • Felix - from the Latin "fertile."
  • Gennady - from the ancient Greek "gennadis" - "noble", "noble".

12-th of September:

  • Arseny - from the Greek "sublime".
  • Alexander - from the ancient Greek “alex” - “protect” and “andros” - “husband”, which means “courageous defense”.
  • Aleksey - from the ancient Greek “reflecting”, “preventing”.
  • Ivan - from the ancient Jewish "gifted with the grace of God."
  • Makar - from the ancient Greek "blessed."
  • Paul - from Latin is translated as "small".

September 13th:

  • Gennady - from the ancient Greek "gennadis" - "noble", "noble".
  • Miron - from the ancient Greek "incense."
  • Michael - from the Hebrew "God-like."
  • Vladimir is of Slavic origin "possess" - power, "peace", which means "owns the world."
  • Alexander - from the ancient Greek “alex” - “protect” and “andros” - “husband”, which means “courageous defense”.

September 14th:

  • Anatoly - from the ancient Greek "dawn".
  • Semen - from Hebrew means “hearing”.

September 15th:

  • Anatoly - from the ancient Greek "dawn".
  • Victor - from the Latin Victor, which means - "winner".
  • Vladimir is of Slavic origin "possess" - power, "peace", which means "owns the world."
  • Ivan - from the ancient Jewish "gifted with the grace of God."
  • Michael - from the Hebrew "God-like."
  • Nicholas - from the Greek "conqueror of peoples."
  • Paul - from Latin is translated as "small".
  • German - from the Latin "begotten".

16 of September:

  • Aleksey - from the ancient Greek “reflecting”, “preventing”.
  • Ivan - from the ancient Jewish "gifted with the grace of God."
  • Nicholas - from the Greek "conqueror of peoples."
  • Michael - from the Hebrew "God-like."
  • Andrew - from the ancient Greek "brave".
  • Roman - from the Greek "strong".
  • Vladimir is of Slavic origin "possess" - power, "peace", which means "owns the world."

September 17th:

  • Alexander - from the ancient Greek “alex” - “protect” and “andros” - “husband”, which means “courageous defense”.
  • Ivan - from the ancient Jewish "gifted with the grace of God."
  • Michael - from the Hebrew "God-like."
  • Nicholas - from the Greek "conqueror of peoples."
  • Paul - from Latin is translated as "small".
  • Stanislav is of Polish descent and means "to become glorious."

September 18th:

  • Stanislav is of Polish descent and means "to become glorious."
  • Aleksey - from the ancient Greek “reflecting”, “preventing”.

September 19th:

  • Andrew - from the ancient Greek "brave".
  • Ivan - from the ancient Jewish "gifted with the grace of God."
  • Makar - from the ancient Greek "blessed."
  • Michael - from the Hebrew "God-like."

September 20:

  • Alexander - from the ancient Greek “alex” - “protect” and “andros” - “husband”, which means “courageous defense”.
  • Andrew - from the ancient Greek "brave".
  • Ivan - from the ancient Jewish "gifted with the grace of God."
  • Makar - from the ancient Greek "blessed."
  • Nicholas - from the Greek "conqueror of peoples."
  • Michael - from the Hebrew "God-like."

September 21st:

  • Ivan - from the ancient Jewish "gifted with the grace of God."
  • Egor - from the Greek "patron of agriculture."

September 22nd:

  • Alexander - from the ancient Greek “alex” - “protect” and “andros” - “husband”, which means “courageous defense”.
  • Aleksey - from the ancient Greek “reflecting”, “preventing”.
  • Nicholas - from the Greek "conqueror of peoples."
  • Felix - from the Latin "fertile."

23 September:

  • Andrew - from the ancient Greek "brave".
  • Ivan - from the ancient Jewish "gifted with the grace of God."
  • Nicholas - from the Greek "conqueror of peoples."
  • Paul - from Latin is translated as "small".
  • Semen - from Hebrew means “hearing”.

September 24th:

  • German - from the Latin "begotten".
  • Roman - from the Greek "strong".
  • Nicholas - from the Greek "conqueror of peoples."
  • Victor - from the Latin Victor, which means - "winner".

September 25th:

  • Aleksey - from the ancient Greek “reflecting”, “preventing”.
  • Nicholas - from the Greek "conqueror of peoples."
  • Semen - from Hebrew means “hearing”.
  • Ivan - from the ancient Jewish "gifted with the grace of God."

September 26th:

  • Alexander - from the ancient Greek “alex” - “protect” and “andros” - “husband”, which means “courageous defense”.
  • Nicholas - from the Greek "conqueror of peoples."

September 27:

  • Ivan - from the ancient Jewish "gifted with the grace of God."
  • Gennady - from the ancient Greek "gennadis" - "noble", "noble".

September 28th:

  • Andrew - from the ancient Greek "brave".
  • Ivan - from the ancient Jewish "gifted with the grace of God."
  • Makar - from the ancient Greek "blessed."
  • Nicholas - from the Greek "conqueror of peoples."

September 29th:

  • Victor - from the Latin Victor, which means - "winner".
  • Renat - from the Latin "newly born."
  • Aleksey - from the ancient Greek “reflecting”, “preventing”.

September 30th:

  • Ivan - from the ancient Jewish "gifted with the grace of God."
  • Miron - from the ancient Greek "incense."
  • Paul - from Latin is translated as "small".


