Distinctive features of the character of boys born in April
Choosing a name for a child is not an easy task. First, to do this, it is important to take into account many small things, including the month in which the birth of the child takes place, since this leaves its mark on the character of the child. So let’s talk about the qualities of the boys who appeared at the very dawn of spring - in April.
Boys born in this period have determination, perseverance, perseverance. Many of these children, depending on their personal goals, strive to achieve success in everything, well, often this concerns some kind of material success and position in society. For them, to some extent, this is a kind of excitement; they are ready to achieve their goal by any means and at any cost. There is no restriction on this for them. If you try to drive them into some kind of framework, then you can easily make an enemy for yourself. That is why most often they achieve high posts and public status. Next to them they always prefer to have such people who support them in everything, even if it comes to some crazy actions. Devotion for them is the most valuable quality in a person, they usually choose only such people as friends in whom they will be sure that they will stay close throughout their lives. Having a large supply of energy and an endless potential of forces, these children are able to achieve tremendous success in sports. Having grown up, they prefer stability in relations with the opposite sex, but at the same time, they always put their interests first, which seriously complicates their relationship with a loved one. In addition, they hardly manage to keep their emotions under control. The family usually also seeks to occupy the dominant position.
For such a boy, you need to choose a sonorous name to emphasize his individuality and brightness, well, at the same time melodic, to smooth out his excessive perseverance.
Names for boys born in April by numbers
April 1st:
- Ivan is the Hebrew "pardoned by God."
- Dmitry - Ancient Greek. "Dedicated to the goddess of fertility Demeter."
- Efim - from ancient Greek "pious, well-meaning."
April 2:
- Nikita - from Greek. "winner".
- Ivan is the Hebrew "pardoned by God."
- Sergey is Roman. "Venerable."
- Basil - ancient Greek. "Regal."
- Savva is Hebrew. "Old man, sage."
- German - Latin. “Close”, “native”.
- Maxim is Latin. "Great."
April 3:
- Cyril is Greek. "Lord".
- Jacob - Heb. "On the heels."
April, 4:
- Basil - ancient Greek. "Regal."
- Efim - from ancient Greek "pious, well-meaning."
5th of April:
- Basil - ancient Greek. "Regal."
- Stepan - from the Greek. "Stefanos" means "wreath, crown."
- Sergey is Roman. "Venerable."
- Andrew - Ancient Greek. "Brave man."
- Makar - from Greek. "blissful".
- Egor - Ancient Greek. "Patron of agriculture."
April 6th:
- Stepan - from the Greek. "Stefanos" means "wreath, crown."
- Jacob - Heb. "On the heels."
- Artyom - Greek. "unscathed".
- Peter - from the Greek "petros" - "stone".
April 7th:
- Tikhon is Greek. “Fate”, “chance”.
- Savva is Hebrew. "Old man, sage."
- German - Latin. “Close”, “native”.
April 8th:
- Basil - ancient Greek. "Regal."
- Rodion - from the Greek name Herodion, which means "hero."
- Stepan - from the Greek. "Stefanos" means "wreath, crown."
April 9th:
- Ivan is the Hebrew "pardoned by God."
- Ephraim - Heb. "prolific".
- Makar - from Greek. "blissful".
- Prokhor - Greek. "Director of the choir."
April 10th:
- Stepan - from the Greek."Stefanos" means "wreath, crown."
- Ivan is the Hebrew "pardoned by God."
- Savva is Hebrew. "Old man, sage."
- Basil - ancient Greek. "Regal."
April 11th:
- Stanislav - from Polish. To become glorious.
- Ivan is the Hebrew "pardoned by God."
- Cyril is Greek. "Lord".
- Michael is ancient Jewish. "Equated with God."
- Mark - from Latin. "the hammer".
- Potap - from the Latin "possessed."
- Philip is Greek. "Loving horses."
April 12th:
- Peter - from the Greek "petros" - "stone".
- Savva is Hebrew. "Old man, sage."
- Jacob - Heb. "On the heels."
April 13th:
- Benjamin - from Hebrew "happy son."
- Ivan is the Hebrew "pardoned by God."
- Maxim is Latin. "Great."
- Jacob - Heb. "On the heels."
14th of April:
- Makar - from Greek. "blissful".
- Sergey is Roman. "Venerable."
- Efim - from ancient Greek "pious, well-meaning."
- Ivan is the Hebrew "pardoned by God."
April 15th:
- Efim - from ancient Greek "pious, well-meaning."
- Savva is Hebrew. "Old man, sage."
- Egor - Ancient Greek. "Patron of agriculture."
April 16th:
- Nikita - from Greek. "winner".
April 17th:
- Benjamin - from Hebrew "happy son."
- Nikita - from Greek. "winner".
- Fedor - from ancient Greek. "Bestowed by God."
- Jacob - Heb. "On the heels."
- Egor - Ancient Greek. "Patron of agriculture."
April 18th:
- Mark - from Latin. "the hammer".
- Egor - Ancient Greek. "Patron of agriculture."
April 19th:
- Ivan is the Hebrew "pardoned by God."
- Jacob - Heb. "On the heels."
20 April:
- Arkady - ancient Greek. "shepherd".
- Peter - from the Greek "petros" - "stone".
- Egor - Ancient Greek. "Patron of agriculture."
The 21st of April:
- Sergey is Roman. "Venerable."
- Anton - from latin. "wide".
- Rodion - from the Greek name Herodion, which means "hero."
- Ivan is the Hebrew "pardoned by God."
- Jacob - Heb. "On the heels."
April 22nd:
- Vadim - from Old Russian. "The owner of glory."
April 23:
- Dmitry - Ancient Greek. "Dedicated to the goddess of fertility Demeter."
- Maxim is Latin. "Great."
- Jacob - Heb. "On the heels."
- Fedor - from ancient Greek. "Bestowed by God."
April 24th:
- Jacob - Heb. "On the heels."
- Ivan is the Hebrew "pardoned by God."
- Fedor - from ancient Greek. "Bestowed by God."
- Peter - from the Greek "petros" - "stone".
- Prokhor - Greek. "Director of the choir."
- Efim - from ancient Greek "pious, well-meaning."
- Savva is Hebrew. "Old man, sage."
25th of April:
- Sergey is Roman. "Venerable."
- Ivan is the Hebrew "pardoned by God."
- Basil - ancient Greek. "Regal."
- Mark - from Latin. "the hammer".
26 April:
- Artyom - Greek. "unscathed".
- Egor - Ancient Greek. "Patron of agriculture."
April 27th:
- Anton - from latin. "wide".
- Ivan is the Hebrew "pardoned by God."
April 28th:
- Andrew - Ancient Greek. "Brave man."
- Jacob - Heb. "On the heels."
- Mark - from Latin. "the hammer".
- Fedor - from ancient Greek. "Bestowed by God."
April 29th:
- Osip is Hebrew. "He will increase."
- Michael is ancient Jewish. "Equated with God."
- Timothy - from Greek. "God-fearing."
April 30:
- Ivan is the Hebrew "pardoned by God."
- Fedor - from ancient Greek. "Bestowed by God."
- Maxim is Latin. "Great."
- Potap - from the Latin "possessed."