Women's haircuts with shaved temple: features, technique, types (55 photos)

More recently, women's haircuts with a shaved temple were the lot of only various subcultures. But ordinary women perceived them as a bit blatant and defiant. But time inexorably runs, everything changes. And last season, like a bolt from the blue, haircuts with shaved temples broke into fashion literally insolently. Young girls quickly appreciated the prospects of such haircuts and ran at the speed of light to realize their wildest dreams and fantasies to professional masters. Those, in turn, also began to experiment, and now we see not just a shaven temple or nape, but a whole work of art on our heads. In this article we will consider in detail all the intricacies of haircuts with a shaved temple, tell who they are suitable for, we will understand the technique for performing such haircuts, and also consider their main varieties.

Features and varieties of haircuts with shaved temple

Probably from the name it’s clear that a haircut is one temple completely (or partially, depending on the desires and ideas of the client) devoid of hair. By the way, it is worth noting that shaving mono and two temples, and not just a temple, in the current season, girls often resort to shaving their heads. All envy only from the desires of the client. Regarding the shaving width, there are also no specific restrictions. However, stylists advise to observe the following rule:

IMPORTANT! The longer your main haircut, the longer the temple should be shaved.

Following this simple rule, your haircut will always look harmonious and stylish. Regarding the length of the hair on the back of the head, there is also complete freedom of choice. You can make a completely smooth temple, or leave a short hedgehog.

To create a haircut with a shaved temple, you must first determine the base haircut:

  • pixie, garson, punk - for short hair;
  • page, square, bean - for medium;
  • cascade, ladder, etc. - for long ones.

One of the varieties of haircuts with a shaved temple is considered a haircut Tomboy. It is she who perfectly combines the shaved parts and long curls.

Shaving haircut technique

The technique of creating a haircut with a shaved temple is in fact not so complicated. It is important to choose the right haircut in shape and determine the width and length of the shaved part.

  1. First of all, the stylist chooses a basic haircut, on the basis of which a shaved temple will be made.
  2. The basic haircut is cut as usual without any special deviations.
  3. After completing the main haircut, the master proceeds to the selection of the temple area, which will be shaved.
  4. In the selected area, the hair is collected in one strand, and the remaining hairs are collected and chopped so as not to interfere.
  5. The hairdresser initially cuts the selected strand very short with scissors.
  6. Next, the master carefully shaves the remaining hairs to the desired length using the machine.
  7. If any design on the shaved part is provided, the next step is to perform it.
  8. Next, the haircut is stacked and pleases its owner in a bright way.

Long haired haircut

A haircut with a shaved temple on medium hair

Short haired haircut


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