Distinctive features of the character of girls born in December
December is characterized by the beginning of severe weather. The characteristic features of girls born at this time are often more consistent with this non-affectionate period. They are rude, harsh, persistent, but despite this they are not vindictive and very fair, their rudeness is not unreasonable. Being even at a very young age they like to express their not very pleasant thoughts in the eye. But despite such straightforwardness, those around them very rarely take offense and try to listen to their opinion. Since they are the owners of a living mind and beautiful logic. These girls are very responsive. A mixture of such qualities in character causes frequent heated debate, but in these disputes they almost always come out victorious, as they are fighters for justice. Their excessive love of truth all the time makes them the instigators of unpleasant situations. In friendship, they never single out people who have any specific qualities. They believe that all people are equal, therefore, to make friends with them, it is enough to know the nature of their hobbies and make it clear that you are also interested. But having got such a friend, be prepared for the fact that you will have to have a lot of patience, since they never flatter and say everything they think. But if you begin to relate to their statements without criticism, that is what will be the foundation of your strong and faithful friendship.
Having grown up, these girls can devote their whole lives to careers, where they will achieve considerable success without knowing family troubles, due to the fact that they consider the most important achievement of independence and material success.
Girls born in December should not be given rude or harsh names, but they should not be made owners of too soft, airy names, since they will not correspond to them. It’s enough some standard name that goes well with the middle name.
Names for girls born in December by numbers
December 1st:
- Darina - Ancient Persian. "Winner", old Slavonic. - "bestowed by life."
December 2nd:
- Zlata - in translation from ancient Greek “gold”, “gold”.
- Pauline - from the ancient Greek. "solar".
- Irina - from the ancient Greek language means "peace, peace."
December 3rd:
- Alla - from Arabic means "goddess".
- Vladislav - Slavic, means "owning glory", "glorious mistress."
December 4th:
- Hell - from Hebrew. "decoration".
- Barbara - from the Latin "cruel, rude."
5th of December:
- Snezhanna is a Slavic name from the word “snow”, therefore it is often translated as “snowy”, “Snow Maiden”.
December 7th:
- Catherine - to Dr. Greek "Ekaterini" - "eternally pure"; Wed "Clean, immaculate."
December 10th:
- Angelina - from the Greek "angelos", and means "messenger, angel."
December 11th:
- Alla - from Arabic means "goddess".
12 December:
- Valeria - from Lat. “Strong”, “healthy”.
December 13th:
- Odette - from Greek. means "fragrant."
December 15th:
- Tina - from lat. "Strong."
- Mary - from Hebrew “bitter”, “coveted”, “serene”.
- Tamara - has Hebrew roots and comes from the word "tamar", which means "date palm".
December 16th:
- Alice - is a short form of the German name Adelaide "noble, noble."
- Albina - from the word “alba”, which translates as “light”, “white”, “pure”.
December 17th:
- Barbara - from the Latin "cruel, rude."
- Catherine - from ancient Greek. means “pure,” “impeccable,” “immaculate.”
- Ulyana - from the Latin "happiness".
21 December:
- Anfisa is a Greek name formed from "anfos" - "flower".
December 22:
- Alla - from Arabic means "goddess".
December 23:
- Angelina - from the Greek "angelos", and means "messenger, angel."
- Alla - from Arabic means "goddess".
- Vlada - Slavic. means "owning glory."
- Laura - from Latin is interpreted as "crowned with a laurel" or "winner".
- Olesya - close to the word “forest” - “girl from the forest”, “forest”, “living in the forest”.
- Ella - has an ancient Greek origin and means "dawn", "light".
December 24th:
- Adele - from the French origin “noble”, “unperturbed”.
- Ermina - of German origin "courageous."
December 26th:
- Anastasia - from Greek means “return to life”, “resurrection”, “resurrected”, “revived”, “immortal”.
- Elvira - ancient Germanic origin, in translation means "true."
December 28th:
- Susanna, Suzanne - comes from the biblical name Sosanna, meaning "white lily, lotus."
- Yana - from the Italian deity Janus, translated means "sun", "bright".
December 29th:
- Safia, Sophia - of ancient Greek origin, means "wisdom", "wisdom", "wise".
December 30th:
- Larisa - from Greek. “Sweet”, “pleasant”; from the Latin "seagull".
December, 31st:
- Faith - the meaning lies in this very word and means "faithful to God."
- Elizabeth is a Hebrew. "God's oath, vow to God."
- Zoya - from the ancient Greek language means "life".
- Karina - from the Latin language “looking ahead”.
- Pauline - from the ancient Greek. "solar".