How to name a boy born in May

Distinctive features of the character of boys born in May

When choosing a name for a child, parents are often guided by the fact that it is ideally combined with the surname and patronymic, but this is not always correct. In addition to these parameters, one of the important is the appearance time. In this article, we will talk about boys born in May, consider what features the most tender of the months of May awarded them. The character traits of May boys far from correspond to this month. Often these are very stubborn and straightforward children, whose convincing of something, is a tremendous effort. In addition, the combination of these properties with their resentment is a significant obstacle to meeting people. But despite this, they are rare connoisseurs of care and good-naturedness, they love the warm atmosphere and comfort. Hence their interest in the material situation. Financial well-being is the most important success of their life, which they are ready to achieve in any way. Moreover, in any undertakings they are always accompanied by luck, and they take up the matter only if they are fully confident that it will be useful. In all cases, they prefer to do most of the work on their own, resort to someone else's help in extreme cases, and then, controlling the process of implementation from beginning to end, but this is more likely an indicator of the excessive responsibility that these children have. With close people they are more compliant, but relations with them will be built up ideal only if they take the leadership of these boys and take into account their opinion in any business.

Choosing a name for a boy with such qualities, it is worth choosing options with a pleasant sound that will smooth out excessive stubbornness and pride, but it should also be taken into account that too nondescript names for this category of children will also not work.

Names for May born boys by numbers

May 1:

  • Michael - from Hebrew. "Analogous to God," "divine."
  • Gregory - Ancient Greek. "All seeing."
  • Victor - from Latin "winner".
  • Anthony - from Greek. “Happy”, “happy”.

2 May:

  • Felix - from Latin. - "successful."
  • Egor - from ancient Greek. "Worker on the earth."

3 May:

  • Philip - from the ancient Greek. "Horse lover."
  • Nicholas - from ancient Greek. "Winner of the people."
  • Alexander is Greek. "Courageous defender."

4 May:

  • Jacob - from the Hebrew "second-born."
  • Maximilian is Hebrew. "Sent by god."
  • Denis - from Greek. "Belonging to the god of the vital forces of nature - Deonis."
  • Alex - from Greek. "Preserving."

5 may:

  • Vitaliy is Latin. "Giving life."
  • Timothy - from Greek. "God-fearing."
  • Fedor - Ancient Greek. "God's gift".

6 may:

  • Ivan is Hebrew. "God bestowed."
  • Eldar - Greek. "Gift of the sun."
  • Athanasius - from Greek. " eternal".

7 May:

  • Sergey is Roman. "Venerable."
  • Savely - Latin. "unpretentious".
  • Valentine - Latin. "strong".

8 May:

  • Michael - from Hebrew. "Analogous to God," "divine."
  • Basil is Greek. "regal".

May 9:

  • Peter - from ancient Greek. "Stone block".
  • Nicholas - from ancient Greek. "Winner of the people."
  • Stepan is Greek. "crown".

10 May:

  • Yuri - Latin. "Farmer".
  • Ivan is Hebrew. "God bestowed."
  • Pavel - from Latin. "small".

11 may:

  • Maxim is Latin. "Great."
  • Cyril - from Greek. "master".

12 May:

  • Ivan is Hebrew. "God bestowed."
  • German - from Latin. “Warrior”, “warrior”.
  • Artem is Greek. "unscathed".
  • Arseny is Greek. "exalted".

13 May:

  • Jacob - from the Hebrew "second-born."
  • Ignat - from Latin. "Hot."

14 May:

  • Makar - Ancient Greek. "blessed".
  • Yefim is Greek. "complacent".

15 May:

  • Boris is Slavic. "struggling".
  • Michael - from Hebrew. "Analogous to God," "divine."
  • Gleb - Scandinavian. "Protected by God."
  • Maximilian is Hebrew. "Sent by god."

16 May:

  • Nicholas - from ancient Greek. "Winner of the people."
  • Peter - from ancient Greek. "Stone block".
  • Pavel - from Latin. "small".

17 May:

  • Nikita is Greek. "victorious".
  • Cyril - from Greek. "master".
  • Anton - from the ancient Roman - "the one who enters the battle."

18 May:

  • Andrew - Ancient Greek. "brave".
  • Jacob - from the Hebrew "second-born."
  • Fedor - Ancient Greek. "God's gift".

19 May:

  • Savely - Latin. "unpretentious".
  • Denis - from Greek. "Belonging to the god of the vital forces of nature - Deonis."
  • Michael - from Hebrew. "Analogous to God," "divine."

20 May:

  • Stepan is Greek. "crown".
  • David is Jewish. "favourite".
  • Anton - from the ancient Roman - "the one who enters the battle."

21 May:

  • Andrew - Ancient Greek. "brave".
  • Ivan is Hebrew. "God bestowed."

22 May:

  • Joseph is Hebrew. "Multiplied."
  • Basil is Greek. "regal".

23 May:

  • Semyon is Jewish. "Listening".
  • Cyril - from Greek. "master".

May 24th:

  • Rostislav - Slavic. "The one whose fame is growing."
  • Constantine - from Latin. “Persistent”, “permanent”.
  • Cyril - from Greek. "master".

25 May:

  • Philip - from the ancient Greek. "Horse lover."
  • Ivan is Hebrew. "God bestowed."
  • Denis - from Greek. "Belonging to the god of the vital forces of nature - Deonis."

26 May:

  • Michael - from Hebrew. "Analogous to God," "divine."
  • Alexander is Greek. "Courageous defender."
  • Yuri - Latin. "Farmer".
  • Sergey is Roman. "Venerable."

27 May:

  • Jacob - from the Hebrew "second-born."
  • Nikita is Greek. "victorious".
  • Maxim is Latin. "Great."
  • Alexander is Greek. "Courageous defender."

28 May:

  • German - from Latin. “Warrior”, “warrior”.
  • Ignat - from Latin. "Hot."
  • Dmitry - from Greek. "Belongs to Demeter (goddess of land and fertility)."

May 29:

  • Peter - from ancient Greek. "Stone block".
  • Yuri - Latin. "Farmer".
  • Nicholas - from ancient Greek. "Winner of the people."
  • Alexander is Greek. "Courageous defender."

30 May:

  • Nicholas - from ancient Greek. "Winner of the people."
  • Felix - from Latin. - "successful."

31 May:

  • Pavel - from Latin. "small".
  • David is Jewish. "favourite"
  • Andrew - Ancient Greek. "brave".


