Aquarius woman + Virgo man: compatibility in love
The relationship between them is very complex and not always successful. An active and sociable woman-Aquarius is absolutely not practical at home and a prudent homebody, not very hospitable with strangers, a Virgo man could become an ideal couple, the main thing is to find a compromise. Aquarius woman needs freedom and protection from impracticality. Virgo will be able to cope with this if he is not forced to lead an active life in search of truth, but left in his measured ordered rhythm of life.
Both Aquarius and Virgo are prone to order. Virgo men become insecure and anxious if their ordering of existence is violated. Aquarius women first create in their thoughts what they think is ideal, and then they get angry at everything that contradicts their ideal.
Virgo, being a changeable sign, can yield to the assertiveness of Aquarius, thereby meeting their ideals. Aquarius is pleased to accept the gentle dedication and honesty of the Virgin Males, who really like the eccentricity of the character of Aquarius women. They both love to criticize, but God forbid Virgo to hear criticism addressed to him. Aquarius, possessing an ironic composure, easily tolerates criticism without being offended.
Friendship Compatibility
Unlike Aquarius, the Virgo man does not need, or rather, is not ready for loyal friendship, especially with a woman friend. Their relationship may be friendly, or it may be an old childhood friendship, and that out of respect for the past.
They may have different views on the same problem. Only business interests can unite them. Virgo will not invite a person who is not sufficiently predictable or sloppy to her home, so a meeting can only be on free (neutral) territory.
Woman-Virgo + man-Aquarius: compatibility in love
A couple Virgo-woman and Aquarius-man are rare, they do not always understand each other, their union is real when they mature spiritually, become self-confident. The selfish Aquarius loves to be the center of attention and care. Virgo can subdue him with her care and thrift. They have different perceptions of life situations, Aquarius makes decisions intuitively, Virgo relies on facts in her decisions.
Freedom-loving Aquarius does not like restrictions; Virgo creates borders and responsibilities for herself. Aquarius, like a hurricane, destroys all the foundations of the Virgin, giving nothing in return. Virgo is able to restore everything anew, putting the interests of Aquarius in the center.
They have a chance to become an ideal couple if the Aquarius man tries to pacify his egoism by ceasing to treat Virgo as a consumer. In return, he will receive the devotion and care of the Virgin. The virgin should not try to re-educate the freedom-loving Aquarius, he also needs to follow the elementary rules in everyday life. Virgo needs to pay less attention to household trifles, and they will not irritate Aquarius. If the Virgin will support the ideas of Aquarius and be interested in his affairs, she will become more liberated, and Aquarius, thanks to the advice and clever remarks of the Virgin. will become more disciplined.
Friendship Compatibility
For friendship, this is a very good combination, with the constant care of the Virgin about the non-good Aquarius. To which he, in turn, methodically remakes his beloved Virgo, his respectful attitude to the tastes of his girlfriend, Virgo, will not even violate her habits. Aquarius can appear from nowhere and disappear again, while turning everything upside down. Both are satisfied with the communication at this level.
With different speeds and rhythms of life, they can have the same interests. They rarely see each other, but if they became friends, then this is for life.