Women's haircuts in retro style: varieties (54 photos)

Everything new is well forgotten old. Recently, in the world of modern fashion, one can often trace the cyclical nature and everything from the distant past returns to the peak. Stylists only make a bit of their contribution to current innovations, slightly modernizing the long-forgotten. A variety of stylish modern haircuts does not bypass this side either. So most of them originate back in the distant 50s and 60s and are now very popular with beauties who do not even think about how their great-grandmothers once flaunted such haircuts.

Women's Retro Haircuts

Retro style is associated with the time when fashion began to actively gain momentum. All that actresses shone with, the singers of a madman of the 20th century are also led by current trends.

Retro haircuts for short hair

Just from the middle of the last century, almost the entire bulk of haircuts came to us and short hair was the basis of them.

Square - The brightest and most popular representative of retro haircuts. Its appearance dates back to the 20s of the last century. At this time, the girls only began to appreciate its comfort, although the history of its occurrence goes back to a very distant past. In the 60s, they tried to give such a haircut maximum simplicity, all the faces of the haircut were made clearly and strictly, which can not be said about the modern car, at the moment it has many different types: smooth, voluminous, short, long.




A haircut Pixy entered the 60s. Fashion was introduced by the British Twiggy model. But she gained special popularity after the appearance in the "Roman vacation" Audrey Hepburn. The haircut on it looked so romantic and beautiful that in an instant it became popular. The minus of the haircut is that, because of their geometric proportions, not everyone can become its carrier.



Page - A gentle, elegant retro haircut. It takes its origins in the distant twenties of the 20th century. At the time of the struggle of women for equality. Subsequently, its revival occurred in the 60s. There is an opinion that it was designed by Vidal Sessun for his regular client - the French singer Mireille Mathieu, and at that time women from all over the world imitated her.




Bright haircut features:

  • round shape;
  • hair of the occipital part is much longer than the hair of the forehead;
  • smooth smoothly rolling lines;
  • traditional performance implies smooth bangs.

Also a striking representative of retro haircuts is a haircut Gavrosh, earlier in one of the articles we already examined in detail its features and history of occurrence.



Retro haircuts for medium hair and long hair

Retro haircuts for medium-long hair mean elongated versions of the short haircuts we have already reviewed above (square, page) and they are also complemented by such a wonderful haircut, like aurora.






Fashion haircut Auroraperformed on both long and medium length hair. Special popularity was noted in the 80s of the twentieth century. Earlier, during its dawn, this haircut was awarded the disco style. The long bangs, the volume at the crown and thinly descending locks are what the beauties of those times tried to achieve with this haircut. Currently, such a haircut is dual in nature. She is chosen by both bold natures and tender romantic ones. To each she gives her own shade.







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