How to name a girl born in August

Distinctive features of the character of girls born in August

Giving a name to the child, the parents, first of all, always plan in this way to lay the foundation of their character, intellect and everything else. In this article, we will consider which name is best for a girl who was born in August.

Girls born in August are real authorities who can lead the crowds. They are very active, agile, vibrant, and often have great talents. They love to be in the center of attention and they succeed without much effort, since their charm always makes them the soul of the company, even if they "joined" it recently. These girls are always and everywhere accompanied by success and success both in their personal lives, in their studies and their other hobbies. They are very smart, sensible and hardworking. Despite the fact that the girls born this month have a kind, calm and soft character, they will by no means allow themselves to be controlled, they always have their own opinions different from others and this is a huge minus of their character, since they are very strongly repel others and even their great charm in this case is not salvation. Defending their point of view, they do not even notice their selfishness. Being very active, these children are able to do several things at the same time, in turn they are irritated by sluggish and slow people. The enormous disadvantages of these girls also include vindictiveness. If one day offending her, then it will be very difficult to restore confidence, even, practically, unrealistic, moreover, they do not consider it necessary to be the first to reconcile.

Any version of the name is suitable for August girls, be it affectionate and homely, or some exotic and non-standard, as these bright personalities stand out on their own and regardless of name they will occupy leading positions in any case.

Names for girls born in August by numbers

August 1:

  • Eugene - (from ancient Greek.) "A descendant of a noble family."
  • Milena - (Slavic name) "dear."

August 2:

  • Karina - (Latin) "controlling the ship."

August 3rd:

  • Anna - (Hebrew) “favor.”
  • Violetta - (Latin) “violet”.

August 4:

  • Alina - (from Latin) "stranger".
  • Mary - (from Hebrew.) "Coveted, beloved."
  • Catherine - (from ancient Greek) "eternally pure"

5th of August:

  • Anna - (Hebrew) “favor.”

August 6th:

  • Christina, Christina - (Latin) "Christian."

August 7:

  • Anna - (Hebrew) “favor.”
  • Iraida - (from the ancient Greek.) "Heroine".
  • Olympiad is Greek. the mythology of "chanting the gods."
  • Raisa - (from ancient Greek.) "Main", "easy".

8 August:

  • Praskovya - (Greek) “Friday”.
  • Sylvia - (Latin) "forest".

August 9th:

  • Anfisa - (Greek) “flower”.
  • Anastasia - (from Greek) “risen”.
  • Inna is "strong water."

10th of August:

  • Arina - (from Greek) “peace”, “peace”.
  • Anastasia - (from Greek) “risen”.
  • Elena - (from Greek) "fire", "torch."
  • Anna - (Hebrew) “favor.”
  • Irina - (from ancient Greek.) "Peace, peace."

11th August:

  • Seraphim - (from Hebrew) "fiery".
  • Klara - (Latin) “bright”, “clear”.

12th of August:

  • Angelina - (Late Latin male. Named after Angelus) "messenger, angel."
  • Agnia - (Greek) "innocent."
  • Kira - (Greek) "mistress."

August 13th:

  • Elizabeth - (Hebrew.) "God is my oath."
  • Anna - (Hebrew) “favor.”
  • Julia - (Greek) “fluffy”.
  • Elina - (from Greek) "Greek".

August 14th:

  • Sophia, Sophia - (from the ancient Greek.) "Wise."
  • Yesenia - (Slavic.) "Autumn."

August 15:

  • Nina - from masculine. Ninos (founder of the Assyrian state).

August 17th:

  • Arina - (from Greek) “peace”, “peace”.
  • Irina - (from ancient Greek.) "Peace, peace."
  • Oia - (from Greek) "violet".
  • Daria - (ancient Persian.) "Gift" - "possessing, possessing" + "vaush" - "good, good."
  • Klara - (Latin) “bright”, “clear”.

August 18th:

  • Daria - (ancient Persian.) "Gift" - "possessing, possessing" + "vaush" - "good, good."
  • Mary - (from Hebrew.) "Coveted, beloved."
  • Nona - (Latin) "ninth."
  • Ilona - (from Hungarian.) "Bright."
  • Tatyana - (from Greek) “organizer”.
  • Elina - (from Greek) "Greek".

August 19:

  • Sarah is from the Orthodox. "Madam."

August 21:

  • Elvira - (Ancient German.) "True."

August 22:

  • Arina - (from Greek) “peace”, “peace”.
  • Mary - (from Hebrew.) "Coveted, beloved."
  • Margarita - (Greek) "pearl".
  • Irina - (from ancient Greek.) "Peace, peace."
  • Anfisa - (Greek) “flower”.
  • Regina - (Latin) "Queen".

August 23:

  • A rose is literally a rose.

24 August:

  • Emilia, Emily

August, 26th:

  • Arina - (from Greek) “peace”, “peace”.
  • Ksenia, Ksenia, Aksinya, Oksana

August 27th:

  • Eve - (from Hebrew.) "Giving life."
  • Anfisa - (Greek) “flower”.
  • Margarita - (Greek) "pearl".
  • Monica - (Greek) "the only one."

August 28:

  • Sophia, Sophia - (from the ancient Greek.) "Wise."
  • Mary - (from Hebrew.) "Coveted, beloved."
  • Lyudmila - (Slavic.) "Dear to people."

August 29th:

  • Anna - (Hebrew) “favor.”
  • Snezhana - (Slavic) “snowy”.

August 30th:

  • Julia - (Greek) “fluffy”.
  • Ulyana, Juliana - (Latin) “happiness”.
  • Jeanne - (Hebrew.) "Gift of the Gods."

August 31:

  • Rufina - (from Latin) “rufus” - “golden yellow”, “red”.
  • Ulyana, Juliana - (Latin) “happiness”.
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