The name of this haircut is not very harmonious, but nevertheless it has long occupied a fairly high place among the preferred female haircuts. As a haircut in general, it has been known for a very long time, but for a long time it was the prerogative of only the male sex. It was believed that in Russia such a haircut was worn by poor people who did not have enough money for a hairdresser. Over time, she migrated to everyday life. In the female image, the first “haircut” haircut appeared in the distant 80s. That then, that now she was sheared by self-confident and always striving to be in my women. To date, the “under the pot” haircut is again gaining popularity and is becoming one of the main retro trends. In this article, we will talk about the main features of this haircut, talk about the options for its execution and consider step-by-step instructions for execution.
Features of a haircut under the pot
A “under the pot” haircut is quite self-sufficient and to some extent even extravagant. It suits girls and women with delicate neat facial features, as it strongly focuses on them. It is also worth noting that this haircut only visually seems quite simple. In fact, it turns out that it requires constant attention and adjustment.
Like any other haircut, the “under the pot” haircut has its own advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include the following:
- A “under the pot” haircut is able to create a bright and at the same time elegant look;
- Good emphasis on the eyes and on the face as a whole;
- The voluminous crown, and the view as a whole, allow you to create a light, not overloaded image;
- Able to accurately hide imperfections in appearance;
- Multiple styling: you can style your hair smoothly, ruffle it, move it on one side or select any separate part.
However, not everything is as good as it seems at first glance. The haircut "under the pot" has its drawbacks:
- The haircut needs frequent adjustment, otherwise, it just loses its appearance and looks untidy;
- Heavy styling of curly and wavy hair;
- A haircut is ideal only for owners of an oval-shaped face and perfect features. On the other types it should be used with caution;
- Requires specialized styling tools.
Pot Cutting Technique
In principle, if you try very hard, then you can even master such a haircut for a layman. If you strictly follow the sequence and prepare the right tool, you can achieve a very good effect.
- All hair is washed, slightly dried with a towel and divided into 4 zones: two temporal, one occipital and one parietal.
- In each zone, a control strand is selected. The rest of the hair is stabbed.
- After that, the control strands are cut. And then, focusing on the control strands, the main haircut begins from the occipital zone. Hair is cut in a smooth, neat oval or circle. Depending on the haircut control strands.
- After cutting the first circle, you can go to the next layer. He cuts a little longer than the previous one.
- The bangs should smoothly pass into the bulk of the hair.
- At the end of the haircut, the hair is dried with a hairdryer and neatly stacked.