How to name a boy born in February

Distinctive features of the character of boys born in February

The expectation of the birth of a boy in the family is a very important and memorable event for parents, which is accompanied by careful preparation, as this is the appearance of an heir, assistant and defender in the family. One of the steps of preparation is the choice of a name. We previously talked about names for girls born in February, in this article we will talk about boys born in such a cold and merciless time. As a rule, energetic, but at the same time calm and reasonable boys are born at this time. The world of their hobbies is very diverse, well, they tend more to complex sciences related to mechanisms and solving difficult problems. They are not deprived of various talents and have an extraordinary train of thought, which is a source of wonderful interesting ideas and some innovations. They like to dream and often plunge into the world of illusions with the help of books. These children will never be offended and will not allow themselves to be controlled, although they themselves do not claim to be leaders, try to adhere to neutral ones. Well, despite the preference for staying in the shade, they will never back down from their goals and go all the way. Due to the fact that they rarely manage to persuade them to some kind of compromise, there are problems with long-term relationships, well, this is not a problem for them, they are not afraid to lose communication with someone and easily make others, moreover, they are very new acquaintances are interesting. They prefer diversity not only in communication, but also in everything else; they often change the nature of their hobbies. Parents, as a rule, never have problems with their education. Since usually these boys are very attached to their loved ones and try not to upset them.

Choosing a name for the February boy, you can resort to some non-standard and beautiful names, in order to give the “gray” character brightness and purposefulness.

Names for February born boys by numbers

1st of February:

  • Anton - formed from ancient Roman. named Anthony, which means "entering the battle."
  • Mark - from Greek. means hammer.
  • Arthur - came from the Celtic name "Arthur", which means "bear, stone."
  • Peter - from ancient Greek. "Stone block".

February 2:

  • Karl - German. "brave".
  • Laurel latin. "Victory, triumph."
  • Zahar is Hebrew. "The memory of God."

February 3rd:

  • Eugene - Greek. "noble".
  • Ivan is a Hebrew. "The grace of God."
  • Ilya is a Hebrew. "God's power."
  • Maxim is Latin. "Great."

February 4:

  • Egor - Ancient Greek. "Farmer" or "plowman".
  • Ivan is a Hebrew. "The grace of God."
  • George - Greek. "Cultivating the land."
  • Jacob - Hebrew. "On the heels of the next."
  • Osip is Jewish. Multiplying.
  • Peter - from ancient Greek. "Stone block".
  • Timothy - Greek. "Honors God."

February 5th:

  • Klim - Greek. "soft".
  • Gennady - Ancient Greek. "Noble".
  • Fedor - from Greek. "Bestowed by God."

February 6:

  • Gerasim - Greek. "Venerable"
  • Denis is ancient Greek. "Dedicated to Dionysus - the god of fun."
  • Ivan is a Hebrew. "The grace of God."
  • Nicholas - from Greek. "brave".

February 7th:

  • Anatoly - ancient Greek. "Sunrise".
  • Vitaliy is Latin. "Giving life."
  • Alexander is an ancient Greek. "protecting".
  • Gregory - from Greek. "awake".
  • Dmitry is ancient Greek. "The one that belongs to Demeter - the goddess of the earth and fertility."

February 8th:

  • Arkady - Greek. "shepherd".
  • Ivan is a Hebrew. "The grace of God."
  • Semen - from the ancient Hebrew “listening”
  • Peter - from ancient Greek. "Stone block".

February 9th:

  • Dmitry is ancient Greek. "The one that belongs to Demeter - the goddess of the earth and fertility."
  • Ivan is a Hebrew. "The grace of God."
  • Peter - from ancient Greek. "Stone block".

February 10th:

  • George - Greek. "Cultivating the land."
  • Egor - Ancient Greek. "Farmer" or "plowman".

11 February:

  • Roman - Latin. "Roman".
  • Jacob - Hebrew. "On the heels of the next."

12th of February:

  • Maxim is Latin. "Great."
  • Peter - from ancient Greek. "Stone block".

February 13:

  • Victor is Latin. "winner".
  • Ivan is a Hebrew. "The grace of God."
  • Ilya is a Hebrew. "God's power."

The 14th of February:

  • Basil is Greek. "regal".
  • David is a Hebrew favorite.
  • Nicholas - from Greek. "brave".
  • Semen - from the ancient Hebrew “listening”
  • Peter - from ancient Greek. "Stone block".
  • Timothy - Greek. "Honors God."

February, 15:

  • Basil is Greek. "regal".

February 16th:

  • Vladimir is Slavic. "Owns the world."
  • Michael is a Hebrew. "Similar to the god Yahweh."

February 17:

  • Alexander is an ancient Greek. "protecting".
  • Alex - ancient Greek. "Preserving."
  • Andrew - Ancient Greek. "Brave", "brave."
  • Boris is Slavic. "Fighting for glory."
  • Sergey is Roman. "Venerable."

February 18:

  • Anton - formed from ancient Roman. named Anthony, which means "entering the battle."
  • Michael is a Hebrew. "Similar to the god Yahweh."
  • Makar - Greek. "happy".

February 19th:

  • Alexander is an ancient Greek. "protecting".
  • Anatoly - ancient Greek. "Sunrise".
  • Arseny - Greek. "exalted".
  • Julius is Greek. "fluffy".

February 20th:

  • Alexander is an ancient Greek. "protecting".
  • Alex - ancient Greek. "Preserving."
  • Peter - from ancient Greek. "Stone block".

February 21:

  • Andrew - Ancient Greek. "Brave", "brave."
  • Zahar is Hebrew. "The memory of God."
  • Makar - Greek. "happy".
  • Stepan - Ancient Greek. "Crown, crown."

February 22:

  • Basil is Greek. "regal".
  • Innocent is Latin. "innocent".
  • Peter - from ancient Greek. "Stone block".

February 23:

  • German latin. "true".
  • Mark - from Greek. means hammer.

24 February:

  • Vsevolod - “Staroslaviansk. sovereign ”.
  • Gabriel is Jewish. "Divine warrior."

25 February:

  • Alex - ancient Greek. "Preserving."
  • Anton - formed from ancient Roman. named Anthony, which means "entering the battle."
  • Eugene - Greek. "noble".

February 26th:

  • Artem - Greek. "strong".
  • Vladimir is Slavic. "Owns the world."
  • Stepan - Ancient Greek. "Crown, crown."

February 27:

  • Egor - Ancient Greek. "Farmer" or "plowman".
  • George - Greek. "Cultivating the land."
  • Cyril - from Greek. means "master."
  • Constantine - Latin. "Permanent, persistent."
  • Michael is a Hebrew. "Similar to the god Yahweh."

28th of February:

  • Arseny - Greek. "exalted".
  • Semen - from the ancient Hebrew "listening."
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