Distinctive features of the character of girls born in November
Girls who were born in November are persistent, stubborn, but at the same time they can be fun and cheerful children reaching for knowledge. Their perseverance is more likely to achieve their goals. They are accustomed to rely only on their own forces, from an early age independently make all decisions. Deserving their location is very difficult and almost impossible. They are not amenable to deception and to persuade them to some kind of scam is completely impossible because of their excessive distrust, although material gain is one of the priorities of their lives. Often these girls are a vivid example of selfishness and pride, sometimes these qualities can go beyond the limits of the rational and very repel others and even people close to them. In no case will they allow themselves to be controlled and in any conflict they will never make concessions, defending their point of view to the last, even if at some point they realize that they were wrong somewhere, but such cases are usually very rare, so as their opinion is usually not baseless and very prudent. These girls belong to such a category of people that finds a way out of any situation, even if at the same time they have to behave unworthily or even lose their good name. As a friend, as a rule, these girls choose weak-willed, driven, but at the same time patient people who can be easily controlled and who will endure all the whims and put their interests in the first place. Having matured and having a family, they occupy a dominant position. They will also be considered that their needs come first, which sometimes complicates the lives of its domestic inhabitants. But even if their behavior becomes unbearable, they do not notice it.
The name for the November girl is advised to choose soft and affectionate, in order to make her character more flexible and with his help remove excessive stubbornness.
Names for girls born in November by numbers
Nov. 1:
- Miroslava is a Slavic name, formed of their two parts “peace” and “glory”, - “glorifying the world”, “glorified by peacefulness”.
November 2:
- Rimma - from the Greek "abandoned."
- Nora - from lat. "Revered", "important."
the 3rd of November:
- Pelagia - Greek. The word πελάγιος (pelagios), is translated as “marine” or “marine”.
- Sandra is most often a “defender”.
- Sylvia - from lat. - "forest".
November 4th:
- Elizabeth - from Hebrew. "God's oath."
- Anna - from Hebrew [Khan (n) a] "disposition, favor, favor."
- Anfisa is a Greek name formed from "anfos" - "flower".
- Elina - Greek. "Greek".
November 5:
- Eugene - from the ancient Greek language “noble”, “high-born”.
- Daria - from the ancient Persian “gift” - “possessing, possessing” and “vaush” - “kind, good”.
November 7th:
- Karina - from Italian “dear” or “sweet”.
- Anastasia - from Greek. "Immortal."
November 9:
- Capitoline - from Latin - "born on the Capitol."
- Ilona - Greek. "Bright."
- Edita is Hebrew. on behalf of Judith "Jew"
- Anna - from the Jewish “graceful, pretty”.
10th of November:
- Anna - from Hebrew [Khan (n) a] "disposition, favor, favor."
- Neonila - has Greek roots and came from the word "neos", meaning "young", "new".
- Praskovya - Russian version of the Greek name Paraskeva "Saturday eve, Friday."
11th of November:
- Asya - from Scandinavian. "Divinely beautiful," "passionate."
- Anna - from Hebrew [Khan (n) a] "disposition, favor, favor."
- Mary is from Hebrew. "Coveted."
- Albina - from the word “alba” - “light”, “white”, “pure”.
November 12th:
- Anastasia - from the Greek. "Immortal."
- Elena - from Greek means "chosen", "bright."
- Alena is a Slavic name that means "beautiful."
- Renata - from Latin means "reborn, reborn."
- Ilona - Greek. "Bright."
the 13th of November:
- Angela is Greek. "Messenger, angel."
- Inessa - from ancient Greek. "Innocent."
- Sandra - one of the forms of the female name of Alexander, meaning "protector of people."
November 14th:
- Julia - from Greek means “curly”, “wavy”, “fluffy”.
- Elizabeth - from Hebrew, translated means "God is my oath, and I swear to God."
- Irma - from ancient German. means peace, justice.
November 16th:
- Anna - from Hebrew [Khan (n) a] "disposition, favor, favor."
- Inga - "under the protection of the god Inga (Yngwie)."
- Vita - from Latin. derived from the word "vita" - "life".
November 17th:
- Victoria - from the Latin word "Victoria", meaning "victory."
- Alice - is a short form of the German name Adelaide "noble, noble."
- Elizabeth - from Hebrew. "God's oath."
- Elisa, Elsa - means "worshiping God."
November 19th:
- Alexandra - on behalf of Greek origin, Alexander is the “protector of people.”
- Nina - Saint Nina (Nino), enlightener of Georgia.
- Olesya - close to the word "forest" - "girl from the forest."
- Seraphim - from the late Latin name Seraphinus, derived from the Hebrew name for the six-winged angels of the seraphim means "fiery".
20 November:
- Elizabeth - from Hebrew. "God's oath."
- Angela - formed from the late Latin male Angelus, descended from the Greek "angelos", and means "messenger, angel."
November 21:
- Milena is a Slavic name, means "dear."
- Amalia - from Old German, is translated as “work”, “labor”.
November 22:
- Theoktista - from other Greek. "Created by God."
- Martha - from Hebrew, meaning "mistress", "mistress."
- Mavra - from Greek. “Dark”, “matte”.
November 23:
- Anna - from Hebrew [Khan (n) a] "disposition, favor, favor."
- Olga - from Old Russian. “Holy”, “sacred”, “bright”, “clear”, “wise”, “fatal”.
November 24th:
- Stepanida - from. Greek stephanos - "wreath".
- Stefania - from the word "stefanos" means "crown", "crowned."
November 25:
- Karina - from Italian “dear” or “sweet”.
- Elizabeth - from Hebrew. "God's oath."
November 27th:
- Anna - from Hebrew [Khan (n) a] "disposition, favor, favor."
- Odette - from Greek., Means - "fragrant."
November 30th:
- Ustinha - from Latin means "fair."