Sign compatibility Pisces + Pisces in love, friendship and work

Woman-Pisces + man-Pisces: compatibility in love

The fish themselves are very complex individuals. The union of such personalities can carry both complete mutual understanding and complete failure for both. When meeting, Pisces will immediately feel the mutual attraction. They will be attracted by the similarity of personalities, common interests and hidden duality of nature. Few people can notice that Pisces always has a second side, it can be carefully hidden in the depths of consciousness, but it certainly lives there. No matter how much Pisces tries to hide his second "I", they will not be able to hide him from other Pisces. The whole secret is not in the deep penetration of Pisces, but in the fact that they all have a second side and that it works like a magnet.

Pisces-men and women have a lot in common, but the problem is that they have in common not only strengths, but also weaknesses. Pisces are kind and responsive, they are not hermits like Crayfish, but they are not dependent on society, like Lions, they are something like a middle ground. Fish do not strive for material prosperity, although often enough they manage to achieve it. They always and everywhere appear together; friends are used to perceiving them as a whole. They are absolutely not conflicting people and in union with each other find complete harmony.

But there are Pisces and flaws. They are too susceptible to evil influence. In fact, they are subject to any influence, but in this case, we are interested in the bad. Paired with stronger signs, Pisces receives partner support. on which they can rely, the partner helps them not to go downhill and choose the right path. But paired with Pisces, they get the same soft and driven partner as they themselves and there is a big risk that they will both go downhill. Fish tend to head off to other worlds, they are easily amenable to addictions and are hard to part with, usually only with professional help. Pisces need to look after each other, because they no longer have anyone to rely on. It is good if they have relatives who worry about them and help in case of trouble.

  • Friendship Compatibility

The friendly union of two Pisces often ends in a relationship. They are good friends, they have the same interests, views and habits. They will enjoy spending leisure time together, even to the detriment of the relationship, if they have one. From this friendship they receive almost kindred care, such friendship lasts a lifetime and does not fade away. Fish are not prone to conflict, and even more so with loved ones, because nothing threatens their relationship.

  • Work compatibility

Fishes work well together, they are executive, not conflicting and easily converge in work. It is unlikely that they will achieve great heights in work, for this they lack a fuse and, in fact, desire. Pisces are essentially dreamers, because they are unlikely to succeed in business, they talk more than they do, they have no business acumen and excitement. They are not adapted to emergency situations, because if something happens and at work an emergency occurs, Pisces remains at a loss.

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