One of the popular haircuts for long hair is a fox tail haircut. She appeared not so long ago, but has already won the hearts of modern fashionistas. On long hair, a haircut looks simply gorgeous. In addition, it can be created both on straight and even hair, and on curly and wavy. The main condition is that the hair length is not lower than the shoulder blades. In this article, we will consider in detail the main features of this haircut, we will understand the technique for its implementation and of course we will not disregard the various options for performing this haircut.
Features of the fox tail haircut
The main feature of this haircut is its direct resemblance to the tail of a fox. Indeed, in shape, this haircut resembles nothing more than a fox tail. At the back, the hair is laid in the form of a triangular toe. The contour of this haircut also resembles the Latin letter V. Among other things, such a haircut allows you to easily create beautiful hairstyles and hairstyles. The high waterfall hairstyle will look especially good. Moreover, the fox tail haircut looks gorgeous and without any styling.
As we said above, a haircut can be done on almost any hair. If the hair is smooth and even, you can safely make a beautiful straight cut and the hair will make up a perfectly smooth letter V. If the hair is hard and naughty, then creating a so-called “feather” on the hair using the graduation technique will be an amazing option. Then the naughty hairs will be stacked in an arbitrary, convenient form for them, in the form of a slightly disheveled letter V.
The scheme of the haircut "fox tail"
Cutting the fox tail involves partial preservation of length. That is why it is often chosen by long-haired girls who are not yet ready to say goodbye to their grown-up curls with love, but at the same time burning with a desire to change something in their image.
Fox tail shearing can be done in two different techniques:
- Cascade
- Graduation
In the first case, the haircut is designed as a normal cascade for medium or long hair, but the edging is made in the form of a pointed triangle.
The second method of cutting involves a graduation technique that creates a very smooth cut line and literally a couple of layers also made very smoothly and again in the form of a pointed triangle.
Depending on the type of hair, you can choose several ways to process the tips:
- thinning, torn locks, “feathers” - for thick and coarse hair;
- hot scissors - split ends;
- graduation - straight obedient curls.
Do not forget that by completing a fox tail haircut with fashionable coloring or bright coloring, you will achieve an amazing image and admiring looks from passers-by. To trim the fox tail, you can use such coloring techniques as:
- highlighting;
- gradient staining (ombre, balayazh, shatush);
- coloring.
If you do not have long enough strands, and you really want to create a fox tail haircut, then you can use hair extensions. We talked about the features and types of hair extensions in our article.