Women's haircut Garzon: features, varieties, execution scheme (52 photos)

Garson haircut - one of the most popular haircuts for short hair. Along with Pixie, she received great love from young girls, in view of her kind of mischief and arrogance. Many women sometimes even confuse a Garcon haircut with a Pixie haircut. Indeed, they have common features, but Garcon has its own specific characteristics. In this article, we will consider in detail all the subtleties of this haircut, the technique of its implementation, as well as the variety of haircut Garson.

Garcon haircut features

Garson haircut - a short haircut performed using the graduation technique, that is, one strand should be superimposed on the other. The main difference between this haircut is the minimum hair length on the lower part of the nape and the maximum volume in the upper part of the nape. Like any other haircut, the Garcon haircut has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of a haircut include the following:

  • Simplicity and profitability of laying. This haircut is stacked in a couple of minutes, using a minimum amount of styling tools.
  • Universality. A haircut is suitable for absolutely any age. And for older ladies, this haircut will be a good way to rejuvenate for a couple of years.
  • Variety of styling options. Everything is simple here, depending on your mood, you can create completely different styles: from absurd and ragged, to neat, smoothly laid.

However, the Garzon haircut has certain disadvantages:

  • To make the hairstyle always look well-groomed and beautiful, it needs to be constantly adjusted;
  • Garson's haircut is contraindicated in women with large features (such as a large nose), protruding ears and a short neck. Since the haircut is very short, attention will be focused on all this.
  • The difficulty of performing this haircut.

Garcon Hair Cutting Technique

  1. Hair is washed and slightly dried. At the same time, they should not be dried completely. They should stay wet.
  2. The next step is the division of the entire mass of hair into certain zones: the occipital, temporal and parietal. All hair is pricked, and the haircut starts from the back of the head.
  3. The occipital zone is divided in half by a vertical parting, a small strand is selected (it is called the control one, since all the other strands are equal to it). She cuts to the desired length, after which the edging is done.
  4. The entire mass of hair of the occipital zone is trimmed focusing on the control strand, but at the same time the draw angle of the strands increases in order to create a more bulky nape. Approximately in the middle of the occipital area, the angle of the guy should be approximately 90 degrees. After crossing the middle, the angle should be reduced again and in the upper part of the occipital area it should be approximately 35-45 degrees.
  5. Next, mono go to the temporal zone. The hair of the temporal zone is combed down, the first strand is selected and cut off with a brace of 90 degrees to the desired length. The following strands of the temporal zone are sheared according to the calibration method and focusing on the control strands.
  6. After processing the second temporal zone, mono go to the parietal. The hair there is divided into small locks and cut in accordance with the last trimmed lock of the temporal zone.
  7. The bangs are processed with the last step, and the master proceeds to thin the bangs, hair on the back of the head and in the temporal zone.

Varieties of haircuts Garcon

Classic Garcon

Elongated Garzon

Ultrashort Garcon


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